
Note: I love you guys. "THIS MF ISN'T A LIBERTARIAN" is the ultimate libertarian response. (It's also true.)

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - " the CDC’s new advice for the 9th covid booster" There has to be a silver cloud? If anyone followed any of their advice, especially multiple jabs, perhaps that's just one less idiot.

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The silver lining is that 90% of the public is ignoring the CDC.

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

A bit late, but better than never.

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In this Libertarian's view the only one of the Bill of Rights Amendments that is actually needed is the Tenth.

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"He promised to fire any government worker who lies to Americans."

This one made me laugh. Who would be left?

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I love everything he said (as recounted), but his sin of omission regarding Israel tells me he cannot be trusted.

If he was so sure of his status on this, he would have discussed it. Not that we don't already know his stance, which is a full stop for me.

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

I like RFK Jr. but I think he's optimistic about being able to take down Sauron and Mordor on his own.

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

Isn't it Kennedy who wants to jail those who oppose Climate-Science grifting, or am I mixing him up with someone else?

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IIRC he was talking about mass polluters, but I haven't heard anything like that from him in any of the events I've watched. Mostly he talks about replacing everybody in the regulatory agencies.

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

That's the problem. The regulatory agencies should be abolished totally.

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Thanks for reporting.

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Thanks for reading!

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

Rep. Stephen Lynch, a Massachusetts Democrat, said yesterday that we don't need to worry all that much about the U.S. government doing things China's government does because in China: "There is no Bill of Rights. There is no U.S.-like constitution that prohibits their government from doing that. They live in a communist regime. They don't have individual rights."

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LOL that's insane! "They get away with it because there's no First Amendment, so we shouldn't have to respect the First Amendment either!"

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

By the way, Lynch was speaking in opposition to the central bank digital currency ban bill the House passed yesterday.

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Sounds like a Trudeau-in-waiting.

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Great summary, SC. I hope that speech went over great with that audience.

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It was extremely mixed. Some lines got great applause, some were met with loud muttering.

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I just watched the whole speech. Kennedy knows his U.S. history. Much of his campaign platforms should be really popular with true libertarians. Many "libertarians" went along with the lockdowns and the push for the vaccines. I never got that either.

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May 25·edited May 25Author

That's what led to the 'takeover' of the Libertarian party by the Mises faction. (And honestly what led this Substack. Reason magazine was TERRIBLE during lockdowns and mandates.)

Edit: Dave smith talks about this in the first video of this article (takes about 3 minutes)


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Until Kennedy gets off the climate change train, he can't win. But he won't because he's married to an idiot leftist who will cut him off if he does. As always, men who let women rule them with their vaginas are doomed to failure.

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Cynicon Implant: Kennedy married a Jewish actress. He's got more guts than me.

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

A nice, fair assessment and I thank you for that. From my observations in Cambridge MA, only the yuppie progressives seem to want Jr. They realize Biden is a disaster, they’re being flooded with illegals and they can’t bring themselves to admit that their beloved party is now the torch bearers of endless war, big government, big spending and social disorder. (Republicans are basically just the other side of the coin). I’ll be voting for Trump. I’m very certain many others here will be as well.

In my eyes, Jr is just another grifting Kennedy and we’ve had enough of the Kennedy here in Marxachusetts.

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I too live in Cambridge (looking to move). It's true, the captives here can't bring themselves to see what is actually going on. They are too busy virtue signaling and pretending everything is OK.

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I am seeing less virtue signaling yard signs. Seems long gone are the days of BLM, Ukraine and “in this house we believe” signs everywhere

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I wonder if Kennedy still wants to jail “climate deniers” and has disclosed exactly where in the constitution he finds that the government has the authority to do so.

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RFK Jr obviously read up on what he thought of as “libertarian talking points”. I guess he thinks libertarians are like leftists-just tell them what they want to hear and they will vote for you. Unfortunately for him, libertarians don’t operate like leftists. I’m guessing that this speech only exposed him as just another politician.

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He's never going to get it right! Spends how many minutes on a bloody history lesson? Granted he's probably the smartest candidate running for POTUS in decades but that's NOT sells. Speaking their language is why Trump is practically invincible. He just doesn't get it! He needs to dumb it down and stop pandering to his former elite democratic buddies.

IT's the corruption stupid.

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May 24Liked by SimulationCommander

If you’re a Tim Pool watcher, RFK will be on his show tonight. Should be an interesting watch!

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I'm not, but obviously have heard of him. Honestly his clips make him seem emotional and confrontational.

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May 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Yea, he’s a bit of an arrogant blow hard but he occasionally has good guests.

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