Sep 14Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - "government told them the air at ground zero was safe to breathe." The same one that told us that air wasn't safe during their declared pandemic. The secret is consistency in inconsistent equations Mr Mulder

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Great point.

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Sep 13Liked by SimulationCommander

9/11 just another "look here and not here" moment for the bloated DC bureaucrats.

The more I dwell on it the more I feel the Transnationals were very involved.

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I'm thinking if it should happen again. Just let them arrest me.

Bee. In jail before

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Sep 13Liked by SimulationCommander

@SimulationCommander You are a respected writer, please answer the following question concisely on September 11:

Have you done your due diligence in knowing that 9/11 attack was masterminded by the cabal of globalists with full participation by G. W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc.?

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Those bad guys involved in 9/11 are the same people who have brought the catastrophic COVID hoax to this nation and the world.

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I haven't really gone down that rabbit hole, but I question the official story of 9/11 today much more than I did 20 years ago. I have said before that I sort of lean into a 'let it happen on purpose' more than 'made it happen on purpose' -- but we could quibble with that same question regarding 1/6, couldn't we? (For me, that's much more of a 'made it happen on purpose')

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The maximum temperature of jet fuel combustion is well below the melting point of structural steel beams. The collapse of the towers is impossible due to burning of the jetliners. The molten steel flowing down the stairs as witnessed by NYFD firefighters was caused by very special incendiary reactions such as Thermite. The military grade Thermite residuals were found everywhere in the site after the collapse.

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It’s much worse than “let it happen on purpose”. The jet liners (airplanes) made of aluminum alloy CANNOT PENETRATE the structure steel beams of the World Trade Center towers.

(A very good analogy: we all have seen videos showing the crash tests of a car on a reinforced concrete wall. There is zero chance for the car to burst into the wall because physically it’s impossible. )

By the way, the unique structural design of the New York World Trade Center towers — the structural beams are on the outside of the skyscrapers — was to prevent any aircraft flying into the buildings. Flying airplanes can only crumble and collapse outside the towers.

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Thank you for sharing these facts here. People need to wake up and start researching for themselves. Verifying the melting point of steel, recognizing in the history of the world there have been many fires steel frame skyscrapers that burned longer but did not cause collapse, there are way too many Dara points that don't add up. I remember being reluctant to look at that "rabbit hole." It was campaigning for Ron Paul in 2007 and 2008 that brought me up against some Truthers and the undeniable discrepancies. No one wants to be labeled a conspiracy theorist. CiA did their job coining that phrase. Weirdos unite!

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Sep 13Liked by SimulationCommander

"Have you done your due diligence in knowing that 9/11 was masterminded by the cabal of globalists with full participation by G. W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc.?"

Could you expound on this statement? What is your knowledge, please share.

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To much to share. Where do you want to start?

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President Trump is not an engineer, but he knows about the structures, materials and architecture designs of huge buildings.

You still can find youtube video showing Trump who told the reporter about the impossibility of airplanes flying INTO the world trade centers. Because he is a true real estate magnate who knows what’s special about the structural design of the towers.

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thanks for that.

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A Very well written encapsulated history of the totalitarian belligerence that has been this nation's calling card for decades... and if one takes an objective glance it becomes intuitively obvious that the totalitarian belligerence has been our nation's calling card for far longer than that.

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Sep 13Liked by SimulationCommander

I remember the shock of Sept. 12th and how it went on for about a week. The confusion. It's interesting to think if it happened today, we'd have hundreds of hours of HD video content of the event uploaded online almost instantly.

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second para above the Rocky actor, the word 'controllable' sb 'UNCONTROLLABLE'??? maybe I read it wrong but an excellent treatise and I am posting in on my stack.

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Yep! I....uhh.....sometimes leave typos in so you know that I'm not AI. Well caught! :)

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Philip Shenon’s (THE COMMISSION: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Commission) account of Kissinger’s Meeting with The Jersey Girls (9/11 widows) is another shining moment. Kissinger, ever the cunning statesman, turned up his office thermostat in order to keep the meeting short.

NYT review here:


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I think you're right about September 12th being the better day to remember. It was the day we could have realized that a globalist cabal out to kill and enslave us for power and profit was in control of things, but many cannot face what to do about this reality to this day. I opposed the wars early on and still do, and oddly have been accused of almost identical things as you at different times by Internet busybodies: at one time I was considered far left, and was told that I should "Leave America if you hate it so much." I happened to be in Thailand at that time, then there became suspicion because aren't there Muslims in Thailand? So I was with a Thai guy (raised Buddhist) who was accused of potentially being a terrorist in some type of weird guilt by association. I also got told a fanciful story about how I'd be begging the US military for help after my (presumed Muslim) husband beat me and tortured me and wouldn't let me leave.

Now I'm a MAGA Trumptard who reads too much Q ANon. People should really stop outsourcing their thinking to public relations firms...

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That's a knock-out run-down, and it would work very well as a speech I think. The severity of the content twined to the respect for the victims, all of them, shines like a beacon.

Impressive stuff, and the effort put into it shows, which makes it all the better.

Of the atrocity itself, I think what shook you as a nation the most and still does, is that it showed you can be hit at home, that your enemies can in fact reach you without having to be an "evil empire" across the oceans. And I think the shock of that is still with you in a very real and present sense, no matter any specific political tint.

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Great and of course timely post. Such a gamut of emotions and results, both necessary in the moment and needlessly unfair thereafter: from terrified confusion, to utter tragedy, to unity, to the despicable treatment of first responders as they were filled in the years and decades after 9/11, to the Patriot Act and its poisonous fruit, hypocrisy hypocrisy HYPOCRISY. Screaming into the void indeed. "I guess it just goes to show we can’t put too much stock in party labels — much better to put them into principles instead.". You know it . It's always been true but it is also a difficult thing to realize. There is no red v blue; there is only us v THEM aka those in power who wish to not only keep it but expand their reach (as one does, apparently).

Also I'd never seen that James Corbett video. Wow.

And Cheney - yeesh

Kamala is welcome to him and good riddance. ¡Puta! (Trying for restraint here) Gawd she is so so very horrible. Why can so many not see that? GAH

Digressing and deteriorating. Hope I made some sort of point here. Off to bed; if it is truly awful this commenter reserves the right to edit post-sleep...

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I lived in Manhattan then and counting casualties of friends and acquaintances that have died or developed disabling medical conditions for 1) doing rescue efforts immediately down there and 2) living within breathing distance surpasses available digits on hands and feet. No matter how much you despise government, it isn’t enough.

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Well, being moved to years by Jon Stewart was probably the last thing I was expecting in my life today. Kudos Jon, kudos.

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Sep 13Liked by SimulationCommander

Tinfoil hat comment: Anthrax scare was used to grease Patriot Act throuhh Congress. Senator Tom Daschel was opposed until a contaminated letter showed up in his office but was mysteriously discovered before opened. Anthrax was traced to Fort Detrick and accused scientist just happened to commit suicide with Tylenol. Has CIA written all over it....just saying.

Agree with your essay completely.

Dick Minnis


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Yep. Not many people remember that.

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Sep 13Liked by SimulationCommander


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Aaaaaand they build a mosque down the street...

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I still remember Senator Hillary Clinton being one of those people claiming that it was "safe" for workers to be at ground zero. At the time, even with my being much less skeptical than I am today, I wondered out loud how Clinton could be so sure that it was safe.

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