The media censorship is circular and hard to fight. I hope the supremes come down on it, because fighting “everyone loves censorship except Nazis” is remarkably hard from the citizenry.

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In a way, I find the Kerry clip unnerving *because* he’s so irrelevant now. I doubt anyone is sending him out to push this message or any other. Him saying this must reflect how mainstream and top-of-mind this crap is in those circles.

Censorship is bouncing around their echo chamber, getting louder. They’ll unleash it on us full strength like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

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Oct 4Liked by SimulationCommander

Instead of censorship, Jacinda and AOC might want to consider presenting better arguments for their positions.

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AOC can't present better arguments, because she is clueless about the issues.

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Therein lies the rub -- there is no good argument for censorship.

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Oct 4Liked by SimulationCommander

Take climate change. It is hard to convince people that we are facing a climate apocalypse when you clearly don’t believe it yourself and can offer no evidence that supports drastic measures.

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Too funny!

Dare I call it a "Freudian slip", that you posted 2 videos, of 2 politicians who have both been variously referred to as "horse mouth"...

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Silly me!

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AOC. Ardern. All horse faces look alike.

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Dear God, I would truly pay for a signed print of that George on George ass whippin'

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I asked the guy who posted it if he was the one who actually drew it so I can give him some credit, but haven't heard back yet. If it turns out he DID draw it, I'll try to arrange something :)

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

"And that's the bottom liine..."

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Cause Drunk George said so!

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

The 'fire in the theatre' is not the standard. Even at woke Ivy league law schools, they surely still teach this albeit reluctantly. While frustrated Vance didn't correct Waltz, I realized the explanation would have been a distraction. Professor Turley's book on the First Amendment is a great historical read. Just like the political party shake-ups, censorship of the past often went against the Left. The fire in the theatre was a metaphor tossed out by Oliver Wendell Holmes. While Holmes is considered a legal heavyweight, he also gave us Buck v. Bell which upheld the sterilization of people based on the pseudo -science of Eugenics. Reflecting upon these positions, Eugenics is about curtailing one's natural desire to bear children and censorship is about curtailing one's natural desire to express one's self. Thus we are literally encountering Eugenic's of expression.

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He also gave us vaccine mandates.

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Walz: “I don’t run Facebook.”

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Funny how they literally set up a multi-million dollar censorship industry, complete with 'special' channels for government hall monitors -- but nobody's actually responsible for that. It's just something that happened, you know?

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

No. That's the job of his handlers who also manage Biden, Harris, and the rest of the Deep State.

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The Joe Biden administration hates the citizens of this country. They mostly all hate the constitution, and they really hate all types of freedom. How the hell can anyone honestly think that it is a good idea to keep the anti-first-amendment radical pro-socialist party running the United States for another 4 years.

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

“We weren’t thrown off social media for inciting an imminent threat — we were thrown off social media because we (and the government’s own data) disagreed with the government’s actions.“

Yup. The government’s actions were (and are) the imminent threat. Scared of memes, as they should be.

They all come in with big ideas but none of them seem to come in with the understanding that there should be less government and a list of steps they plan to take to make that happen. I just don’t see them shrinking themselves with an internal process. Is there any example of a government doing that, internally and substantively? I don’t know the answer to that but I suspect it’s no.

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And government being the hard-to-turn juggernaut it is -- when the 'plan' obviously wasn't working, the only thing they could think to do was double down.

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

John Kerry is an enemy of the US. He should be tried for High Treason… full🛑.

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Absolutely. A useless, but dangerous clown.

GITMO is where he should be

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Congratulations to all my Royal fan friends ! ... for us, it'll be @ least Forty - TWO yrs now, between WS appearances

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SimCom, my greatest worry NOW is that the team I am NOW backing only scored 3 runs in 18 innings vs. the "Woe-rioles"

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Welcome to the nervous pacing club.

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Wow ! ... Former NZ PM Jab-cinda has lips ! ... I had no idea

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

A real human being (not a sheep) must accept that they have to treat information as factual or not and act on their chosen assumption. Whether the information is or is not true is actually a secondary matter as in many cases the information may be incomplete or may change with time, or the person does not have time or inclination to learn more information about a matter, yet a decision must be made. Attempts by anyone to steer the information selection of others by censorship is tyrannical, self-righteous and a clear sign that they do not trust their information to be truthful.

Anyone against free speech is clearly an authoritarian wanker. No ifs or buts.

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Just read this whopper of a delusional op-ed by Antony Blinken and wanted to share:


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