Mar 21, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

"With gas prices still through the roof, governments across the country have a great idea: Give people money for gas."

Pushers (governments) sure are great for my crack (money) habit.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Congrats to all you Truebloods for surviving Biden’s “unvaxxed” winter of death. Still hard to digest a president saying that to his countrymen.

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also Biden: 'The biggest threat to America is domestic white terrorism'. Uhhg.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The courtroom sketch had me 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I was just waiting for the "give people money for gas." That seemed the insane but obvious solution that totally misses how much the price of fuel undergirds the cost of everything else.

Thanks for a great quick newsletter.

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But what of the environment? 🤡

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Give it more money.

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When talk about more Green, they're talking about what's in your wallet.

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That’s exactly what they did.

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Give people money for gas, rather than simply increasing supply to bring the price down. Yeah, that's the ticket! 🤦‍♀️

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so sarcastically. “Give people money for gas”. I knew this was coming.

Where do I begin?!?!

First, why do states have so much surplus money to begin with (source article SimCom linked to notes that states have unspent federal dollars....? What the?.... why am I giving as much in tax dollars to begin with this if they have some sort of surplus🤦‍♀️, p.s. this is a rhetorical, not a real question, no one need answer). Second, that’s just stupidity at work , of course, throw govt printed money at the problem when govt printed money helped cause the problem!!!!!

Again, this is a rant and not even one of my best rants, no one need respond or like.

However, SimCom, thank you sincerely for the laugh.

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"No one need respond".. that's like catnip to a habitual garrulous and querolous grumbler like me.

They're already doing that here, both with the electrical bill and the diesel/petrol.

Because they are socialist democrats, it doesn't occur to them to simply lower the taxes on fuel (about 75% of the price paid at the pump here), get rid of the regulation requring the fule to be watered down with ethanol, and also get rid of the ridiculous punitive fees for establishing a gas station - to be allowed to operate you must offer ethanol and a couple of other fuels no one wants to use, raising the bar to make gas stations unprofitable except for big biz.

And the electrical bill... oh my. Of our bill, about 30% is the actual cost for power paid to the power company. The rest is made up of fees, and taxs on the fees, and then 25% VAT on top of the sum total. Meaning you can't really save very much by being conscious as to how you use power - and the refund offered is based on consumption figure only, not toal paid or your economy meaning the wealthiest and biggest users gets money back, while the poor gets to foot the bill.

It's called socialist democracy comrade. You know, the model Bernie and Biden both holds up to be good and true.

If you want an example of socialist democracy with a green bent: in the nineties if you bought an ethanol/petrol hybrid, you got a $5 000 kickback from the state (meaning everyone else pitched in via taxes for those who can actually afford to buy new cars). If you then set the engine to petrol only mode, you still got to keep the kickback. It took ten years for the department of traffic and vehicles to get the politicians to notice this:

"Uhm, but, umh, that's not the way it was supposed to work."

Well then maybe don't write the rules in such a stupid manner! Or better yet, don't bother with effing subsidies!

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😀 yeah I knew I was begging for a reply. Thanks for yours.

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It is very scary to see US politicians propose "solutions" which we have tried here for fifty years, only creating more and bigger problems because the solutions and the problems are one and the same.

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if Trudeau was given the polonium treatment i really wouldn't shed a tear

am i becoming more extreme or did i just stop giving a shit about traitors?

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God still wants us to care. I’ll say 2 things : (1) it’s hard to care when they are labeling you a traitor and other insulting disrespectful names, (2) God still has us pray for them .

Ok I’ll add a third: (3) both common sense and Bible tell us there are consequences for actions. Be careful what you say about them. It may come back to haunt you. But they will have consequences too, both current and eternal.

There is this very deep and awful analogy I heard one time. Every time anyone commits evil, or sins, it’s like a knife in the heart that rotates like a clock hand just a tiny bit each time. It cuts, it hurts, we keep ignoring it, but at some point it has gone all the way around, like the slicing though our proverbial conscience. When it’s gone all the way, 360 degrees, it stops hurting, because we’ve sliced the tissue already. At that point The knife is going around and around. But the consequences are enormous. The heart is fractured. But the conscience doesn’t even know it. That’s evil. That’s not just “them”, that’s us too.

But ultimately even if we too need to take care that our judgment does not go over Godly boundaries and we incur the same consequences, ultimately this should also comfort us. They will see justice. They will see consequences. Many will see hell. I do not wish that for them. But their actions of evil have consequences. God will have the final say.

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I pray for these monsters. But I also pray for God's perfect justice in their lives. They are openly mocking God and murdering His creation and even trying to change it with technology (gene "therapy", GMO mosquitos, etc). I never feel convicted when I cry out, "Lord, please bring these vessels of Satan to justice and call your people to return to you once more!" I believe it's okay for me to call out evil as evil. God hates it. And I'm allowed to hate it too. In fact, it's my duty to hate it. But, I'm working out my own salvation with fear and trembling... if I'm wrong, I guess I'll find out. :) Great comment.

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I get it. But our anger and angst must lead to love and our OWN heart trust in God, not to destruction. Nuremberg was justice. I believe it brought monsters to justice. I don’t regret Nuremberg. But we always need to remember that we too are monsters. If we weren’t, Jesus death wasn’t necessary. His life would have been fine. An example to follow, a love to share, compassion and good teaching. But that’s not what happened. You and I put Him on the cross, not just the ones you want brought to justice.

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i appreciate your reply however as an atheist i don't see any consequences, just life times of abusers that get away with it, like Robert Mugabe.

to me its wishful thinking that they will get the justice they deserve :(

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First, blessings. The following is meant only as an informational response, not a contrarian one.

““Uncle Bob” (Mugabe) had stopped responding to chemotherapy treatment, essentially putting him on borrowed time. The form of cancer he had ended up with then spread to the rest of his body, “ The South African 23 Sep 2019

I know this justice isn’t what you want to see. But it is a form of justice nevertheless.

P.s I appreciate the reference. Evil is nothing new. I learned quite a bit finding more out about Zimbabwe and Mugabe.

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You joined the rest of us in option 2.

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COVID Today, COVID Tomorrow, COVID Forever!

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I refused the Death Jabs.

How am I even alive? Dang!

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Go team COVID! Get your booster now! We need to assist Omicron in it's quest to mutate. /s

If being vaccinated might make us more vulnerable to more infection and boost #1 makes that worse as it expires, does boost #2 cause even more vulnerability? Is anybody in the NIH aware of these SubStacks where data show issues?

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The quote is a parody of George Wallace's "Segregation Today, Segregation Tomorrow,Segregation Forever."

The Biden Administration proclaims it is developing a vaccine for children two to five years of age. For people under 20 there is greater risk from the vaccine than from the virus.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I think that is really under 50 by my analysis. Between 50-70, depends. Under 20 there is no reward. I think this child stuff is really abuse, taking advantage of a parents fear and lack of information. Seem the CDC is more interested than pHarma after the Pfizer trial data.

Thanks for the G. Wallace parody. Familiar but lost in memory. I think at the time I was busy going into the military. Can't recall ever seeing a newspaper nor listening to the radio much back then.

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The virus's damage is directly related to age, with serious complications increasing on what appears to be an n-to-the-nth basis after age 20 or so. You are correct, the risk to anyone und

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er about 60 is minuscule.

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