Thank you, that is very generous (is that the right expression?) of you. Though in all honesty, if no-one shared or asked, there'd be no-start for my train of thought, would it?
It's been a journey, true indeed, for many of us who for one reason or a thosuand somewhere, somewhen decided to stop, stand and say: "No more. I will not do violence to myself, my mind, my soul anymore."
I still remember many of the revelatory moments I've had (slow learner...). Sitting on a ledge looking down on my droogs and realising it's rehab-yoyo, prison-pinball, the grave or shape up. And it's on me. And half a minute after that thought hits me like a steel-toed boot to the nads, I meet my wife. She worried about the walking skeleton sitting on a ledge like some biker-jacket sporting gargoyle.
The rest is history as they say.
See you in the stacks, 'cause it's dinnertime here now.
I find that the exchange of ideas here in the comments threads brings out the best discourse, and is why I don't even think of expressing the fertility of my mind in essays anywhere else. It's the living waters one needs for fruitfulness.
And I would say you're the best explainer of these things I've ever encountered, anywhere.
Thank you, that is very generous (is that the right expression?) of you. Though in all honesty, if no-one shared or asked, there'd be no-start for my train of thought, would it?
It's been a journey, true indeed, for many of us who for one reason or a thosuand somewhere, somewhen decided to stop, stand and say: "No more. I will not do violence to myself, my mind, my soul anymore."
I still remember many of the revelatory moments I've had (slow learner...). Sitting on a ledge looking down on my droogs and realising it's rehab-yoyo, prison-pinball, the grave or shape up. And it's on me. And half a minute after that thought hits me like a steel-toed boot to the nads, I meet my wife. She worried about the walking skeleton sitting on a ledge like some biker-jacket sporting gargoyle.
The rest is history as they say.
See you in the stacks, 'cause it's dinnertime here now.
I find that the exchange of ideas here in the comments threads brings out the best discourse, and is why I don't even think of expressing the fertility of my mind in essays anywhere else. It's the living waters one needs for fruitfulness.