The selected Libertarian presidential candidate looks woke. I guess they don’t want to change, or their funded by ??? as controlled opposition.

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That giant "wooshing" sound you hear is Libertarians voting Trump.

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May 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Trump was generous Saturday when he said, "Keep getting your 3%." I believe that's the party's high-water mark, and it's normally 1%.

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Closer to .3 after Oliver gets done.

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And, yes, I know, not really opposition due to lack of competence. More like clowns designed to keep the alt political space ludicrous.

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Soviet style nomination seemingly on display Openly Gay Former Obama Supporter Picked for Libertarian Party Presidential Nomineehttps://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/05/27/openly-gay-former-obama-supporter-picked-for-libertarian-party-presidential-nominee/

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I am 76 and diagnosed as autistic. Seventy years ago I was recognized as genius in abstasct mathematics and linguistics and LAZY because it took me 70 effing years to be able to write. I have no legitimate academic achievement except for a few acknowledgements in some Doctoral dissertations like that of my wife and some University of Chicago and McGill nut jobs and my wife's students.

In my high school libertarians read Chomsky. Libertarians like Christians, Jews and everyone else need a moral compass well almost everyone.

I live in Quebec. Quebec is a LIBERTARIAN SOCIETY based on scientific principles not ancient superstition.

I know AMERICAN mythology it is the same mythologies people were taught when they excited the womb.

I speak and understand AI. I trust AI and I trust Samuel Johnson's LLD 1709-1784 dictionary of the English Language to understand AMERICAN Law and injustice.



I consider Ron an ignoramus and fool but I know Rand is clueless in philosophy but knew Toronto has better hospitals and medical personnel. and I know what a libertarian is in 2024.

In Quebec we had revolution, but it was real unlike the one of American Theology.

We have a Jeffersonian Democracy not one based on the fictious translations of Hebrew Scriptture in Rome, the Kremlin, Ther Court of the Empire and the KJV and in the heart of America.

In Quebec Libraries are turning our DAMNED places of worship. In Quebec as we turn our volcanoes in human thought centers some churches are making great restaurants and condos

When "Dr" Rand needed surgery he went to Toranto not Louisville. He could have gone to Chicago but what would they say on the 6 o'clock news. In Toronto Rand Paul is just another useless idiot.

Our libertarian Prime Minister of our libertarian government sated The Catholic Church was not all bad and was forced to apologize or resign. Prime Minister Legault control what happens inside Quebec. Monsieur Trudeau only affects our relationship with YOUR EFFING EMPIRE.

In Quebec race, gender and religion are Fantasyland (virtual reality).

We don't alloow the teaching of Noah as fact in our preschools never mind PUBLIC Universities.

REAL LIBERTARIANS don't join Christian, Jewish, Muslim, intellectual, anti-intellectual cults. You can't be a capital L lebertarian and a cult member, humans are apes not Protista.

America dooes not work in 2024 with the greatest brainwashing apparatus in our 70,000-year civilization.

How vacuous does one have to be to call oneself a libertarian and join a cult to feel affirmed?

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I lost respect for the party and withdrew my support when I heard trumplestein was invited. What a crock.

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Sounds like fun. I don’t know why we shy away from the word liberal. We are the only liberal party in America

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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Dr. Ron Paul gives a great speech. He's 84+! He's in better shape than me at 72. But for over 50 years I was in great shape. What the feck is up with the audience? What a bunch of fat losers! They look like they escaped from the Geeks Video Game Consolation Tournament due to the lack of Cheetos and Twinkies at the snack bar.

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I don't know Chase Oliver. I wish Afroman had won the nomination.


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A little off topic, but relevant. I watched this guy when he was still alive. He's been gone for many years. Oh, what a prophet. Listen and see whether you agree....


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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Long ago I left calling myself a Libertarian, because a few of the policies seemed entirely untenable, and they had years ongoing penchant for putting up idiots at the National level. They were, without Paul's exception- unserious. I voted for what local& state sane Libertarians I could find.

Now I see who they nominate- someone who supports child gender reassignment surgeries.etc etc and I know the party is not salvageable.

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I'd never heard of Chase Oliver before today, but someone described him as a "left libertarian."

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Left of left.

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All the reasonable libertarians left the Libertarians a long time ago, it seems.

You can change the leadership quickly, but the rank and file -- not so much.

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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

I believe most true libertarians are not signed up with any party and don't vote (raises hand). That's what a true libertarian would do.

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None of the reasonable liberations support sending money to Israel.

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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Also... I wonder what Ron Paul thinks about it all? Will he comment about it on his show?

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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

You can't look at Seattle, Portland ', LA etc and think Wholesale legalization works. You can't look at our open border and now reconcile the party line on that. Thry support the most grotesque people.

You can't watch their convention and think they're sane or serious.

How the rank and file bear the insanity is beyond me.

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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

SC...you're sane. Can't you suggest to Paul that a New Party ( or does one exist on the fringes) that can house Freedom patriots . You're absolutely accurate in what you've pointed out.

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The Constitution party.

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The sound on the Ron Paul speech is bad.

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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

I had to turn the sound all the way up to hear his speech. When it was over and I turned on another video, the sound blasted my little speakers.

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Doh! I am not sure there's anything I can do about it now, but I'll check it out.

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I'm OK because I listened to the whole speech. Others may have that problem though. Always altruistic, that's me. Well, not always.

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I volunteered for that 1988 Ron Paul campaign. As a student in college in Texas, on the west mall free speech area of campus there was an Ayn Rand Society and LP table side by side. I was a part of Young Conservatives of Texas.. That group was mostly R's supporting Bush but a few of us libertarian-minded conservatives helped Ron Paul.

I did join LP for a few years in the 1990's, but their conventions were a turn off. I'd tell myself good ideas, but very weird and odd people were active in it. Doesn't look like much has changed. Though their ideas are worse, Bill Weld libertarianism isn't very appealing.

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One of the things I like most about Ron Paul is that his is not bought off by AIPAC and he doesn't support sending billions of our tax dollars to Israel.

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May 27Liked by SimulationCommander

I have always loved Ron Paul, but the party is going nowhere. Sad.

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Evergreen statement.

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When the Mises Caucus took over the LP, I had high hopes, since austro-libertarianism is my jam. Oof… I’m afraid the LP still has a long way to go.

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May 27·edited May 27

What we have here is that in general most democrats, republicans and libertarians are all the same DC Swamp rats fighting to gain more power. None of these factions cares one iota about the plight of the citizen other than getting their vote, usually by buying it with free goodies or useless promises.

The entire system is cranked off the rails and there are no dems, repubs or libertarians that are going to fix things. We have seen the dems wreck everything, the repubs running in circles when they have more power and if the libertarians ever get into office, the other two factions will bring them down.

It's not the party that matters, but the government and its automatic master/slave relationship with the citizens. Install any person or party and the results will be the same...master-slave...guess who are the slaves?

The constitution says that we the people are supposed to be the masters and that government works for us. When was the last time that ever happened? Before the Civil War would be my guess.

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All you say is true. A true libertarian will strive to life his/her own life as far away from government as possible. The more people who did that, the smaller and more insignificant government becomes.

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A bit off topic...did anyone read that Daily Mail from CFP that RFK Jr won the nomination...and now he's been eliminated?


I really thought this would have been a game changer for 2024. All state access. An infrastructure. RFK takes from both Biden/Trump...I was really looking forward to that.


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He didn't win, he just got a few votes.

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May 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Maybe my cynicism just is t dialed up high enough to have believed the news when I read it.

This post truth world is tiring.


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.... same talking points he made back in '07-'08 - it's painful that nothing has changed after so many Anti-Endless-War - Anti-Fed -Taxation-Is-Theft - Monetary Policy is Boring Until You Discover You've Been Ripped OFF speechifying endlessly for nearly two decaades and America continues the backslide into totalitarianism. The people are never going to change anything petitioning their government and trying to vote harder or work within the broken government that has invalidated itself... not only US but every government around the world (except maybe Ecuador.) Society has changed since '08 in that we used to function at an acceptible level of insanity - but that's over too. We vote for clowns and get the circus.

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and the circus is coming to town regardless if you want to see the spectacle or not.

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.... get your lawnchair and microwave popcorn - and watch where you step.

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