
I'm still waiting to get home to watch the vids...yes, from Monday.

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You couldn't script those crazy Tball videos any better.

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May 22Liked by SimulationCommander

I loved that last watermelon musician! He can come to my party any time! But the little T-ball player was a close second!!

Lots of good ones!

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The best part about cartwheel girl is that she didn't even do it to be savage -- she just did it because she could.

But it WAS savage.

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hey maybe encouraging kids to play with their food will spur interest in STEM fields; worth a try anyway

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Hoping one day fauci's sleeping with the fish.

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SC - Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Goosefish, the Eeyore of the ocean floor.

"Sigh, not even the octopus wants to hang out with me. Guess I'll go back to looking like an old toilet rug with a face on it. Life is pain."

Here's a laugh:

Woke up in the middle of the night a few nights ago (this time of the year it's bright enough at 0200 to read a book outdoors) thinking the sewage pipe from the toilet to the sewage well had burst, because what woke me was a foul reek worthy of the Pit itself.

Turned out, the oldest dog had managed to crawl in under the beds and was farting up a storm from underneath.

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The farting dog, not the Goosefish. The Goosefish is just misunderstood!

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The dogs have been feasting lately. Cow's liver, raw eggs, the odd sausage, fish guts.

It's good for them but the noxious fumes they give off could strip the varnish off of wood.

Had to look up goosefish now - there's a species that is sometimes eaten in Norway, that can grow to above 220 pounds in weight. We call them marulk.


You remember the other week when some senators fired off a letter at the ICC? Well, the ICC just fired back, sort of:


Karim Khan is calling for the arrests of the three leaders of Hamas in Gaza, for crimes against humanity and war crimes and sundry, but he also calls for the arrests of Netanyahu and Gallant on the same grounds.

It will probably come to nothing but saber-rattling, but it will complicate matters in the US presidential race I think.

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That guy by the pool, my friend in Los Angeles sees him often. People call him "Hollywood".

Tourist Wife: Is that guy playing fruit?

Tourist Husband: That guy is a fruit.

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

That little girl doing the cartwheel was the best! Just models how we all need to stop and enjoy the ride in life even if we are in the middle of an anxious sprint.

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End the Fed, a.k.a. Operation Reverse Hunger Games

It is no accident that few Americans understand money creation. Sound money should be taught in public school, but they don't even teach civics class now. Again, not at accident.

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I remember something from years ago that one of the newly freed Eastern Bloc nations recovering from communism were using Thomas Sowell’s “Basic Economics’ as a textbook for high school economics classes. Poland? Hungary? Can’t remember now….

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That book should be taught in high school, or at least be a standard text for basic economics class in college. I had Paul Samuelson's basic microeconomics text in university, which was fine, but not as well written as Sowell's classic. For macro, we did read some of Milton Friedman's work. Never encountered Hayek or von Mises outside of philosophy class. Keynes, Galbraith, Thurow were pretty much standard reading in the 80s. After 2008, professional economists should have been relegated to the level of quackery where weekly newspaper astrology columns reside. But people still listen to them. Can't imagine why.

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Agree x1000. And like too.

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This guy amuses me with his weather reports. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=975237797196827&rdid=LLa35j443KbGRAwZ

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Here’s what made me happy…. Being in NJ, seeing my dearest friends, meeting my 3 week old grandson and learning that my kids and even my most liberal old neighbors and friends cannot support this shit show called Biden …

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Really! That's good news.

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Wow! That's a whole bundle of happy!

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

And hopefully not much more crappy.

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

thank you for sharing. I love the elephants, and the Power Girls roughing up the lion.

The underwater encounter was quite adorable and icky. Octopuses creep me out.

I hope you have a super great rest of the week. This Monday blog always makes my week. Thank you dear friend.

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They used to creep me out too until I saw My Octopus Teacher on Netflix. Now much ❤. You will never see them the same again.

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Glad you enjoyed it!

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

> I guess that’s what happens when your wife meets your girlfriend!

Mmmmm, nope! 😁😁😁

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They ambushed him at home, too! Now they're probably besties!

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Also, that is a very tiny horse.

Pocket pony?

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Miniature foal.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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You're married to Mac?!?!?!

(This is a joke, I get the reference, only I thought of the joke and couldn't let the opportunity slip. :D :D :D )

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I have been known to show my teeth - pearly white!

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Mrs. "the Knife"

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I figured just very young, but it could be a small breed :)

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh, I'm sure it's very young, but it's got to be a small breed also. Even baby full-sized horses come up over my knee.

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

That was fun! The watermelon/melon/kiwi musician was cool. I don't get any wilder than the harpsichord setting on my keyboard...and it isn't made out of fruit. Love the sound! The goosefish looked so bummed out when the octopus left. That's anthropomorphizing on my part but just sayin'... That little girl is all kinds of cool!!

Off topic: Mr Grey, one of my kitties, crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning. He was such a sweetie! He was well over 10 years old but we don't know by how much exactly. He was a dear, large grey kitty boy and I shall miss him greatly!! Everyone please pet your kitties and give extra treats today.

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I'm so sorry. Last Tuesday my Precious a tuxedo blue at 22 yrs old could not be saved and passed over the rainbow Bridge. She was my spirit animal and is missed so much. 😭

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I'm so so sorry.

I inherited another cat possibly from my neighbor who died last Thanksgiving. I have been feeding a couple of them, but this one wants to come into the house. I'm letting him into the sun room so far. He has been barfing. He showed up looking healthy about a week or so ago. I think I've fed him too much people stuff. I hope he gets better and it's a hairball or something. I can't think about another Rainbow Bridge departure. Stay strong, as they say.

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Thanks! Crossing my fingers that he's okay!!

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May 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Thank you. I should send a photo. He is cute and comes when I call. I call him Snoots.

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Please do!! My sister is bringing Snowflake, my niece's grey cat (who looks a lot like Mr Grey) over tomorrow. My mom is so sad. I am too but I still have my cat. Getting another cat helped her last time. When Mom is gone, Snowflake (aka "Babykins") will stay with me of course.

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God Speed Mr. Grey, off to kitty paradise. so sorry for your loss. Kittyboy is safe and snug.

My Miles is 14 and he has some problems. long ago I had two cornish rex kitties that lived 18 and 19 years, they were indoor litter mates and I have the best memories. Oh and then there is Pierro, my sweet love, only had him for 10 years, his loss was heart crushing. Princess just turned 7 today.

Kitties are so much the best. I will be thinking about your broken heart. (((hugs)))

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Thank you for your kind words! I still have my Persephone Jane (a long-haired Tortie) and she is an ornery sweetie! Hugs from me and purrs from Persephone!

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Very sorry to hear about Mr. Grey :( I'll give the kitties extra pets and treats when they wake up from their afternoon nap.....

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his mom "Quit playing with your food."

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good one

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