Why are you still writing about covid? The new topic is Ukraine. Get with the program.

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Jefferson County Alabama is still high even though we stopped playing pandemic a year ago...To utilize another great quote "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me."

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Surely this cannot be real, can it? How can self-avowed people of Science be this stupid?

(Don’t answer that — it’s too irritating.)

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But-- but-- (I already heard a neighborhood Karen sputtering)-- where do the new restrictions validate and reward my booster? (OK, she said something other than "validate and reward." I'm paraphrasing. I reassured her that her reward would be walking smugly by all the unvaccinated corpses piling up in the street. Again, paraphrasing.)

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Shouldn't the knowledge that she saved the community be enough? 😛

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She should get a reward and publicity. Maybe a home HIV test kit.

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I can't wait until they publish the one for curfews too so I'll know when to lock myself in my house and be scared until I'm told it's safe to go outside. After all, we're all too flipping stupid to know anything about anything until we are told or have a handy chart or a green, yellow, or red light. 🙄🙄🙄

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This is important for my wife as her employer (a small healthcare university) are CDC fanatics. This should end mask “mandates” at her work. (We are in the “low” category.) for me, silly, for her, big.

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it's all about the number of hospital beds. All you have to do is get more beds, and then you can remove your masks.

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Fuck these people to hell. (Ask me what I really think!)

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Lmao. I think that's exactly what most of us really wanted to say. 😂

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When I discovered, as an adolescent lo these many, many decades ago, that one did not actually burst into flame after using the most vulgar of expletives, I was off and running...

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Welcome aboard, junior!

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I used to be very careful with my language. Then 2020 happened. I now drop as many F-bombs as Joe Rogan.

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The friends who introduced me to the Joys of Swearing later began to fear what they had wrought. One asked me to mind my language around her new boyfriend, which I thought was sort of the middling of hypocrisy 'n all...

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did you know Karenville is a real place, i wonder if they all could go live there?

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I'd donate to send them there! But I don't think we're "allowed" to donate to unapproved causes anymore...

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Now that is a sociological experiment I would like to see! An entire community made up out of Karens of all sorts and colours, left to fend for itself for say three years.

No humans, only Karens. Live camera coverage by drone and blimp 24/7 year round.

"Survivor: Kamp Karen. Coming to you on ABC, NBC, CDC, and the whole effing alphabet this fall! Sponsored by The Joe Rogan Experience in co-operation with Tesla: we break backs better!"

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It would be like the scene at the end of "Don't Look Up" when the 'elites' land on the new planet ;)

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Don’t be ridiculous. Sitting down in a restaurant is the only thing that holds the virus back.

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And eating on a plane of course. 🙄😅

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Put that mask up between bites.

-Heil Hitler

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Just say honk honk. It means the same thing. Bwahahaa

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Feb 25, 2022
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WA State (and now King County) mask mandates expire on March 21. Only three more weeks to flatten the curve!

(Unless, of course, we're naughty serfs and the rate goes back up. Herr Gauleiter Inslee still hasn't relinquished emergency powers.)

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