
Quite accurate

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Well it was my birthday and I wasn't in any mood for a comedy show.....I wasn't in the mood for anything actually. I'm very very glad I missed it. Still don't.

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Sep 12Liked by SimulationCommander

Actually no, it wasn't.

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Fair point.

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My thinking is that the elections were stolen, but that this too was a political play. It didn't matter anyhow. Most of the way the government runs is independent of the voting. And that alone is an indicator. It should actually matter.

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"KH: That’s not a plan! He’s just going to cut taxes for the rich. I’m going to make an opportunity economy. All the experts say that my plan is the best plan in the history of plans and Trump’s plan is hot garbage and would drive us into a recession. He’s got no plan. Except that plan I just told you about."

Her experts. AS soon as I heard the word expert, I feel an influx of hot air coming on. These "experts" are bonafide how? At this point I want to see the authentication committee, I want it broken down to know what process makes these "experts" more knowledgeable than me about how to run an economy. I admit I can't run an economy.

I think the Beatles said it best "Experts, textperts, choking smokers, don't you think the Joker laughs at you?"

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Sep 12Liked by SimulationCommander

"I admit I can't run an economy."

No-one can run an economy; that's where all the economists advising politicians (and the politicians) go wrong.

Running an economy would logically and eventually result in a planned economy no matter which economical model ones applies, and we know that doesn't work very well.

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lmao...love it.

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He kicked Covid's ass?I am glad I missed the debate, that would have had me scrambling. Who has he been talking to over. the last four years? Covid was an opportunity for government overreach, if I was a candidate I would make it my platform to go over the whole government with a fine tooth comb, uncover the officials both public and private who slithered under rocks and boot their collective asses out of government, and do whatever could to make sure such tyranny never happens again.

Just once I'd love to hear Trump "own" something, any politician for that matter. Say "we screwed up" and leave it at that...no caveats, no clauses, an outright apology. The real task then would be to let the people decide if it were authentic or not.

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Amen to that.

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Your synopsis is to the point and accurate, near as I can tell.

I remember when debates were debates, not arguments. Everybody learned something; now we learn nothing.

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Sep 11Liked by SimulationCommander

To me, they both sounded like dolts. I completely agree with you. To me, neither of them sound suitable for a high-level corporate job, never mind running a country.

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I'll say this: In real negotiations, name-calling doesn't happen. Can either/both of them negotiate with a level of intelligence, knowledge and experience, in a real situation, apart from MSM foolishness? This ain't a beauty contest.

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This is one of the things that drives me crazy about Biden/Harris complaining that Trump "thanked" Xi.

Diplomacy is a thing. You can't just go around badmouthing your counterparts to the entire world and then complaining they don't listen to you.

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From the outside, it's just hilarious that Trump who could write a thesis paper on insulting foreign nations ("shithole countries" hasn't been forgotten outside the US, I can tell you that) gets heat for thanking his nation's #1 important counterpart, and gets that heat from people who do nothing but hurl insults at anyone who isn't jackbooting it to their commands.

They, all of them, really have zero insight in how they appear to others, it seems.

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Sep 11Liked by SimulationCommander

People have been saying from the time kamala was ordained that this election is Trump's to lose. I think he lost it last night.

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I'm not sure if I'd go that far, but today he's in a worse position than yesterday, that's for sure.

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No more debates. I wasted an hour of my life (and apparently I missed the best part at the end but watched it later). I cannot stomach unfair, and before people jump on me that "Life Is Not Fair", believe me I'm an expert in that experience. However, a debate is *supposed* to be an opportunity to hear views from Ms. Silencio and instead, we were provided a gotcha-fest with a three on one debate (?). Americans don't like patently unfair and skewed reporting or behavior and this was all that and a bag of chips. I only wish Trump had emphasized his incredible TEAM and what collectively they would do. Hard to watch baiting and basically bullying/stupid behavior from the other three. My vote is settled and I think many feel similarly. November 5th MUST have an enormous turnout.

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Harris put on a flawless performance displaying her I am one nasty bitch skills… her pleas to turn the page and become a Kumbaya nation were disingenuous…. Basically she falsely maligned Trump on every front, and she didn’t interrupt him but while he spoke she was putting on this coquettish “oh you silly little boy” routine …. When she did the fist to her chin thing, our TV was almost shattered by a wine glass . Harris lied, her body language was over the top and Trump took the bait… no mention that at one point, her mic was not muted and she interrupted him… how did she know she could?? Trump missed so many plum opportunities to politely call her out and he blew it. SNOPES has reversed their fact checks on everything she threw at him… that’s all he had to say “ check SNOPES.” If Trump were to win, there will be no place for ABC at the White House… that was a set up hit job. She was far too scripted and rehearsed to answer the questions in that manner….

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And most shameful of all, Trump betrayed the man killed and two injured at Butler by failing to exercise the least self-control to try to continue to be the man he showed he was capable of being.

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Sadly, Kamela looked as prepared and coifed as any android. It performed well and its human victim (DJT) appeared as capable as the hero Admiral Stockdale in his debate for VP. We have to accept it: it has become young v old and I've always been a Robert Duvall / Sam Elliott / Willie Nelson fan. Will we remember to vote?

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Sep 11Liked by SimulationCommander

Thanks loads for the commentary and report.

Hubbs and I are both forgetful. We just forgot to watch the debate.

We were folding laundry and playing with the kitties - totally forgot

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Your time was better spent with the kitties.

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Folding laundry and playing with fur babies was probably better for your mental health anyway Rosemary B! :)

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If David Muir can’t detect sarcasm, should anyone really rely on his reporting?

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Sep 11Liked by SimulationCommander

Thank you for the great synopsis...I watched about 5 min and then couldn't anymore. It wasn't a "debate" at all...it was three against one and he could have been way. more eloquent at times...but that's him.

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I thank the Heavens that my fridge needed cleaning and my sock drawer needed sorting last night.

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