
Fauci hearing is live:


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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I just can't watch that clown show...happened to tune in as Rep Garcia had his lips tightly welded to Fauci's butt.

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The one thing Fauci did right -- as showed in his emails -- was making the issue political. He was getting attacked by the 'right', so he ran to Democrats for cover. Now they're forced to CONTINUE covering for him, because they staked their reputations on this guy.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Fauci has always been a political animal. In this case, it's the Dem's covering. But both sides have. And it's highly likely he's got deep IC connections as well. Ya know, the no-names who have the dirt on the uniparty.

I did read your other piece today. Trying not to stoop to name calling, but dammit, I'd like to see that little shitweasel (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/shitweasel) be thoroughly investigated until his teeth ache. And his pension stripped. And his take in the $710 million in pharma kickbacks...just in the covid years, put back into public coffers. Not to mention strip him of SS details we're paying for.

Will it happen? Ain't holding my breath.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Nail on the head SimComm!

I think it takes nuance, timing and humor. Humor, after all, is the shortest distance between two people.

What I have found is that the fear of saying something produces more anxiety then actually saying it.

You'd be surprised of how many people agree with you but are imprisoned by this mentality. As you and others have said; we have to bring others to the dance floor.

I know of no other way than to speak freely.

Look for small "wins"...there are no knockout punches...just millions of jabs (sorry for unintended pun) that will get us the big WIN.

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Exactly. It could something as simple as putting out a yardsign or talking to the people you generally only grunt hello to -- it could be that they aren't talking to you because they don't know where you stand!

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Yeah. Just put your flag up. Everyone knows what that means...

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True. And how sad is that?

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Yeah. I have kids...so in for a dime, in for dollar

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Glad you started this stack that’s directed at the ever changing zeitgeist.

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“Humor, after all, is the shortest distance between two people.”

You’ll get no disagreement from this clip art Jester on that point.

Well said.

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Just now listening to Viva Frei's live feed on Rumble, first time I've heard this, when Michael Flynn was being railroaded by the FBI and company, they managed to get him to give up the list of names he had created for Trump for people to hire, i.e. a list of nonscumbags who were not in the grips of deep state psychopaths. Then, of course, Mueller and crew immediately went after everyone on the list. This helps explain how so many deep state assets were inserted into the first Trump admin.

We must remove these shitheads or the republic is toast.

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And we have to be honest here -- the republic might be toast regardless. (Which obviously doesn't mean we sit back and take it) In that case, there's going to be dark times ahead -- and having a support system around you might literally be the difference in succumbing or survival.

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Community of like minds, finding your tribe, is at least as important to survival as a prepper bugout bunker if for no other reason than most people are not in a position to have a bugout bunker.

But people should definitely do what they can along the lines of prepperdom. In an exceedingly complex system, or system of systems (like modern existence), all it takes is one seemingly insignificant subroutine to fail and the entire system collapses. There is little or no redundancy built in to most of the modern mechanisms that allow so many people to exist. Plan accordingly before it’s too late.

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YES! Worst case, you stock up on beans and rice and water before the price goes up in 2 months.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Those of us who actually believed the Y2K predictions are doing a repeat. Very minimal stocking up for a possibility. Besides I hate gardening.

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I didn't believe the Y2K stuff, but I agree with what you're doing/not doing.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Might be.. it's quite toasted.

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Wow. That seems to be news. Spread widely.

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I don't think this is new information, it's just the first time I've heard it. But of course, it's not something that legacy media reports.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Jimmy Dore mentioned what someone else on TwiX said after the Trump verdict that should horrify everyone.. look at what they've done to Trump, a guy who despite his big talk went through four years of Presidency basically doing 95% of what the establishment wanted. Honestly, I think this will all be their undoing, the actions of the last several years are not of people confideñy in their power, it's actions of the desperate trying to hold on. Some of them honestly think that declaring Trump a felon, even temporarily, somehow matters negatively to the average person. They are lost in their own bullshit, thinking that they can simply tell the population to eat cake.

I for one will likely vote Trump now for the first time. He doesn't represent me at all and I don't have any faith that he will even reduce the swamp water a millimeter let alone drain it, but a message needs to be sent (and it's not like I really vibe with any third party candidate or even think their parties are long-term viable). I fear though that we are rapidly approaching others making more extreme messages, and perhaps that's the only realistic way to change anything, but it doesn't mean that I want to actually root for destruction and the inevitable death that follows. Maybe that makes me weak. I guess I'll find out eventually.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Well said

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

The Trump campaign says it's raised $200 million since the conviction was announced on Thursday.

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And zero cities currently engulfed in riotous flames.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I just said that over on Public. For the last 4 years (and before) we’ve listened to the media and the Democrats hysterically saying how dangerous and violent the MAGA "army" is. Where are they? Where are the burning cities and looting rampages? Instead of rioting, these people opened their wallets and supported "their guy."

It must have been such a disappointment.

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FBI Concerned That If MAGA Doesn't Conduct A Terrorist Attack Soon They'll Have To Fake One


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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I’m laughing, but it might be truer than we would like to believe.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Interestingly, at least to me, when I click on the babylon bee video here on your substack, I get a message that my computer is compromised. But I subscribe to the BabylonBee and am able to watch it.

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Strange. I know gmail was blocking substack links, and obviously twitter does too, wonder if it's another way of throttling.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Biden's gang wants cities in flames, to justify the crackdown they're aching to enact.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Obama's Army has not been called to duty. Soon. This time they might start crashing into each other. not sure....

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They're on the college campuses, building tent cities.

Today they crashed into pride marchers.


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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Is there no audio on this? I don't get any. I love the officious guy directing people. He needs to spend some time at the gym. Not Jim.

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There is audio, but you can't really hear anything because they're drumming and chanting the whole time.

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I saw this yesterday and hubbs and I laughed our butts off.

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DC and the deep state are the greatest enemy of America.

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Suggested edit: "DC and the deep state are the greatest enemy of Western civilization"

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I think a lot about other people these days. I worry for the folks just starting out, and those who sit down, look at their retirement funds and say not this year. School is out here in Texas so kids will be running around, or in the cattle fields, attending various family events, art camps, and everyone trying to get through another day, week, month and year.Prices here are going out of sight. Everyone is looking after someone, or something because they are now the safety net. Churches in my small town are really packed, prayers are said for the community and we all talk about what we were able to grow this year. We are in a severe drought but this spring has been wet which is a BIG deal. This community is more conservative than liberal. We do have our liberals who make sure life is interesting.

The last couple of days I’ve been asking the husbeast what does he think. As he is five years older than me I value his calm, cool, reflective manner. He has no answers because it is a shi*tshow. What I have come to realize is that ultimately it isn’t going to matter who becomes president because Inflation will continue, multiple wars, multiple skirmishes, saboteurs within our communities, states and country and a middle class that has borne the brunt of various financial bailout failures, lack of education and being tossed and turned everyday.

There is a huge disconnect from reality for a lot of people. They are scared, lonely, and simply at the end of their rope. That is no way to go into an election. It is okay to be scared. I just have foreboding, how bad can things get and how long can we hold on. There is no where else to go, hubby and I will make our stand here, in Texas, with the dogs, lizards and snakes.

On a side note, will the secret service agents protect the president if he is jailed?

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"On a side note, will the secret service agents protect the president if he is jailed?"

Yes, but some jerk or another is trying to pass a law that felons don't get SS protection.

Not hard to see why.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I pity the Warden after Trump unites all of the inmates. 🙄

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I could see hard core inmates rallying around Trump to protect him. There’s such a thing as prison justice, and I’m sure it works in reverse!

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

That is so blatant, I am astonished. But shouldn’t be. The leftist tyranny adherents have shown themselves to be unafraid of exposure for some time now.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

The "Esteemed Congressman from Mississippi" Bennie Thompson of the insurrection tribunals, I believe.


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You are correct!


Ranking Member Thompson Introduces Legislation to Ensure No Secret Service Protection for Convicted Felons Sentenced to Prison

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I think a lot of us are also looking for any parallels to Covid or the summer riots. We are scrutinizing this Bird Flu BS. Incidentally, they have released a number of papers this week on masks and vaccines and of course, are mentioning bird flu in conjunction I wonder why that could be....

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I was speculating about that: it would be sentencing the Secret Service agents as well if they were forced to live in the prison, in a cell.

Brazil's current president, Lula da Silva, was in jail for a while, after having been president.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Like. Meanwhile, I know it's controversial to mention this, Texas is having an attack of some kind of trails that are probably creating some kind of weather. Texas has an official Weather Modification Board, as do many other states. While we dither around about other stuff, what are we breathing and how are the crops and animals doing? My sister lives there and was not tornadoed but was without electricity for 5 days.

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Yeah I think first rule is that you don't get to complain about crazy weather while literally trying to change the weather. Stop all the BS 'experiments' and I bet the climate works just as well as it has for thousands of years before us.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

That's what all of us tin foil hats types on Facebook think. There are some pretty good researchers in those groups.

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Since when do leftist loons care about rules? They want everybody to buy in that “climate change” is caused by CO2, fossil fuels, cow farts, etc so they can impose slavery of the masses. There’s manmade “climate change” alright - from all the poisonous shit they spew into our skies

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Im sure TX is being particularly targeted (even knowing it’s being done to us virtually everywhere) because it’s a red state

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But we're a blue state and it looks to me as if the food supply is targeted. You want to have your own garden? Try it with temps in the 100s and no monsoons to mitigate the heat. TX has lost cattle and feed lots, etc. Just speculating partly based on what I hear from Europe, New Zealand, and Australia.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Remember, when someone comes at you with a "How can you support a convicted felon?" line just show them a picture of St. George Floyd.

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Better yet: The picture of Democrats kneeling in their little kente scarves.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

SC: That picture of the Dems kneeling with the scarves cracked me up. Someone should make a t-shirt out of that with a caption:

"Help us Babi!"

(Babi or Baba is the Egyptian god of Baboons.)

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

yeah, that photo makes my blood boil.


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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Author

"We don't give a shit about black people who get killed until it's useful to us, then we'll milk that mfer for all it's worth."

How many kneels did airman Fortson get in Congress? He got shot by a cop while he was in his own home! But no mysterious piles of bricks showing up in cities around the world, because burning down cities isn't politicaly useful RIGHT NOW.

https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/09/us/roger-forston-florida-airman-shot/index.html if you haven't seen the footage.

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It might help, too, to explain that Floyd is not in fact a victim of murder. Offer to play for them the full tape of the police encounter from beginning to end. Tell them they'll need at least 20 minutes.

Every lie allowed to spread makes each subsequent lie a useful building block to where we are now. Fun fact: Covid medical freedom hero Pierre Kory was the expert witness for Floyd's family who won for them the huge civil judgment. Grifter par excellence.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

And that was really the crux of it, wasn't it? The short tape of Floyd pinned to the curb apparently being choked by Chauvin was played on a loop across the country 24x7 for weeks before the full body cam footage was finally released. Which, of course, provided not only the full story of the encounter but also a completely different POV at curbside -- where Chauvin's knee was clearly between Floyd's shoulder blades and nowhere near his neck. And which was documented police procedure for a resisting suspect (who was also a full head taller than any of the cops, built like a brick shithouse, and cracked out of his mind).

This was intentional.

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Yep. Breonna Taylor was a more enraging story (at least to me), but the video of Floyd was incredibly powerful -- especially before it all got released. Add in the rent-a-mob and lockdowns, and you have a perfect recipe for chaos all summer.

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That gaslit narrative meme goes back to Trayvon Martin ("If I had a son..."), through Eric Garner ("I can't breathe"), Michael Brown, ("Hands up, don't shoot"), and ultimately to Floyd ("What tox report?").

Each time the lies were embraced by the public and perpetuated as truth by the MSM, and each time got more and more outrageous. People really are that gullible if not plain stupid.

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Only sort of related, but did you see the footage from that knife attack in Germany?


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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I did see some brief clips. A cop was killed.

When this sort of thing is allowed in law & order Deutschland, is it any wonder why the U.K. has gone full post-apocalyptic? When you invite the Third World into your country, your country becomes Third World. This is not happening by accident.

Our 12M+ new "additions" here in the U.S. are part of that global plan, I believe. This is no longer tinfoil hat conspiracy theory, it's going down. And you are a bitter racist and xenophobe if you dare to take notice.

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Ask me why I watch Fox News now. OK, I'll tell you straight out. It was because all the other cable news and commentary channels were trying to lynch Kyle Rittenhouse but Fox broadcast the entire trial and I watched it every day and saw all the evidence with all the videos that the state tried to suppress and I just--even at my age--was shocked by the lying and the attempts to get that kid locked up for life.

I'm no fan of guns but that kid's self-control under extreme pressure and danger of life had me admiring of anyone who teaches his kid early how to handle weapons with the proper respect and care. And he was unflappable under pressure during his testimony and the one instance of him being brought to tears and the clip of it being mocked by MSNBC et al--oh God I was so angry.

So I learned to ignore all the endless Jesus talk from the ladies on Outnumbered and The Faulkner Focus because I don't have the channel on for the opinion shows but for the news and the full story of anything and not chopped-up bits.

And you know, karma keeps coming around and biting everyone. If Chauvin had not been such an idiot as to keep restraining Floyd even after the ambulance arrived and he could've just finally released him into the EMTs custody--and if he hadn't had a history of excessive force--the state couldn't have offered him up as sacrificial meat. He was innocent here but he gave his adversaries everything they needed.

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Didn't know that...wow...

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Ask me how shocked I was to find that out.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I’ve been screaming into the void exactly THIS that you said for over 15 years and no one would listen to me:

“Prevailing wisdom seems to believe calling your political opponents nasty names will turn them to your side. I disagree.” It turns me away.

Every time I got one of the Republican surveys mailed to me, I crossed out their “leading questions” and opponent bashing rhetoric meant to make me happily put in order the 5 or 6 issues they chose to list because it’s what THEY cared about - but they did not match the issues I cared about. So I angrily chastised them for making such horrible, opponent bashing surveys reflecting the same ill behavior as the democrats, and I wrote in the issues they weren’t including on their survey that mattered to me and I numbered those, not theirs. And I reminded them why they are losing support because they send out surveys like this that don’t allow them to hear what really matters to us, and that means they CAN’T represent us.

But the hate speech for the opponent made me the angriest. And I told them to stop their juvenile high school behavior and to start acting like mature adults and do it better, different, set a new example of focusing on the issues that we all care about and not even mentioning the failings of “the other guy.” I’m sick of the we vs them. I want to feel an “us”.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I am a former Democrat. You should see the shit they send in their surveys. Not only them, but the so-called environmental groups I once supported. I do what you did. It doesn't accomplish much except to allow you (me) to vent.

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Yeah see? Both sides are over-controlling AND deaf, and feed us propaganda in their surveys rather than actually survey to listen

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Sometimes that’s a sanity saver, Suanne

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My hold on sanity is sometimes tenuous. haha

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This is a problem that has been an ongoing one. Online culture is populated by trash talk. The gaming culture is rife with it and I think it has spilled over into our social media/regular media world. Ad hominem is so common that when you point out someone is using an ad hominem attack against you online...or pointing it out...they can't accept that.

But I think the real effort of ad hominem is to cause people to engage in a similar manner to avoid the actual argument. I am too stupid, foolish, moronic, clueless, deluded to engage in a debate.

But I will not engage in this behavior, because these people actually are brainwashed by years of propaganda. They deserve our help and not our disdain.

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I half suspect the RNC has my many, many completed surveys plastered all over their “from our lunatics” wall for laughter, and they never stop to really read them. 🤣

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Good article. My best friend down in Los Angeles (we grew up together in Lincoln, Nebraska) believed the Covid crap for awhile, but he wised up. We remained friends all through the Covid Con Panic.

However, here in my little town in Sonoma County, CA, my one good friend here went into Howard Hughes Germaphobe Mode. I'll never be friends with him again and think to this day, he's an idiotic asshole in denial.

When I hear an APOLOGY from the local school board or the city council, I'll think about rejoining the local community here in town.

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The community is way more than the school board or the city council. Some might even think those are the least-important things about the community. Even in a small town I bet there's a few old-school liberals.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

SC: The people like you and I in our small town are about 10% of the population at most. 85% of the people in our town vote Democrat, took at least two jabs, and fled town during the mandatory evacuation during the Kincade Fire.

15% of us aren't part of the herd, but my guess is that half of that 15% are just lazy and ornery. That leaves maybe 8% of us in town who think like the people on your substack. It's a nice group and we know each other, but it's not the town community.

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I'm sorry, I see that I was unclear. Getting out into the community is a way to meet those 8% of people and get them into your circle (And a way to attract defectors peeling off from the masses.) Almost certainly not even all 8% would even clear the bar of people you WANT in your circle -- as SCA said the other night, sometimes the problem with meeting people is they bring ALL of them, including the stuff that gets kept off places like this. But like I said, it's powerful to even ONE good friend you can count on (and vice versa) if things go south. I would like to think that has happened in at least one case from just the people I know of who went to our Santa Fe Screamup.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

SC: There are two families I trust and we are friends with in town. That's about it but that's enough. Bringing in outsiders risks bringing in informers. It's a fine line my Irish ancestors know all about.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

What are you? Mental? No, I enjoy communicating with the other NM screamers even tho' we disagree about one thing for sure. I'm glad we met.

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Hear, hear!! NM Screamers RULE!!

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CA Screamer here.

I would vote for NM Screamers to have a turn ruling!

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It doesn’t get bluer than Santa Fe too & we all came together anyway & had a marvelous time. Was a faithful supporter of SC before that, & now I’m in at least weekly contact w/ Suanne & Yuma & grateful for it!

And we broads all have Los Alamos connections 💣 so watch out 😊

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Cindi: At least I can see ya'll comin' as ya'll will glow in the dark. LOL!

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Meanwhile, we in Marin County dream of moving North, just to see human faces again...

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TAS/pop122: I thought Marin County had border checkpoints going into Sonoma County. ;). My wife and I catered often in Marin County. Not our favorite place to be.

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Well, in my neighbors' defense, I do say that Marin County, California *is* a great place to live.

That's about all I can say in my neighbors' defense.

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TAS/122: Yeah, if you have, "Money, Money, Money... MOOOOOney!"

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

It is going to be a wild summer. The left has just begun their pre-election shitting on our country.

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Hilarious video today when the pride marchers were stopped by anti-Israeli protestors....


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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm still not convinced that was not a SNL skit.

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No, SNL isn’t that funny anymore!

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That's what I was about to say…

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

The whole “gays for Palestine” schtick has been hilarious to me. Send them over there & see how they’d be treated as they fly head 1st off the top of a tall building….

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

SC: The commies always end up eating each other.

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I don't remember if I've said this before or if I just thought it, but evil destroying itself was a major part of the early Dragonlance books that I read as a kid. Back then it never really made sense -- even though it was pretty well explained -- but now I see.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Pakistan jailed Imran Khan. It is what happens in corrupt states. The USA is destined for a future like Pakistan's. It won't happen overnight - but the USA cannot come back from this - the corruption is as deeply entrenched as it is in places like Pakistan. It cannot be undo - as the rest of the world now wants the USA to crash and burn.

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I mean...Democrats have been telling me for YEARS that political persecutions are the end of democracy, so..............................?

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Democrats believe they have the moral high ground, and so this is not a political persecution, but protecting democracy. They actually believe this and will be voting for Biden to protect democracy. It cannot be undone - and if things look bad for Biden, you can always print a few more ballots and delete some scanned ballots. You are not going to get in trouble for protecting democracy. The future for the USA is not bright.

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IMO this whole thing 'proves' beyond a shadow of a doubt they would 100% stuff ballot boxes to stop Trump.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

It worked last time!

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

But, wait, I thought we were going to recruit them with kindness to "our" side.

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Not the people at the top. They get fair trials and justice.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I wish I could disagree.

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I sincerely do not believe most Dems believe anything they claim. They are brainwashed, glassy-eyed, virtue-signaling automatons who have no idea what virtue is.

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I especially agree with the brain-washed part. Either from living in the bubble or some other cause - I think they have lost the ability for independent thought - and for the consequences of their choices - be it the border, de-fund the police,foreign policy or Trump.

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My siblings (grown adults) are democrats to the core. They love Fauci, love Biden etc.... they are angry. They are just on the stupid train. There is no hope for them.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I was talking to 2 men at a party today. Both multi shot and boosted. They started describing their bouts with Covid. I just said to them "safe and effective". They were saying how bad they had it. I told them my story of not having any shots and having gotten covid. It was like a 6 day bad cold for me. I continued on the woodland walks on my trip in spite of not feeling my best. Of course, I was also 80 at the time of the "infection" and they are at least 10 years younger. They were describing how they were literally floored and had to crawl to bed. I once again said "safe and effective". The one guy ignored me while the other one looked a bit sheepish. Sheepish, hahah. The sheepish guy though will never admit to being wrong. I think they'll both sign up for the H1N5 bird flu shots as soon as they're available.

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"I just can't seem to shake it"

"Almost like you trained your body incorrectly."

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Nice (apocryphal?) story.

You describe *most* of California.

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Not apocryphal, true story. Happened yesterday. My brush with covid happened in May 2022. The guy who ignored me had just gotten over his illness a few days before. He's proud to constantly announce that he's a scientist, and that I was wrong about everything Covid. We both worked at Los Alamos Lab. The other guy is a "defrocked" lawyer. I'm just suannee.

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Actually, just suannee, i didn't mean to use the word "apocyphal"! I would blame it on spell check, but I don't use it.

I very much enjoyed your true story!

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OK, then, you're forgiven. As if....

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

“What does that mean? Well, you might want to contact that person who you haven’t talked to since the covid hysteria. Maybe they’re not the same person they were in 2021.”

100% agree here. A huge portion of this country is living in a parallel reality. Talk to your friends, or previous friends, even if they disassociated with you during a descent into madness.

Online, I’m generally done at this point pointing out things I discovered. I’ve done my very small part, got the ears of some of the right people, and in the end, what happens now is in the hand of the tech giants by my estimation.

I have a broad group of friends, but one couple I know in particular, who I’m going to be a groomsman for in September, are the last I know who are still caught up in this info-trap.

I think I’ll retire a little bit from being online, kick back, and bit by bit nudge them towards reality so the events likely coming don’t shatter their reality all at once.

That’s what it’s about, really. As individuals, helping those close to us see reality.

Excellent piece as always SimulationCommander.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Yes, inconvenient as it is, Trump's is the only battle flag to rally to now.

Since Haley is so fond of ammunition, maybe she could arrange to be fired out of a cannon.

Better for her, and, more importantly, us.

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And trust me, I do not like ONE BIT the idea that my future freedom relies on Donald Trump and the Republican party -- but we KNOW what The Swamp has planned.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I do, unfortunately.

Life today is like waiting to be shot.

The government sworn to protect us views us as enemies.

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Except Trump isn't our only hope.

The elected government really has no power, does it? Most of what we are dealing with is the unelected swamp. The only way we can get rid of them is peacefully and non-compliantly pushing them out of office. (edited) Although, I have been wrong before. I was wrong that "cooler heads would prevail" at the beginning of the pandemic. If you think voting Trump back in, and voting for other officials with integrity will bring about a sea change in all this, I hope I am wrong. And not trying to do anything would be wrong in regard to freedom. Something needs. to be done and continues to be a necessity. So to sit and just accept it isn't the answer either.

Some people believe that with the right elected officials, we could right things. And maybe the fact that they screwed our last election was to make it appear like we could do nothing about it. In that case. those of us who believe that it will do little good would love to be proved wrong.

I think these people are mainly like sandcastles...and we are the water. We have always been the water. It may look like water is weak and tepid when it is kept encased and isolated in glass. But water in motion, well it can crash and weather rock, and easily decimate sand castles...and without much force at all. Does one look at water and think it is acting aggressively when it flattens a sand castle? No...we are merely the ebb and flow of the tide.

They are not many...they may in fact place many to stand with them with money or some other currency. But can even those with the stoutest of hearts stand against the tide? And it's time to roll the goverment back...it's time to question and scrutinize all the BS on the books and place it under careful glass and examine the nuances for how it compared to the intent of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

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I agree with all this, but if Biden/Newsom/Obama/Harris wins, they will continue on this disastrous course we're on -- and anybody who speaks up will simply be banned for hate speech.

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And then what?

Maybe we leave the platforms that ban us and create our own parallel ones, or as you say, we get out and meet people the old fashioned way. We talk to them face to face. I also am cynically thinking they will win, because Trump did not lose last time, those of us who voted for Trump already saw the writing on the wall. I waited outside for two hours to vote...and outside it was 90% masked people standing six feet apart in the sun.

Inside everyone was masked save for one person.

Mail in ballots, dead voting, reusing the same ballots repeatedly. And they did very little to hide it. They just stated it didn't happen, much in the same way Cuomo stated all the things he claims he didn't say or participate in.

I am not going to dissuade anyone from voting. But don't be surprised if we see more of the shenanigans and more. I imagine there will also be a whole host of "immigrants" voting this time around. Unless we can somehow create some way to monitor and audit the whole voting process, I see it being another 2020.

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Then we drop out completely and focus on literal survival -- IMO of course.

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It's not that we drop out completely, but as Tucker states, these people are not listening nor do they care about us. How likely is that to change with Trump or anyone else in the White House? How many governors actually stood up to the Covid narrative? Trump himself was Operation Warp Speed full steam ahead.

What there should be done is we strategically begin to identify the swamp and methodically and peacefully remove them from power. We should create a deck of cards of our own..similar to what we did for the Iraq war. We could even have a gofundme. card game. Create a starter set, and more sets as well. You could even buy one for your own region and part of the country. And stress peaceful noncompliance.

If I were king for a day, this is what I would do. Like having a deck of "most wanted criminals" in your wallet. The swamp needs to be identified and purged. Like isolating a virus.

What do I know though, I am just a bare-faced plaguespreader.

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The only way a moderate Patriot can get elected to the high office of POTUS is to run as a Republican. So, while the elite/established GOP is marginal in the effectiveness, the party is packed with conservatives. Maybe one day you can dare to split the vote three ways, but not today. There's a strong force backing Trump, that wasn't there the first time. They didn't realize he was going to win, until they knew, but hadn't prepared his administration. His administration is being gathered, trained, and should be able to hit the deck armed with the knowledge necessary to fend of the long standing bureaucrats who intend to run the game against Trump. IF Trump can make it to the Oval Office, hopefully, things can get repaired, restored, and eliminatee where necessary. And, IF, it works out, surely the next president will be someone who can carry on the work - Of The People.

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Oh, me of little faith. The people backing Trump will own everything if he gets in. One swamp creature traded for another. Although I do think Trump has been more persecuted than any politico I've ever seen and to the detriment of the country's so-called justice system.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

What did Brandon say to us back in 2021?

“If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is that there has always been the ability to limit — rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.”

Since I am pretty sure there are so Feds reading this, well, I have nothing to add. Besides, I guess I need to get an F-15. And some nukes. Fing tards.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

PS, I have a couple of days off, so I might be more than a little drunk, so I probably need more nukes than usual.

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CaliforniaLost: Achtung! Who gave you permission to have ze days off? Dumbkoff! You vill be at vork at ze camp tomorrow! Don't forget your asbestos gloves as you are working the ovens.

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"Friendly fire", we'll call it.

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Can't be avoided. Some of us need to get drunk once in a while...

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That always sounded like a threat.

...Nuke their own country -- hmmmmm....

Joe is such a tool.

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It was a direct threat from the oligarchical-powers-that-be, nameless and faceless all, protected by a sycophantic apparatchik-class in media and certain boardrooms.

This direct threat was aimed directly at you and me and every other private citizen who will *not* sublimate their freedom to the Democrat one-party police State.

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CaliforniaLost: Naaaah! Just date the Feds' daughters and discuss Frederich Bastiat. That drives the Feds nuts.

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