Feb 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Thank you for reporting on this. I’m in Canada and really get a lot out of your sub stack. My family in the States somehow thinks they’re better off than we are here, though…I think they’re wrong. Nowhere feels all that safe to me now.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The NWO puppet regimes are laying their cards on the table. What was once thought of as fringe conspiracies is now mainstream fact, proven by their own actions.

The coming months and years will be whole chapters in future history books, if we take back the reigns from these feckless tyrants. Or, if we fail to stand, nothing more than a memory hole deposit because we lacked the courage to protest, push back and protect our God given liberties and freedoms.

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If we're really serious in our horror and revulsion: Be noticeable in your absence. Buy nothing you don't really need. Don't eat out. Pay off debt as fast as you can--pay that mortgage bi-weekly instead of once-monthly. Don't use your phone for frivolous purposes--do you need to send texts all the time? Stop playing online games. Does anyone need to do Wordle esp. now that the NYT owns it? Don't drink out--is this the time to make things look normal?

Cancel subscriptions to all msm newspapers or stop buying a daily paper. Everything you need to know can be found online. Do that old-fashioned thing and keep a change jar and start filling it up with the money you didn't spend on Starbucks etc. etc. etc. Be serious if you are serious. They're in it to win and we better be too.

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This is why Biden wants access to every bank account transaction over $6K. Fortunately, with inflation, that will soon be the price of a cup of coffee, and the reports will start to look like a denial of service attack.

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Surprise? Surprise would have been had they brought them coffee and donuts. The only thing surprising is there is still no use of Sarin gas.

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