
Finally got to this. I take advantage of my delay to comment on the first few days of the new season thusly:

MLB, the new NHL.

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But why?

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Mar 31Liked by SimulationCommander

*Too* pithy, eh?

Just it seems to be a higher level of fighting/animosity/confrontation.

Maybe I'm getting old and less competitive...

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Haven't seen anything like that during the Royals games. I did see benches 'clear' for a questionable slide into second (that was totally legal in my day), but no actual fighting -- just a baseball 'fight' where everybody wanders onto the field and then back off.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by SimulationCommander

And I've only watched two Giants games, but espn announcers were commenting on the dust-ups, and I read a report that mentioned an increase.

I probably bought into hype!

Yeah, those "fights" are great for the guys riding the pine...

For the sake of the game, I sure hope Ohtani is innocent, but no matter how rich you are, don't you notice half a billion missing?!

One other thing: Do you know about the Rogers twins, relief pitchers for the Giants?

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OK I just saw this one:


And it's the most ridiculous thing ever.

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That's the one I saw. Two hotheads and a party. Nice sacrafice bunt, btw.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Author

I love how the bullpens slowly meander out onto the field, generally chatting with the guys from the other team, and arrive just in time to turn around and walk back.

The Ohtani situation is crazy - but the way things are going, he'll be far from the last one caught up in some sort of gambling scandal. Reminder: Referees cheat to shave points off of one team's win and cash in -- it's OBVIOUS people will cheat during an election.

Edit: Oops forgot the last sentence. I pay very little attention to the league outside the Royals, unless I'm scoreboard watching because the Royals are doing well.

So like I said, I pay very little attention to the league outside the Royals.

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Mar 31Liked by SimulationCommander

Yeah, the Pete Rose scandal started with a rumor, and when the investigation got going...

"I pay very little attention to the league outside the" (fill in your team) is 95% of the fandom. Actually in this Fanduel era, that might be changing. Also, one of my brothers is in the 5%; he follows all teams scouting for future Giants!

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I actually don't follow baseball then again I don't follow any sport. I like playing sports but I don't care for watching unless maybe it's my kids playing. This often confuses many especially other men so I explain it this way....

Do you like steak? (assuming a yes response)

Do you like going to a top tier steak house like Ruth Christ, cutting into a perfect looking perfectly cooked steak and eating it? (assuming a yes response)

Would you like to sit across the table eating a hot dog and drinking over priced beer while you watch someone else eat that steak?

By this point they get it and go "Ohh, I see". 😊 I would never begrudge anyone else for liking to watch sports I just don't care for it and it's likely saved me a LOT of money over my lifetime as sports are expensive.

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I have no issues with people who don't like to watch sports, but personally I love watching ANYBODY perform at the highest levels possible. Doesn't matter if it's baseball, football, or dance battles!

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Good news all!

Republicans Score Win in Court Battle Over Pennsylvania Ballot Requirements:

Mail-in ballots without dates, or with incorrect dates, SHOULD NOT be counted, federal appeals court rules.

Expect wailing and gnashing of #WokeAuthoritarinLeft-ist teeth today.

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The fact it was even up for debate is ludicrous.

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SC - And don't forget... CLIMATE in baseball is incredibly important, no really we have "science" and "experts" to tell you....

1. abrupt climate change (from Citrus-Cactus training to home) will affect their play

2. a radical change in air masses can be hazardous and cause more injuries viz hammies

3. if they can't hit It’s more about the cold rather than the rustiness

YGTBFKM and you can't make this shit up, but they do. Not even opening day of the National Pastime IS SACRED. A special place in hell awaits these reprobates Mr. Mulder.


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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - "STOP THE PRESSES!" https://youtu.be/Z0GFRcFm-aY?

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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

I really enjoyed this blog today. Mike Trout's video was also touching. I've played a lot of sports in my lifetime, but usually my enthusiasm far outstripped my abilities... But I learned all those important lessons, and they've helped me in my daily life. So thank you for reminding me of all those great times I had.

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Good piece. I tried a few sports but found my home in band, which was not restricted to a single academic level and so I was able to make some amazing friends, some of whom I am fortunate to still have and roam the stacks. Playing music in a group, marching at a high level while doing so, or setting the stylings as a lead trumpet in stage band, also taught lessons, personal and group.

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I had some friends in band who said a lot of the same things that I did about sports.

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or maybe it would be better to write, for those who love baseball and all that jazz (see link)

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Excellent! And yes I’m thrilled that SBF will do time. Justice for at least one of the many thieves in our broken country 🙏🏻💯♥️

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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

Mets fan here... cue the laugh track. My opening day is delayed.

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Sometimes..........it rains.

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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

And rains.... and rains......... Don't even mention 2015 or I will unsubscribe.

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Sounds like I don't even have to......

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Watching the Texas Rangers now. 2/2 bottom of 8th.

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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

Sports and pets have kept me alive.

I'd write more, but I'm heading to the Y to play pickleball right now.

Quick note on pickleball, which is the fastest growing sport in America.

1. It is a game you can play until you're 100.

2. Playing singles, I've had my heart rate at 176--which is past max HR for a 50-somthing. It is/can be as athletic and competitive as one wants.

3. IMHO the most important part: As adults many/most of us forget to play. There is little point to being a fit without doing the things that fitness allows. Skiing. Surfing. Running. PLAYING SPORTS. The beauty of pickleball is almost a zero chance of energy--but the same joy, unbridled zest of PLAY.

I grew up in central CA. It was HOT. But, we played outside year round. It was great. Where I grew up, all the kids--or at least all the kids I hung out with--would get to school nearly an hour before school started--this was the biggest chunk of 'recess time' we had. We would play whatever sport was in season--but almost never baseball actually--soccer, football, basketball, and playground variations of both--until class. This only ended when we got drivers licenses.

When I leave the house for the Y to play pickleball, I feel just like that 6th grader heading to play football in the early mornings.

God Bless Sport.


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I can believe it about pickleball. A couple days after I tried raquetball, my entire body was sore, sans my left shoulder.

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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

1974 5th grade me and buddies skipped school, rode our bikes to the L-Station, getting off at Addison for the Cubs home opener. At dinner that night my Mom asked "How was school today?" and I thought I was in big trouble with my Dad, I said "Great" and all my Mom said was "That's nice".


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Flashes of Ferris Bueller's Day Off........

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Mar 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Love it when you get all philosophical and stuff.

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Lovely essay. Reminds me of my late father, a 'semi-pro' player, accountant, and lifelong baseball lover.

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Mar 28Liked by SimulationCommander

I wish the recipients of his largesse were forced to disgorge their ill-gotten gains. While I'm wishing, I wish that the Ukrainian oligarchs who invested with him were publicly identified and given vacations in Moscow.

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Mar 28Liked by SimulationCommander

It looks pretty nice in Dodger Stadium. Cardinals getting their ass kicked.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by SimulationCommander

From the linked article: "“Sam’s an incredibly kind-hearted and generous person,” "

I hate how people use the word "incredibly" that way. It sounds false,although I suppose everyone already knows this is the case. Are we obligated to believe this guy (the lawyer) because he can say "incredible" with a straight face? We could also say that such language it is nothing but distracting verbal garbage. Word-garbage? Why believe a person just because they can successfully say some stupid word ---even the awesome word "incredible"? (So I checked who it was. It was this guy: " Mr. Bankman-Fried’s attorney Marc Mukasey sought to portray the FTX founder as a well-meaning “awkward math nerd.” ") All rhetoric... right?

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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

The lawyer doesn't even realise it I think, but the strict original meaning of in-credible, from the original latin?

"Not to be believed".

Quite fitting for Sam Bankman-Fried.

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Mar 29Liked by SimulationCommander

re Bankman-Greed:

word vomit

verbal excrement

re baseball:

Free Speech! get yer free speech heeyah!

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"Sam is a kind-hearted person." is a much stronger statement than "Sam is an incredibly kind-hearted and generous person."

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.....it's also pretty easy to be kind-hearted and generous with other people's money lining your pockets......

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