Has anyone considered that these police officers were told to stand down by a higher authority?

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What you get when you hire for"equity" instead of commitment is incompetence and cowardice. Add budget cuts and training shortcuts and uvalde is a typical outcome. If this whole thing "glows" so to speak, some of the folks that could reveal will disappear. One way or another.

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Having personal experience from my youth of police either using too much force when unwarranted (riding down protestors f.e.) or just looking on, I can actually believe it's just one massive flustercluck from the get-go.

No-one is actually in charge (personal authority) on site, and the one with formal authority is on a tight leash, ot getting the order from the chain of command. In all probability, they were actually ordered to stand and do nothing, and ever since it's the thin brown streak's priority 1 to cover each others "polling stations" from prodding inquiries.

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That shooter had a full auto weapon, listen at 5m25s to 5m55s, that weapon was on full auto. He later went to single shot, but the first bursts were definitely full auto. That's no semi-automatic rifle, and you have to interact with BATF - "An automatic weapon, which is often called a machine gun, is defined by federal law as a firearm that fires more than one bullet with each pull of the trigger.

For example, all non-automatic weapons only fire one bullet with each pull of the trigger. You have to release your finger from the trigger and let it reset before you can fire another bullet. With an automatic weapon, you simply pull the trigger once and hold it down and the weapon will fire every bullet until it is empty without the user having to release the trigger and pull it again. ... Here are the requirements for owning a machine gun, or an automatic weapon, in the United States:

Must not be classified as a “prohibited person.”

Be at least 21 years of age to purchase a machine gun from the current owner.

Be a legal resident of the United States.

Be legally eligible to purchase a firearm.

Pass a BATFE background check with a typical process time of 8 to 10 months.

Pay a one-time $200 transfer tax. (You’ll need a stamp for each machine gun.)"

There's more:

"The other big requirement for owning a machine gun is that it must have been made before May 19, 1986. It was the Hughes Amendment to the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986 which officially closed the NFA registry to new machine guns. After May 19, 1986, private citizens would no longer be allowed to register new machine guns, but transfers of existing registered guns are still allowed.

Because of this, machine guns are becoming more and more expensive as the supply is significantly less than the demand. Get ready for sticker shock if you start shopping around for a machine gun, as you should expect to spend a minimum of $6,000-$10,000 to buy one. Popular models, like M16s and Tommy Guns, are closer to $30,000 or more." https://www.silencercentral.com/blog/can-you-own-a-fully-automatic-weapon-legally/

So he didn't just walk into a gun store on his 18th birthday and buy that weapon... There's something funny here, either he got it off the street from a drug cartel type - there might be people like that in Uvalde or close by - or "someone else" supplied it to him.

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Looking at the video, the cops knew where the shooter was, they probably knew he had a full-auto weapon - the sound is unmistakable and they would have heard it outside before coming in. There was *no* cover in that hallway - maybe 8 inches on either side of that partition about 30 feet from where they were standing. It sounded like the shooter was firing .30 calibre ammo. At about 20m in, other cops are seen at the other end of the hallway, and they don't have any cover either. The officer on the left, if he were to fire his weapon, would be shooting at the other cops, the only firing position which made sense was taken by the officer at the right, and someone finally had the presence of mind to bring up a shield for him.

Twenty more minutes and it's obvious those officers are totally screwed, absent a full frontal assault against a shooter armed with a full-auto weapon, there's nothing they can do. Same case for the parents, they'd get cut down in seconds, no wonder the cops kept them out, they wouldn't have had a chance.

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Were there no windows in the rooms where the shooter was? If there were, what would have prevented the cops to stop the shooter by accessing those windows?

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It depends on what sort of glass is in the windows, if it's laminated, like a car windshield, then it's not easy to shoot through and reliably hit a target and take it down. Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock shot an opposing sniper through the barrel of his scope, but that's incredible shooting. That sort of thing is for experienced snipers to do, cops tend to not have great shooting skills - as witness the recent shooting at less than ten yards range of a fleeing suspect in which 90 rounds were fired, 60 of which were hits. Impressive looking black rifles do not equal the ability to put a bullet into a target and end a threat. The person who did end the threat was an experienced Border Patrol officer, who got a clear shot through the classroom door. I think the Uvalde officers did the best that they were capable of, and that simply wasn't enough.

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This reminds me of how Pelosi and others ignored warnings and requests for more police for Jan 6th, even though intelligence knew that there would be a great number of people. These people in power knew that there would likely be some sort of violence, and I think they planned to use that violence against Trump voters and Republicans so let the hand play out. Assuming the FBI had already infiltrated some extremist groups and planned to instigate crowd violence, this deliberate dereliction of duty makes this even more nefarious and devious. And we see how the results have been twisted and used against those who are not leftists or in power.

So now we have on video proof of the same sort of dereliction of duty -- even a worse case of extreme cowardice -- again used against law-abiding citizens as an excuse to disarm them.

Both instances stink of a corrupt and cynical conspiracy.

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The question that will never be answered is WHY there has been such a full force bipartisan production to guarantee Trump never to return? It’s why I hope he just walks away. Because if he loses, and he will by “ hook or by CROOK, whatever these evil amoral criminals are up to, their agenda will advance. And if Bidens policies are a foreshadowing of what’s to come, we’re effed. Never to recover.

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I don't think they knew what to do with him. He kept them on the defensive at all times. Trump is a street fighter. Beat them at there own game.

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Well, not really, but I get your point. My point as wrong as it is, if Trump won, its four more years of “ he said Pussy” and other disqualifers that pale to Tapioca Joe.

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When we are being repeatedly played and abused we are supposed to have the intellectual & emotional equipment to understand.

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Disgusting. The cops just sat there in the hallway. Sat there in their body armor & helmets with their automatic weapons while all the little children were murdered. That should be a crime.

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They had to know kids were bleeding out, right?

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100% had to know. 100%.

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Make no mistake, I don't want to hear the screams of innocent children while they are being slaughtered by a demon. But editing out those screams is sanitizing what happened. Imagine watching "handsanitizer guy" or "phone guy" while hearing the authentic soundtrack of those children's screams. It is surreal that they both obviously had no problem ignoring the cries for help or death rattles. We have to grapple with the full horror of these situations. It is the only way we will be able to hold these people fully accountable and stop letting them off the hook.

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Yep. Remember all the way back to when it happened, and they claimed that the situation changed to a 'barricaded shooter', because the cops figured the kids were all dead already?

Bullshit. And we know it was bullshit. They were standing right outside those doors and could hear what was going on inside the classroom. There are shots fired (confirmed by 911 tapes) WHILE THEY ARE STANDING AROUND.

The unedited video should definitely be played at the trials.

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We must look to the full picture - especially and including what we’re not being told. There’s more to this than meets the eye/ears. When you’re being played suspect those who are playing you. Cultivate skepticism - it’s a citizens duty.

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I know! It is completely mind-boggling that these officers thought they would get away with the lies. They really must be the dumbest law enforcement squad ever, because it seems to be completely lost on them that school security cameras were recording the entire incident and their inappropriate behavior and lack of action would be revealed to the public.

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It's the sense of being abandoned by "the authorities." They kicked kids out of the classroom for month after month; then in Uvalde they couldn't be bothered to go into the classroom themselves.

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Ouch. True.

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Can’t do this today……..too much.

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That's completely understandable, and I figured there would be a pretty sizeable portion of people who wouldn't be interested at all. But as the guy manning the 'unpleasant truths' booth, I've gotta present the evidence.


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Segue, have you ever dug into Hennepin Count DA Klobuchar not convening a Grand Jury two times to address excessive use of force charges filed against the cop that brought down Floyd. His name escapes me and I’m not starting this comment over. And then voila, the Hennepin County Police Union donate to Klobuchars Senatorial run??theres some ugly buried truth.

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I’m so sorry, SimComm, because I am interested. It’s just that I have watched and listened and I can tell you this and you can bet the ranch on this………I would have been the one that would have charged in with my gun blazing. If I had to go from the outside, I would have been blasting through all the windows. And, yes I have a concealed weapon permit.

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Without the police there, the parents would have stormed that room in 10 minutes, tops. Guns or no guns.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that I remember a mother tried to get her child and the police threatened her.

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Yep. Put her in handcuffs, which she talked her way out of. Then she went into the school and saved her kids.

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OMG., I didn’t know that….OMG

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Absolutely………especially the mother’s.

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I know.

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I’m thinking of all those cop lovers early on, doubting reports. As if there was any reasonable rationale for such delay.


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But they were "just following orders". Seriously, I'm pretty sure they were just following orders? Putting on my tinfoil hat to say, the powers that should not be need us to hate the police, and need us not to trust the police, and then, we will accept and even welcome their federal police force. "The new 'liberal' order" system they are trying to build won't work very well with any good local police and/or especially constitutional sheriffs. They need a national police force. But, I'm just a conspiracy theorist. Taking off my tinfoil hat now.

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I have a closet full.....👍👍👍

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Yup. Put on your mask.......

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The guys in this video are German prison guards circa 1933.

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The national police force will be even more inept than local police forces. Such a move will only reinforce how much you're on your own -- as if this video shouldn't settle the matter.

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These guys should do themselves and the world a favor and just commit suicide.

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The kid was on SSRI, a powerful antidepressant. Meaning he was known to be psychotic. The government, by the way, says SSRI are perfectly safe. In America, we have 20% of our kids medicated, over half a million on SSRI. That's a disaster waiting to happen, which it does with increasing regularity. But they're just products of a screwed up society, and a screwed up education system. We created this monster and many more like him.

Probably a similar number of cops are on prescription or illegal drugs. The environment that makes them watch helplessly while endless crimes are committed creates cognitive dissonance that screws up the best of them.

Until we decide to restore sanity to our society, we're on our own. Learn to protect yourself, or learn to be a perpetual victim.

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Actually depression isn't generally considered to be a for of psychosis. It's considered a neurosis, effecting affect (emotions) more than it effects sense of reality.

The horrible thing is, SSRI's can actually push a person who is neurotic INTO a state of psychosis!

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The people who define those technicalities haven't been very reliable, nor very useful.

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Whether the APA has defined them well or not, various states of mind that, for lack of other terms, would be considered pathological (in the sense of being maladaptive, if nothing else) do come in different flavors.

It's really different, for instance, trying to deal with someone who emotionally unbalanced than it is dealing with someone who can't seem to connect with 'consensus' reality at all.

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That's how you normalize bad behavior. Pedantic labels don't change the outcomes.

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I don't think we're having the same conversation here.

Best wishes to you.

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Adderall too

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Can't talk about the SSRI prevalence, that might cut into the bottom line of Big Pharma!

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I'm not interested in the manufacturers. It's the prescribers that are doing the damage, enabled by parents who are often substance abusers themselves. Kids who survive childhood with their sanity and their health intact are a vanishing breed. And even the prescribing doctors aren't entirely to blame. They're bound by standards established by unknown bureaucrats with unknown motives. It's easy to imagine nefarious plots driving the whole, sick enterprise.

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I have always held two ideas in my head simultaneously:

(A) The nature of law enforcement, who it attracts to its ranks, who those people deal with, and what kind of personality one has to have to continue in that field, means you may have a few very good people but by and large you're left with a bunch of people who love guns and power and aren't all that nuanced or brave in thinking or action.

(B) They are better than the alternative.

This video is distressing and disheartening but not surprising and definitely not an argument for letting the state have exclusive access to guns.

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Yes, this is why we should only have laws we're willing to kill to enforce. I believe the problem isn't the idea of police, it's the reality of what we're asking police to do in modern society. You basically (IMO) have to be a psychopath to enforce American drug laws. We'd probably get some better candidates if the job was closer to 'peacekeeper' than 'law enforcer'.

Also, I'd like my unicorn to be purple.

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it won't let me f'ing like this one. So here's 1000 likes

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I can't help picturing all the riot gear and bulletproof shields they display against unarmed protesters.

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Exactly what I was hoping you would picture.

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