May 15, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The political party system has hijacked democracy. Ruled by money, it serves the tyranny of wealth rather than the well-being of the public. If we can establish local resistance networks before the next round of attacks (censorship, mandates, digital IDs, CBDCs, climate change, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, etc.) we may still have a chance to communicate and live freely.

LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist.

We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

This is outstanding. It reflects EXACTLY where I am the moment, and if there's one thing I know, it's that I'm not alone in that. Please, SC, will you consider posting a summary of this excellent piece for all of us urgently looking for the way through 2023, as it's timely, positive and encouraging. Just the thing for a new year message! Let me take this opportunity to thank all of you wonderful SC followers and commentators who allowed me to cling to sanity for the past 3 years. My gratitude knows no bounds and my heart is full. But now, as the post urges, it's lion time ........ !!!!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Very glad you shared this and I read it! I especially love the poster suggestion--there has been a lot of that in our area, we plastered our whole town in various stickers throughout all of last winter. I kind of miss that. In fact just today I went back to my sticker provider to see what new items they have. After reading this I am inspired to place my order. The other great suggestion is the use of whatever groups you already belong to. For me, school has been the best method. Some enterprising wappie created a tool to find fellow disgruntled parents per school and set up telegram groups where we could plan meetings. I met some really great people through that tool and we arranged flier walks and attended protests together. Everyone kind of took a break this summer, but protests are back in vogue as the Dutch government continues to harass the farmers and wage war on cash. It's just all out, all the time. Anyway, thanks again for this, will share!

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

This is VERY good -- it can be summarized as “death to fascism -- freedom for people” -- the immortal socialist motto for a century...

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No....No. Justifying "lockdown"? Never justified. It was immoral and unlawful. And that other thing -- stupid. The fact that the white coats and the blue scrubs went along??? The beginning of their final descent and the revelation of who and what that cohort has always been.

That anyone in a nation of supposedly free and brave people could "understand" the need to lock down, to lock out the healthy to prevent a respiratory infection? It is so obviously criminal and demented it doesn't even bear a sliver of scrutiny. It's a crime. Period. Full stop.

If individuals crapped their pants and wanted to hide in the basement? Have at it. But to dare and then actually carry out a lockdown with enforcement by the goons in blue??? In "America"? 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆.

There is no coming back from this disgrace in the near term. Or maybe ever.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Your article is amazing but let me just flag this:

"The WHO lists ‘vaccine hesitancy’ as one of it’s 10 biggest threats to global health"

Herd immunity is BS. If your vaccine works then literally no-one who is vaccinated needs to care. Therefore vaccination can only work on an individual basis. I would think this is basic logic.

The same applies to natural immunity.

If you have neither, then catching a disease is YOUR problem, not society's.

So again, "herd immunity" is both a myth and complete BS.

So screw the WHO and the EU. And anything else that rhymes.

Now Live Attenuated Vaccines? I think those things are a catastrophe (and I also now think almost all vaccines are a catastrophe, but whatever) and should be banned. The evidence that they slowly mutate back to their original form is very real. HIV MAY have come from a LAV polio "vaxx" that went wrong. Childhood diseases are there to give you a strong immune system. The flu vaxxine is useless. Why are they pushing this stuff so heavily, it clearly isn't in our interest.


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Nov 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Holy shit SimComm!

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

> Can you be this woman? Can you sit calmly while an idiot gets in your face and yells about how you’re being antagonistic?

No. I will headbutt that person absolutely as hard as I can across the bridge of their nose and then throat punch them.

This is why I don't go to protests.

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My anonymous comment:


Document Type: Notice

Title: FRN October 2022 ACIP Meeting

Document ID: CDC-2022-0111-0001



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Here's an example of a place where we might be able to make a real-world appearance:


Masks reinstated for university libraries after professors voiced opposition to previously lifted mandate

Rutgers University announced it would be reinstating a mask mandate at campus libraries and in individual classrooms if a professor requires it.

Students will also be forced to wear masks in the classroom if their professor decides to require them for the class.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Okay, I have a new idea. Government, corporations, etc, all utilize the absolute BEST resources and research in crafting and carrying out psychological operations.

This means two things.

1- We don’t have an equal ability to strike first,


2- Once they fire their arrows at us, the survivors are now in possession of those arrows.

(There’s a famous Chinese story, where an emperor gave his top strategist a week to make an absurd amount of arrows, or he would be killed. The strategist got every ship, and every cart, and loaded them with straw. He then laid siege on the enemies walled city, running the ships and the carts right up to the gates, before retreating… when he returned home, the carts and ships full of straw, had more than enough arrows required, all kindly “donated” by the enemy).

We need to examine the weapons used against us, to reuse them.

Example- “you don’t have a right to put my safety at risk, safety trumps freedom”, or some iteration.

Maybe we need to change that to, “You don’t have a right to injure people for profit.”

“Vaccine truth trumps big pharma profits.”

Remember, everything they used against us was studied and crafted to effect the emotional and psychological response. We need to hijack it all.


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Oct 17, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Operating in an environment where “disinformation” is not allowed.

Let’s clear something up to begin with…disinformation is already illegal in the west, including America. It’s called slander and libel laws…

So now we get to play the game called “legal loophole”.

If you read the “news” in America with an eye for this, you learn some pretty crafty tricks.

I’ve named these tactics myself, as I don’t know if they have an official name, but I am pretty good at pattern recognition, so I see these things over and over.


The fall guy can be an anonymized source, or a disposable “journalist”. The way this works, is the “anonymous source” or the fall guy, makes a statement that’s false. “Hospitals are overwhelmed by ivermectin overdoses”. (Rolling Stone Oklahoma hospitals overloaded). THEN, every other outlet is free to repeat the story, citing the original. This is done to flood the market of information with a narrative. MSNBC, ABC, etc, escape liability, because they didn’t lie, they told the truth, and from their end, the “truth” is… “rolling stone reports hospitals are overwhelmed by ivermectin.” -see how this is being played?

This is perpetuated until they are held liable for a false story. Rolling stone then issues an “update” and corrects the story, quietly. This satisfies the legal liability. The other “news” organizations don’t say anything,they don’t have to, and they quickly move to the next legal lie…


This one’s self explanatory, and since it’s emotional, facts don’t matter. If someone gets shot, flood the air with crying mothers. Ignore the rape victim that defended herself with a gun.

Broadcast the white personal who said the “N” word, 24/7, have panels of people using emotionally charged language…. Ignore the black man who shot a white toddler in the face over his skin color (this is also the realm of selective omission).

Music selection is key here too, as are lighting filters. Make gun stores seem darker, with unsettling music. Turn up the brightness for the gay parade, play a happy tune in the background.

Emotional manipulation leads to our next tactic…


Everyone is biologically hardwired to fit into the group. Historic outliers weren’t really outliers for the sake of it. They were outliers because they discovered a truth and held to it in the face of all odds. For the rest of us, we just want to fit in, be ignored, be the grey man. Fitting in is a major component of that.

The laugh and clapping tracks for sitcoms and late night talk shows do this very well. That’s classic manipulation. You have one person on who says something that’s actually controversial, and the cheering track gets dubbed in post. The morons at home who eat this crap up, think this is normal human behavior, and support it. False polls work the same way. They lie, or manipulate people into steering a specific narrative. Others see that the group dynamic trends a certain way, and are more likely to support it, or tolerate it.

The media would lose their shit if you held a “poll” that supported deporting all the Jews out of the USA. I guarantee you I could get a poll to say just that, within the hour. Polls serve NO purpose, other than to manipulate your thought pattern.


Everyone should be wise to these tricks by now, especially after watching the media do this to trump for 4 years.

In action, you would interview a doctor. “Should EVERYONE take this vaccine? What about people allergic to it?” The doctor then says, “well, not everyone should take the vaccine.” There’s your sound bite. A nice clip, “Not everyone should take the vaccine.”


I always see this one used for gun owners, “so should everyone get to own a nuclear weapon?” Then the gun owner is stuck in a conundrum. If they say yes, they get spun as unhinged and unworthy of an audience. If they say no, then it’s the “AHA! So you DO support some restrictions.” I never see this done the other way… “Do you support murdering your 30 year old son with a machete? No? “AHA! So you DO believe your son is a human life, and you do support SOME restrictions on abortion.”


Classic media tactics, it’s basically their standard operating procedure at this point. Cover only the stuff you want, that furthers the narrative. Ignore everything else.


Always end your story with the counter argument that supports your side. Pick a topic, let’s say abortion, and you actually appear to give both sides a fair shake at it. End the story with the woman who wished she could have had one, or the woman who had an illegal procedure and was injured. Humans resort to physical violence over getting the last word, because it’s that important. The media controls the last word.


Put the opposing sides words in quotations. It’s the proper thing to do, technically… but today we take it to mean “that’s what they say”. Putting quotes makes the other side less credible. Example. “Safe and effective” is a great use of those quotes.


Unnecessarily toss dirt onto the person making statements, to make everything else they say seem less credible. Example,

“SimulationCommander just released a new Substack titled “this is not a drill”. The new Substack release comes amidst allegations that he beat his wife and cooked their pet cat in a microwave.”

(Don’t worry, we’ll make an “update” later to correct what our “anonymous source” told us…after the damage is done).


This tactic is lowdown, dirty, and constantly used. Here’s two examples I’m very familiar with.

I forget the numbers, but black on Asian hate crimes are rampant. You can look these stats up, and see for yourself that Asian Americans are disproportionally attacked by black Americans. Never mind the why, it’s just how it shakes out. A video will surface (with no context of course) of a white man punching an Asian. The media then shows the video, and says “Asians are disproportionally attacked in hate crimes, and hate crimes against asians are UP!” The ignorant viewer hears the stats, and sees the video, and thinks whites are attacking asians. The media then slims it over to their “discussion panel” to discuss “white supremacy, out of context, to solidify the idea that whites are attacking asians.

I also see this with mass shootings. A mass shooting is defined as 4 or more people shot. Well, there’s a ton of that in inner cities due to gang and drug violence. The media ignores this, but when a real mass shooting happens, like at a school, the media whips out the “mass shooting stats”. Now the ignorant observer thinks a school shooting happens 35 times a year, when it’s more like, every few years, and is extremely rare.

Okay, there’s so much more, but you get the idea. I can add other tactics or combination of tactics, as the media uses them. You can operate freely and legally in non permissive environments, using loopholes. You don’t have to use them all at once, the media taught us the way.

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I am an avid fan and frequent commenter. I much prefer single-subject format. The multi-subject format is difficult for comment-writing when there is discussion of each topic.

I'm likely to bring this article up multiple times and comment on individual entries. Your themes of censorship and control should be repeated by everyone.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

>> The lights are on! We’re on the upswing!

>> Like the wealthy who take the lights for granted, so did we take our freedoms for granted.

They are planning to extinguish both - our lights and our freedom.

It's our job to make sure we have alternative sources of light so that we can continue to fight for freedom, in our own groups of "local lions".

We might also need to think about that in both a practical and a metaphysical way...

How's this sound for a rough 1st cut of a general to-do list:

job 1 - find the others! this is your group of local "meat-space lions" (LOL - of course lions demand meat). important to find them now, while communications outside of meat-space are still relatively easy

job 2 - devise ways to remain in close contact with your "meat-space lions" when both the lights & virtual-space (Substack, etc.) eventually do blink out (hopefully only for a little while)

job 3 - determine your group's raison d'etre - pick your battle in the larger war against the global techno-tyranny

job 4 - plan your strategies, tactics and actions against whatever your group's focus is. don't take too long or get stuck here on job 4 and never actually make it to job 5. saw a bunch of that happen w/ Occupy a decade or so ago...

job 5 - start executing & recruiting. up to you & the rest of your local group as to how "assertive" both of those items will be, or at least start out as.

job 6 - this might sound unrelated, but it's really not, if we plan to keep up this fight for the long haul. and we will need to....

* work w/ your group members to identify & make sure you have the most critically needed skills/resources for personal/family sustainability covered in at least a minimally adequate manner. this is including but not exclusively pertaining to off-grid living situations. but keep in mind that just surviving in a coming 'great depression' or hyper-inflation scenario when there is electricity and gasoline available will still be very challenging for a lot of people. they may still end up 'off grid' - because of not being able to pay the electric bill. and gas, kerosene or heating oil may be unaffordale. your group needs to figure out how to retain cohesion and keep making forward progress, even if some members have bigger environmental challenges than others.

* try to make sure you have at least a couple people in your group who know how to and/or have the tools & equipment to help you & other group members learn how to build/create each of those critical things for your own family that you might be missing. collaboration with other generally like-minded "adjacent issue" action groups in your local area may make sense here too, to widen the skills pool.

maybe your group might decide that creating & maintaining a local 'tool library', is it's raison d'etre. Not too many places have these, but we're all going to need them, as supply chains break down and economies tank... https://localtools.org/find/

* don't forget about mental & spiritual resilience being one of the critical skills that is required to win a long-term fight. find ways in your group to bolster both. probably best not to let any specific religion get in the middle of the "spiritual resilience" part though - there are too many of them & a lot of them are too divisive & exclusionary. even if you're all "singing from the same scroll" when your group starts, future group members may not be. depending on how small or isolated your local community is, alienating potential comrades in arms isn't exactly a winning move. and besides, we don't need any extra reasons to drive ourselves apart... keep it "non-denominational", maybe a saturday morning tai chi or qi gong fellowship group in the local park, or something like that. there's also that worldwide sunday afternoon 'a stand in the park' group. if there's some of those folks in your city/area, maybe see if they want to do qi gong session with your group first, before their scheduled weekly protest. maybe your groups even decides to stick around and stand with them afterwards, to expand your local freedom network.... https://www.astandinthepark.org/

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Aristotle’s Politics: there’s a passage in it that discusses the isolation and atomization of the citizenry. I’m pasting it in below, with a link to a translation that's on an MIT website:


Such are the notes of the tyrant and the arts by which he preserves his power; there is no wickedness too great for him. All that we have said may be summed up under three heads, which answer to the three aims of the tyrant. These are, (1) the humiliation of his subjects; he knows that a mean-spirited man will not conspire against anybody; (2) the creation of mistrust among them; for a tyrant is not overthrown until men begin to have confidence in one another; and this is the reason why tyrants are at war with the good; they are under the idea that their power is endangered by them, not only because they would not be ruled despotically but also because they are loyal to one another, and to other men, and do not inform against one another or against other men; (3) the tyrant desires that his subjects shall be incapable of action, for no one attempts what is impossible, and they will not attempt to overthrow a tyranny, if they are powerless. Under these three heads the whole policy of a tyrant may be summed up, and to one or other of them all his ideas may be referred: (1) he sows distrust among his subjects; (2) he takes away their power; (3) he humbles them.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I thought it was not coincidental that independent, privately owned restaurants were a particular target of lockdowns, one of hardest-hit sectors. Many were forced out of business. They represent a natural, anonymous meeting place for like-minded people to discuss ideas.

Ayn Rand observed that totalitarian plans rely on the sanction of their victims to keep themselves in business. There has been much discussion about boycotts of various businesses, but it seems like we haven’t gotten serious about withdrawing support from those who are promoting this. Lots of talk, but public schools are convenient, as are Amazon and Netflix. We need to get serious about eschewing convenience and withdrawing financial support. Although I do wonder when I believe most have withdrawn from MSM, and that still seems to be going strong...

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