Lol the cat that slips in after the deer, after the dog. It’s a conspiracy, I tell ya’.

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Simulation C, check out: 911 Truth tellers as controlled opp, _Dr. Judy Wood,

Free energy. Climate control?

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Jul 2Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - Thanks for the LOL's - Can opener, "he who means love in a can" in the extreme.

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Today: G wakes me up too early. His bowl is not empty but close. I go refill it then go back to bed. He ignores the food and curls up with me to take a nap.

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What made me happy was staying out of the hospital

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"Remember there’s lots of awesome stuff out there that government can’t ruin!"

"'Has not ruined YET" There, fixed it for you 😉

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Dumpling is getting skin treatment, like ladies at a spa resort. Clever girl.

(Reminds me of the Old One, he would happily bathe in anything except the tub.)

I don't know if it counts as positive as such, but if "proof positive" is close enough, let me entertain by telling about a new law we just got (July 1st and January 1st are when new laws go into effect).

All plastic containers, for liquid and holding less than 3L must now have the screw-cap attached, and said cap may not be removed.

The law was proposed by the Green party before the last election and was already approved by the former governement. This law will Svae The Climate(tm).

I started the day yesterday (monday) by committing a crime, twisting off the cap and tossing it in the bin - reason being, when you pour, the cap slides around and gets in front of the opening, making the liquid go everywhere except in the receptacle.

Proof positive politicians are idiots.

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That sweet donkey! Livin' his best life amongst the elk. (😒 Does this make him trans? 🤔🤨)

Don't tip the cows!

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We welcome our new Elken brother (though he sure is an ugly dude)!

Dumpling! WTF are you doing?? (this dog needs a dose of homeopathic sulphur; this behavior would stop almost immediately)

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Thank you for not tipping - got me in the end

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me, too

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Took me quite a while to get it, as a past bovine vet. Probably tipped a cow or two in my career, but to help her get up on a slope in the pasture, not as a prank!

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What made me happy - Snoots the cat has gotten rid of a lot of hairballs and his fur looks better so I think I needn't take him to the vet. The guy who's working on my bathroom installation has come every day he said he would. When I fell and hit my face on the table's edge, my tooth pulpification (a word I had never heard before) seems to be reversible. Since I made a stink at our electric coop about my solar panels, my bill has been the minimum they charge - in other words, I'm supplying them with electricity. They charge me and others who have solar panels a minimum of $33/month. Since I made a stink with the gas company and refused a smart meter, I've had to do my own meter readings. Without cheating, honest, my bills have reduced from over $90/month to $15. Hmmm... Best of all, the pool guy opened my pool & I've been able to swim almost every day.

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You have had a great week! (I don't want to know the story about your tooth. 😒)

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I won't tell you. But Snoots has gotten worse. The vet situation in Northern NM is no better than the doctor situation. I'm going to take him to the "best of a bad lot" tomorrow morning.

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I wish you good luck with the vet. I understand where you're coming from. 🤞🙏

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Jul 3Liked by SimulationCommander

I have to get my panic under control. He had not been able to eat though he wanted to. I fixed him a small plate of stuff and he gobbled it down, then vomited it all back up. I got up early today to take him to the vet, and he started eating again on his own. Following me around and stretching out to his full length when he lies down. So emergency seems to be averted and I'll take him to a more reliable vet on Saturday because he still seems to have a few problems. And thank you for your good luck wish. He's lying on my lap and asking for head scratches. Hoping for the best.

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I can also relate to the panic. 😳 Your "fragile" little baby is ill and that adrenaline and cortisol goes through the roof. I usually have to sit down for a minute and take deep breaths. 😒 VERY glad he's feeling better and that he was able to eat and not throw-up! 🤗 I wish one of my boys would lay on my lap. None of them really like that that much. 😢

Take care!

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As some president once said - here you (I) go again. The clouds in that one photo look very much like the clouds that are known to have been manipulated. The cloud creation in Tucson on my phone weather app is obvious sometimes, though you don't seem to get it as much as we do.

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OMG tipping cows. That brings back memories of the EE professor from TX at UNM.

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Does Bill Clinton's blowjob in the corridor off of the Oval Office fall under this ruling?

My sister and her husband, Craig, were given a private tour of the White House years ago. They were taken to the Oval Office. Craig, who is a big guy, asked the tour guide if the hallway off of the Oval Office where the coffee machine is located, is also the location of Bill's oral sex excitement from Monica.

"We don't like to discuss it."

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My peace this past week was seeing my little fur babe (named Bug) perk up after 2wks on antibiotics for bladder infection. Her kidneys are just about done, she's down under 6lbs but does enjoy the quiet warmth of the partially covered patio. Taking a bit of QT to enjoy my old girl and the peaceful country garden, lawn, woods and meadow where deer & newbies graze.

Moooving along ...

Cow tipping is so exhausting; glad to stop listening to all the political bouillon.


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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Never seen a country where its corrupt and fraudulent 'pres' can do whatever it wants, so long that whatever that is it is doing, has nothing to do with doing its job, yet get paid a cool annual 408K $ a year AT MINIMUM, without having to be held accountable for turd no matter what it does. Yet, the 10 bucks an hour guy better walk the narrow path or get fired on the spot for no reason.... Still, every cattle across this land continues to strive to call the garbage political system in place "a democracy". ...Ooh let me think "OH yeah, it's Russia's fault.". LOosers!

PS: I Love the animals. Thank you so much for the precious clips.

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LMAO, Man you're funny and adorable!!

"Goodmorning, can opener"

"thank you for not tipping"... I needed that. I mean the laugh...Thank you so much.

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