China seems to be the rising Hegemon. This despite being fundamentally an economic basket case with a lot of problems. China benefits from the chaos. https://www.rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/why-putin-turning-russia-chinese-client-state-and-how-stop-it/

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I was a child on an independent farm in the 70's. If people think it's bad now... you aint seen nothin yet. Get out of debt (it may be too late) and learn how to grow food is all I can say (and I've actually been saying that for years while practicing what I preach). Personally, as horrible as everything is looking, I think we needed a wakeup call. That shiny new pickup truck (or 40 cases of toilet paper) isn't going to feed you or your family...

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

"Next article, I’ll discuss how to protect ourselves and our assets in such a scenario."

Oh, man, you whet my appetite. But I don't think anyone is going to avoid some pain.

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I've published a number of free access articles on BillHeath.Substack.com. Several were published at the beginning of Biden's presidency, entitled A Billion Here, a Billion There, soon you're talking about Real Money. What was going to happen was crystal clear. And, the collapse of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, replaced by the Yuan, is not yet recognized by Biden and his apologists.

I recently published (March 12) The Gulf Cooperation Council and Mideast Oil Politics. You're free to RT it from my Twitter Account. Obama and Biden thought they could play footsie with Iran with no adverse consequences. They were wrong, and we are screwed.

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Well, the propaganda's working. That guy blames Putin for the high gas prices as if (1) gas wasn't going up before Putin and (2) any foreign leader owes Americans anything, including low gas prices. And considering how our sanctions are affecting regular Russian people . . . at least his ApplePay account wasn't locked so he could actually buy gas.

I love your newsletter. You and El Gato Malo, Twitter's loss is Substack's gain.

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The party in power usually tries to boost the economy in the months leading up to elections. I wonder if today's dems are smart enough to do that. Party in power typically wins or loses proportional to economy.

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I can’t help but wonder if it’s intentionally designed to weaken America. The only other explanation, in my opinion, is stupidity. But if that’s the case, how can Biden’s economic advisors possibly be so stupid?

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If it were up to me, I would raise Congressional salaries to $10 million/year. Make it a job that attracts top talent instead of ideologues and grifters. The system wants politicians who can be bought off, but we shouldn't encourage that.

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i hear the rouble is climbing fast

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I know people hate tall tales of when someone was young and things were different 'n all, but this is absolutely true: at the beginning of the '70s, in NY, I could make a decent dinner for 2 with $1's worth of ingredients because ground chuck was abt 65 cts/lb. Our one-bedroom apt. in Queens went for $146/month. My savings acct. at a regular savings bank earned 7% interest. And I lived almost as well as when I made ten times the salary, 35 years later.

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

And as in all times, it's the smallest men and women who get the largest amount of shit heaped on their heads.

"10% for the big guy"

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