
Update — Perez just hit a grand slam in the 6th inning of tonight’s game, winning a lucky fan $25,000!

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Better not let kammy know.

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Lucky human!

He/she/it should buy a sub, dontchathink?

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Not a called shot, but it feels like that, doesn't it?

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Sure does!!

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Here's this re doggies

Dog Music

by Paul Zimmer

Amongst dogs are listeners and singers.

My big dog sang with me so purely,

puckering her ruffled lips into an O,

beginning with small, swallowing sounds

like Coltrane musing, then rising to power

and resonance, gulping air to continue—

her passion and sense of flawless form—

singing with me, but mostly for the art of dogs.

We joined in many fine songs—"Stardust,"

"Naima," "The Trout," "Jeg elsker Dig," "Perdido."

She was a great master and died young,

leaving me with unrelieved grief,

her talents known only to a few.

Now I have a small dog who does not sing

but listens with discernment, requiring

skill and spirit in my falsetto voice.

When I sing her name and words of love,

Andante, con brio, vivace, adagio,

at times she is so moved she turns

to place her paw across her snout,

closing her eyes, sighing like a girl

I held and danced with years ago.

But I am a pretender to dog music.

Indeed, true strains rise only from

the rich, red chambers of a canine heart;

these melodies best when the moon is up,

listeners and singers together and apart,

beyond friendship and anger,

far from any human imposter—

songs of bones, turds, conquests,

hunts and scents, ballads of long

nights lifting to starlight.

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Sorry for this pawssimism.


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This is on the plate, along with Zuck's admission to the government-led censorship.

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I'll take the dogs and cats every time over the politics and politicians. They always make more sense and never, ever lie.

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - Thanks for all the chortles, guffaws and of course the Bonnie Update! Gangsta & Spunky next time?

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

❤️ Bonnie!

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She's so adorable, and getting in the habit of telling me when she needs to go outside instead of needing constant vigilance.

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You got it!

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That dog called "Meaty" 😂🥩

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The dog with the blunt looks like a guy I know. Eerily resemblance. The guy is a real card too, he wears "foppatofflor*" year round. An undershirt or "wifebeater", jeans cut off at the knee, and foppatofflor.

In -25C (-13F). In the snow. Doesn't seem to faze him and for some reason he doesn't get any cold burns either. Owns a Great Dane, a huge black beast that'll nuzzle you for treats, then lean against you - her way of hugging, he says.

*Foppatofflor = Crocs, named after ice hockey player Peter Forsberg. Why, I have no idea.

What's positive? Hm. . . bought a new suit, first one in decades. Old ones don't fit anymore: slimmer belly, wider shoulders, so to speak. This one is a plain black one, just to have something to throw on for sort-of formal wear (will be attending doctorate disputations later this year, obligations and such), but what I really want is an older style one, 1920s or so.

That's also the beauty of a proper beard: you don't need a tie or a bowtie (the latter is called "fluga", meaning housefly, in swedish). A vest to compliment the colour of the suit and your beard is plenty enough.

Maybe something in a subtle shade and pattern of plaid.

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Thank you so much for the Swedish lessons!! I will try to intersperse these words Fluga and foppatofflor in my daily discussions.

I am glad you got a black shirt. I think

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You're welcome! Fluga can also mean "fad". As one former swedish minister of communication once stated:

"Using the internet for social interactions is just a passing fad"

Didn't she have to eat her words ever since!

Some other stuff:

Geting = wasp (also hornet)

Bi = bee

Humla = bumblebee

Harkrank = Crane fly (when I was little, one of my cousins tricked me into thinking they suck blood)

Fjäril = butterfly

Mal = moth

Trollslända = dragonfly (Troll means not just /a troll/ but also magic; slända means the part of a spinning wheel that looks like a wooden top - grandma told me that in olden days, people believed the dragonfly would try to ram your head to make your eye fall out, and then the dragonfly would put its head in the empty socket...)

I've just been out biking with one of the dogs, hence the focus on insects. . .

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thank you for sharing these. I used to speak French German + Dutch and when me came to the US I had to learn American. I did know English words but they were much different that American and that kind of confused me. As I grew, I loved words and spelling. I still do, and many times speaking with others I throw in words of other languages. Yes,I am a weirdo, but my friends love it

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Love the Rasta Dog with the big spliff and dreadlocks:

"Aye-Ree! Aye-Ree! Dig it Mon! Smoke the spliff, mon! Drink a Red Stripe, mon!"

What made me happy this week, was my mom, 92 (lived in KC for many decades), talking about the trip to Jamaica that my parents took with two other couples back in the 1960s.

The three couples rented a house in a gated community near Kingston, Jamaica.

The house had a pool and every day, a pool boy, gardener, and housekeeper came by to take care of the six Americans.

One day, they drove into Kingston all packed into a small car. A Rastafarian jumped into the car and scrunched in. Tom, who was driving, said, "Where to?" And they drove the Rasta where he wanted to go.

Mom said the guy had blood in his dread locks and she still remembers how much he stank.

At the end of their stay, my folks asked the pool boy, the housekeeper, and the gardener what they wanted as a gift from the USA.

The pool boy wanted a pair of sneakers that didn't have heel backs.

The housekeeper wanted a Cleopatra wig (remember, it was the sixties.)

The gardener wanted drapes for his house, so, my parents went to his house to measure for the drapes.

My parents were very generous.

PS: My mom also told me that at cocktail time every day, a four piece Jamaican band showed up to play steel drum music and reggae by the pool.

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I love this story!!!!

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Rosemary B, My Mom told me this story for the first time three days ago.

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Love the Rasta Dog with the big spliff and dreadlocks:

"Aye-Ree! Aye-Ree! Dig it Mon! Smoke the spliff, mon! Drink a Red Stripe, mon!"

What made me happy this week, was my mom, 92 (lived in KC for many decades), talking about the trip to Jamaica that my parents took with two other couples back in the 1960s.

The three couples rented a house in a gated community near Kingston, Jamaica.

The house had a pool and every day, a pool boy, gardener, and housekeeper came by to take care of the six Americans.

One day, they drove into Kingston all packed into a small car. A Rastafarian jumped into the car and scrunched in. Tom, who was driving, said, "Where to?" And they drove the Rasta where he wanted to go.

Mom said the guy had blood in his dread locks and she still remembers how much he stank.

At the end of their stay, my folks asked the pool boy, the housekeeper, and the gardener what they wanted as a gift from the USA.

The pool boy wanted a pair of sneakers that didn't have heel backs.

The housekeeper wanted a Cleopatra wig (remember, it was the sixties.)

The gardener wanted drapes for his house, so, my parents went to his house to measure for the drapes.

My parents were very generous.

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Just think how awesome this country could be if all the Ds were like Gabbard, and all the Rs were like Massie, and congress actually had substantive discussions about actual policy. Alas...

Also, the Bush family that first sold chemical weapons to Hussein, then lied to us that he still had them after they had first been used on our allies then discarded to dodge financial sanctions; and Amorphous Mittens, supporter of the current envelope of cash, are top of the (still growing) list of reasons I quit being a Republican all those years ago.

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I even bring people like Bernie into the equation -- at least he's asking the right questions, even if all his answers are wrong. The discussion is how we arrive at good politics, not backroom deals of narrow tax credits and hyper-focused regulations to help campaign contributors.

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"we don’t WANT the GOP to be the party of Bush/McCain/Romney"

In 2016 my support for Trump was primarily that he was not Hillary Clinton AND, the clincher, all the people in power who hated him were the worst scum of humanity ever united behind a single cause. This last point still stands.

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I am *exactly* the same.

2016 was imo the biggest political earthquake of all time.

No one voted *for* DJT (please, allow me the hyperbole for effect, will ya?).

We, together, yes: the People, destroyed the overt totalitarianism of HRC.

But...lost in that sweet victory was the glorious defeat of the neocon monarchy Bush/Cheney/Frumetcetera.

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Yes. We voted for ourselves. DJT was just standing in the way.

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What a warhorse we have found in DJT!

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Indeed. The "anybody but Hillary" movement was so strong, it turned Bernie Sanders into a real contender. (That's why everybody else backed out, IMO)

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Exactly. He didn't just go through Hillary - first he went through Jeb! and the rest of the clown show.

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And in doing so he made redundant my Jed (Clampett) 2016 meme posters mimicking Jeb’s campaign posters, but I forgave him. ;-)

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Happy Monday !!

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You as well!

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It has been my opinion for a long time that the Democrat party can only be saved now by good Democrats, even life-long voting Democrats, even if only for once in their voting life!

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I've got a clip in tomorrow's article in which Rogan is amazed that the left has basically abandoned their 'little guy' objectives in order to sell out to wall street and pharma and the censorship complex.

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Nice. I've been spending too much reading time posting on notes. I've had a great time and made more friends, but it's getting a little old. I might retire from my profession* soon, and just start SitV, literally *and* figuratively, get it?

* trying to give trolling a *good* name.

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I like notes but it baffles me there's not more interconnectability between posts and notes. Like, when I post an article it automatically gets posted to notes, but I don't get an email when somebody responds to the post on notes, only on the actual article. So every time I remember to check notes, there's a ton of unanswered comments from people who don't actually get into the conversation.

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I suspected that. Good to know.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

I kept holding my breath with each swing that guy made. That looked super fun, I would have tried that many years ago because I was a daredevil

Happy Monday.

My estranged daughter has called me every Sunday afternoon over this past month. I still feel mentally damaged but I am looking forward to one day seeing her again, perhaps for lunch and to give her a hug. I have not SEEN my grand kids in over two years. Super controlling husband she has

My other daughter has been very very very supportive.

Happy Monday dear Frinz

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That's terrible, Rosemary, about your grandchildren!

My God, to let mere politics come between generations, it brings tears to my eyes.

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it is a long sordid tale that began in May of 2022, just a host of ugliness.

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Fingers crossed and praying for that reunion, Rosemary! 🙏🏻

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I do too. I have to admit, I am mentally "damaged" by this whole ordeal. Honestly, I can never imagine doing this ghosting and ignoring to anyone, certainly never my parents or hubbs parents. It is just a huge weird messed up thing, mainly an action created by my son in law. His family, his mom, has shunned and abused many of their family members over the course of my son in laws like so this is just a horrible response that he still finds acceptable.

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I've dealt with something akin to that for over 40 years now, first with child, then with grandchildren. Lost my 40 year old daughter to cancer during the course of events. You're not alone. Hang in there. Hope!

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Like I really care that H.W, W and Bubba’s lawyers all want us to know that they believe Trump is a “danger to the nation.” And yet, not one of these people who are big on fear mongering have yet to give on specific example.. except for January 6th…are we really that stupid? The bullshit and jerking around continues….

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

He's a danger to the nation because he isn't willing to start enough wars, obviously...

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Same with Ron Paul. And Tulsi. And everybody else who isn't willing to start wars.

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You name prime examples of course, but what are the numbers in the general population?

Are we winning or losing?

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I think the country is much more anti-war than pro-war at the moment. We're laundering money through the MIC, sure, but US troops aren't really at risk. There would be NO appetite for that, IMO.

That seems like winning?

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It's one of the weird things about this campaign.

"Once Trump loses, the GOP can go back to normal."

Who the heck is pining for the return of the 2000's GOP?

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And, it's another reason to vote for Trump: to put another nail in the coffin of the neocon RINOs, who I *thought* were effectively destroyed in 2016, but no, they have to act like Democrats and double down on stupid.

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

May I swear?? Tell little Eddy Munster aka Paul Ryan to go eff himself… there are so many parts of the GOP I agree with but when you get some of these self appointed Wizards of Oz who are pushing buttons that make conservatives look like tone deaf “ Father Knows Best”….they are their own worst enemy..

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Sometimes normal words just don't do the trick.

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Aug 27Liked by SimulationCommander

I’m guessing George Will has smelling salts clutched to his breast with Kennedy and Gabbard on board…..

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Now that guy is such an elitist douche!! I wonder what his pal Charles Krauthammer would have to say about our current state ???

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