The man makes a good argument, not just for the US, I think. What he says is equally applicable to all european nations that weren't part of the Soviet block.
It's hilarious how many I see who won't talk to me anymore. I still "appeal" Twitter death penalty... Simply a way to tell them about Nuremberg gallows.
I haven't looked at the study (which puts me in good company with every press release-consuming reporter who writes about it), but the fact that it's talking about averages already tells me it was specifically designed to make this issue look more minor than it is. The problem with these vaccines isn't that they uniformly cause minor and temporary menstrual delays. What happens when you average out the women (including postmenopausal women for whom fertility is not a concern anyway!) who experienced bleeding right after vaccination-- sometimes prolonged-- with women who didn't menstruate for months after vaccination? I think you get something like the reassuring ".71 days late." It's a false concession.
Exactly. If you have 9 women who have no effects and one that's 2 weeks late, the 'average' looks good, but obviously the concern should lie with the one case.
No governement ever in the histoyr of the world has been pro-free speech and pro-right of organisation and protest. Not a single one. No, not even the US.
All governements all over the world throughout history has been limited in ability due to resource-constraints, of which public opinion is one as well as actual technology.
As governement is the state and vice versa in any form of administration or bureaucracy on scales larger than a few thosuand people, any and all challenges to governement are also enemies of the state and are under the jurisdiction of any secret police force tasked with maintaing governement and state and the administrative system.
All large-scale systems tend to totalitarianism over time. No small system can defend against a large one.
I suspect that we might have avoided the tendency of becoming totalitarian had we abided by the strictures of our constitution. Expanding the scope of central government has eroded the checks and balances. Allowing the various states to adopt different policies ensures many experiments in governance where people can vote with their feet, as many are now doing. I doubt the founders anticipated that Congress would devolve into permanent sinecure where they would abdicate governing to a permanent shadow government in the executive where law is executed but policy created. That expert class can outlast any politician and then refuses to obey even the supreme executive of Presidency - slow roll or actual defiance.
It will be interesting to see what government can do as debt service exceeds the military as a budget item. I'm sure the world is watching but much of the world is dependent on a vibrant US economic engine. The pandemic and efforts to force control has illustrated the large scale failures of the expert class and centralized controls - they are exposed. Next to fall, I hope, are the climate religion advocates.
Then consider the EU, where there's not even a token notion of something like the US constitution.
Power is addictive, and the only way to know you have power is to wield it, and the only safe way is to wield it over those too weak to defend themselves, and thus power attracts sadists: where the ruthless pragmatists simply wants to see their will done, the sadists wants to make their victims suffer in perpetuity.
Because that's the way the sadist knows he's got the power.
“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“
Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?
Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing." <-- You are here.
Read that book when I was 8 years old. It had a cool cover, lots of eyes staring everywhere and it was sorted on the "sci fi" shelf in the murkiest corner furthest back at the library, so I thought it was something like Poul Andersson's or Sam J. Lundwall's stuff.
I remember three things: skipping the entire story-within-story about newspeak and Goldstein's book, because "it looked boring"; being pleasantly surprised by the end - not that Winston is broken but that the book didn't have the tacked-on all sugary mollycoddling happy end oh so common; and blushing like a boiled crawfish when reading the love/sex scenes.
I've re-read it many a-time since, always finding something new.
This new style of government freed the creative power of Americans, driving the ‘backwater’ new nation to innovate and become a major player on the world stage. Across the world, those suffering under bad government risked everything to come to America and start a new life free of tyrannical rulers.
But it is the nature of governments to grow.
And after a while, the founders were gone and ‘career politicians’ were inhabiting the halls of Congress. These politicians found the restrictions of the Constitution to be a pain in the ass — because the restrictions were SUPPOSED to be a pain in the ass for government. But little by little, the government found lawyers and judges that allowed it to overstep its Constitutional limits.
Debt service explodes shortly when the effects of Fed rate increases kicks in. It explodes again in April when the effect of SALT deductions, intended to help blue states, is felt. There are a few more hidden bombs. In October expect the raises in Social Security cost of living will be revealed and kick in in January. There are a couple more bomblets on the way.
Biden will "fix" this by downsizing the military, and eventually separating military COLA from civilian.
We shall see. At 5% rate, the debt service will frighten all of Congress, finally. At that point the Fed must back off and allow devaluation (inflation 10%+) to occur. I suspect only real assets retain any value and the race to stay afloat will hit nearly everybody. Hard to estimate the date, maybe June (?) before we see things begin to implode. Inflated revenues can't keep up with exploding outlays. The next Congress will be in turmoil and maybe paralyzed by internal arguments. By 2023 I suspect the public will be quite angry with our leaders.
One good note is that we will be busy trying to keep the lights on and will stop the woke infection. 'Course, could be wrong.
You're correct, little pieces of paper might be worth $9K today, but when I closed my $9K IRA earning interest at 0.6% and refloored the house, the flooring will be worth one flooring a year hence, but the $9K will only pay for a doormat.
When the wife's godmother passed away, my wife used the inheritance to pay off our mortgage so that we now own the house 100%. And the rest of our saving and money are being poured into lasting stuff, always with an eye to longevity of use, utility, redundancy and "making do without society/state", including growing vegetables.
Would you believe, I have neighbours and family earning 5-6 times what my wife (caregiver in nursing homes currently, $ 1500/month full time) and I (invalid's pension $850/month) live on telling us they "can't afford" to invest in paying of loans and mortgage and so on.
Their reason is like this: "They", meaning state and capital, "must do something to fix things soon".
It's as if my chickens would wait for the fox to mend the fence to the chicken run.
WaPo used the word "people" instead of the word "women" 4 times in this short article about their oh-so-late-to-the-party acknowledgement that what WOMEN (not people) have been saying about the shots' affects on their (the women's) menstrual cycles was indeed a real thing, after writing it off as female hysteria for over a year. but not to worry your pretty heads too much, the esteemed Dr Edelman assures us that changes to women's periods have nothing to do with fertility. oh, right, those things aren't at all connected. until "The Science" says so.
how very dehumanizing modern medical "science" is. they don't listen until some "study" is done- never believe real people with real experiences. in the most human of sciences, the human is silenced. the spying is more insult, and strangely most people shrug and accept it as a necessary part of modern life, and the junior technocrats doing the data collection are incapable of sensing what it would be like if they were targeted like they do to others. when humanity rises again, there will be blood in the streets. thanks for the cats- i needed something cheerful.
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!”
Came across this on a whim:
The man makes a good argument, not just for the US, I think. What he says is equally applicable to all european nations that weren't part of the Soviet block.
Sort of on topic, but I can't help myself. (And it's my man Solomon!)
Fair elections, my ass.
I'm not the product of Twitter.... I play very poorly with others.
It's hilarious how many I see who won't talk to me anymore. I still "appeal" Twitter death penalty... Simply a way to tell them about Nuremberg gallows.
36 appeals
I haven't looked at the study (which puts me in good company with every press release-consuming reporter who writes about it), but the fact that it's talking about averages already tells me it was specifically designed to make this issue look more minor than it is. The problem with these vaccines isn't that they uniformly cause minor and temporary menstrual delays. What happens when you average out the women (including postmenopausal women for whom fertility is not a concern anyway!) who experienced bleeding right after vaccination-- sometimes prolonged-- with women who didn't menstruate for months after vaccination? I think you get something like the reassuring ".71 days late." It's a false concession.
Exactly. If you have 9 women who have no effects and one that's 2 weeks late, the 'average' looks good, but obviously the concern should lie with the one case.
Niemoeller's confession bears repeating. Thank you for bringing it up.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
No governement ever in the histoyr of the world has been pro-free speech and pro-right of organisation and protest. Not a single one. No, not even the US.
All governements all over the world throughout history has been limited in ability due to resource-constraints, of which public opinion is one as well as actual technology.
As governement is the state and vice versa in any form of administration or bureaucracy on scales larger than a few thosuand people, any and all challenges to governement are also enemies of the state and are under the jurisdiction of any secret police force tasked with maintaing governement and state and the administrative system.
All large-scale systems tend to totalitarianism over time. No small system can defend against a large one.
True? False?
I suspect that we might have avoided the tendency of becoming totalitarian had we abided by the strictures of our constitution. Expanding the scope of central government has eroded the checks and balances. Allowing the various states to adopt different policies ensures many experiments in governance where people can vote with their feet, as many are now doing. I doubt the founders anticipated that Congress would devolve into permanent sinecure where they would abdicate governing to a permanent shadow government in the executive where law is executed but policy created. That expert class can outlast any politician and then refuses to obey even the supreme executive of Presidency - slow roll or actual defiance.
It will be interesting to see what government can do as debt service exceeds the military as a budget item. I'm sure the world is watching but much of the world is dependent on a vibrant US economic engine. The pandemic and efforts to force control has illustrated the large scale failures of the expert class and centralized controls - they are exposed. Next to fall, I hope, are the climate religion advocates.
Then consider the EU, where there's not even a token notion of something like the US constitution.
Power is addictive, and the only way to know you have power is to wield it, and the only safe way is to wield it over those too weak to defend themselves, and thus power attracts sadists: where the ruthless pragmatists simply wants to see their will done, the sadists wants to make their victims suffer in perpetuity.
Because that's the way the sadist knows he's got the power.
“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“
Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?
Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing." <-- You are here.
Read that book when I was 8 years old. It had a cool cover, lots of eyes staring everywhere and it was sorted on the "sci fi" shelf in the murkiest corner furthest back at the library, so I thought it was something like Poul Andersson's or Sam J. Lundwall's stuff.
I remember three things: skipping the entire story-within-story about newspeak and Goldstein's book, because "it looked boring"; being pleasantly surprised by the end - not that Winston is broken but that the book didn't have the tacked-on all sugary mollycoddling happy end oh so common; and blushing like a boiled crawfish when reading the love/sex scenes.
I've re-read it many a-time since, always finding something new.
You're exactly correct. I wrote about this a while back:
This new style of government freed the creative power of Americans, driving the ‘backwater’ new nation to innovate and become a major player on the world stage. Across the world, those suffering under bad government risked everything to come to America and start a new life free of tyrannical rulers.
But it is the nature of governments to grow.
And after a while, the founders were gone and ‘career politicians’ were inhabiting the halls of Congress. These politicians found the restrictions of the Constitution to be a pain in the ass — because the restrictions were SUPPOSED to be a pain in the ass for government. But little by little, the government found lawyers and judges that allowed it to overstep its Constitutional limits.
Debt service explodes shortly when the effects of Fed rate increases kicks in. It explodes again in April when the effect of SALT deductions, intended to help blue states, is felt. There are a few more hidden bombs. In October expect the raises in Social Security cost of living will be revealed and kick in in January. There are a couple more bomblets on the way.
Biden will "fix" this by downsizing the military, and eventually separating military COLA from civilian.
We shall see. At 5% rate, the debt service will frighten all of Congress, finally. At that point the Fed must back off and allow devaluation (inflation 10%+) to occur. I suspect only real assets retain any value and the race to stay afloat will hit nearly everybody. Hard to estimate the date, maybe June (?) before we see things begin to implode. Inflated revenues can't keep up with exploding outlays. The next Congress will be in turmoil and maybe paralyzed by internal arguments. By 2023 I suspect the public will be quite angry with our leaders.
One good note is that we will be busy trying to keep the lights on and will stop the woke infection. 'Course, could be wrong.
We can barely keep the lights on today.
You're correct, little pieces of paper might be worth $9K today, but when I closed my $9K IRA earning interest at 0.6% and refloored the house, the flooring will be worth one flooring a year hence, but the $9K will only pay for a doormat.
Same here.
When the wife's godmother passed away, my wife used the inheritance to pay off our mortgage so that we now own the house 100%. And the rest of our saving and money are being poured into lasting stuff, always with an eye to longevity of use, utility, redundancy and "making do without society/state", including growing vegetables.
Would you believe, I have neighbours and family earning 5-6 times what my wife (caregiver in nursing homes currently, $ 1500/month full time) and I (invalid's pension $850/month) live on telling us they "can't afford" to invest in paying of loans and mortgage and so on.
Their reason is like this: "They", meaning state and capital, "must do something to fix things soon".
It's as if my chickens would wait for the fox to mend the fence to the chicken run.
Well put.
Regarding Breonna Taylor: Governments try to protect themselves. It's maybe their biggest priority, and this seems to be true everywhere.
Yet half the country doesn't realize the power will be turned on them, even though they JUST SPENT FOUR YEARS #RESISTing.
Generally the half that dutifully lined up for government approved and wannabe mandated experimental gene therapy. Interesting times, indeed.
WaPo used the word "people" instead of the word "women" 4 times in this short article about their oh-so-late-to-the-party acknowledgement that what WOMEN (not people) have been saying about the shots' affects on their (the women's) menstrual cycles was indeed a real thing, after writing it off as female hysteria for over a year. but not to worry your pretty heads too much, the esteemed Dr Edelman assures us that changes to women's periods have nothing to do with fertility. oh, right, those things aren't at all connected. until "The Science" says so.
Love the cats! I took away my immediate dispar... :)
And, more importantly……..Are all those cats on the steps, YOURS?!!?
LOL I wish!!!!
SimCom, if you know, are the colleges or universities still requiring students to be vaxxed?
Bam Bam's uni requires full injection - presumed to mean 1 J&J or 2 Pfzr or Moderna as their booster mandate was and remains rescinded for now.
I haven't heard stories about them backing down, though I do hear whispers that exemptions are much easier these days.
Pretty soon it won't matter - GM vaccine mosquitoes:
Universities will soon have their own campus vaccine flock . . .
Well, the picture was most definitely a needed surprise! 🤣
how very dehumanizing modern medical "science" is. they don't listen until some "study" is done- never believe real people with real experiences. in the most human of sciences, the human is silenced. the spying is more insult, and strangely most people shrug and accept it as a necessary part of modern life, and the junior technocrats doing the data collection are incapable of sensing what it would be like if they were targeted like they do to others. when humanity rises again, there will be blood in the streets. thanks for the cats- i needed something cheerful.
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
- Thomas Paine
Fuck BLM, but they don’t deserve government spying as much as anyone else.
“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!”
Love the cats, the poking into all our business not-so-much.
Yeah, on a final re-read I realized I needed at least one pick-me-up.