
Relevant info: Full transcript of Devon Archer interview:


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Aug 4, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Reading bits of the transcript, it's hard to put away the sense of: whatever happened to "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion"?

At minimum, Archer and Hunter were selling the sense that the VP was going to be a protective cover for anyone who went into business with them. The talk on 114 and 115 gets into this.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Sim Com - did you see the interview he did with Tucker Carlson ? I've never seen more dancing around the real reason for Devon and Hunter's 'business' since "The Greatest Showman".

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Yep! Not sure if I linked it in a comment or not, but it was great. And the letter at the end.....why would Joe write that if he doesn't talk about Hunter's biz?

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - its always the weather aka climate change.

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I tried to get an adorable video of a local cat who hangs out sometimes, but he took off when I went to grab my camera today. I have failed you :(

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - Shhhh!!!! Don't tell anyone - they can read your mind.

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Remember that long streak this winter where I couldn't get Bonnie on camera?!?!?

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Yes. Maintain low tones, mellow thoughts... https://youtu.be/2rCTuXAbyTI?t=60

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Meanwhile, over at the Department Of "Justice"...


I have always liked Kash Patel, but am interested if anyone has any negative opinions of him. I think he should find a place in the next Republican administration.

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They couldn't find somebody to just fun their fingernails down the chalkboard?

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[Oh, don't say that!! (I'm having shivers imagining...)]

Apparently they didn't have to.

[bites down on fist]

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Just print more $$$$ and send it ti Youcrain.

Whatever happened to the FTX dude? Is he rotting on jail? Not a chance..

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More charged dropped just the other day -- campaign finance related.

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The narrative must require he be protected.

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That new 1B ( #13) , may just have a future in Powder Blue ... No BS ! ( unless that's Brady Singer, BS !) ... More, please

Dynamite, fun game

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Well done! Funny and to the point.

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Seized and redistributed - https://meme.aho.st/talking-about-the-weather/

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Pretty much sums it up!!

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They may have seemed to be talking about the weather. Immediately I started thinking all these phrases, haha. Remember the voicemail from pops saying everything looks "all clear"? You could say "looks like rain" if the bank was getting suspicious, etc. It's endless... Or nuts. 🤷‍♀️

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

All together now! Recycle this meme!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Instantaneously, pretty much. :D

"Oh, I gots people needs to see this shit!"

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Now imagine the script flipped, and Devon Archer was describing his relationship with one of the Trump sons......................

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I've always figured the Trump family must be as clean as a whistle.

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That question is more relevant than most people realize. Trump had his son-in-law working the entire four years of his presidency as a de-facto secretary of state totally dedicated to serving the interests of Israel. And it's obvious to everyone why no one will talk about it or face reality.

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The POTUS is allowed (and *always* has been) to have advisors, including kin.

That no fuss was made about the *private* work of *non*-officials speaks to its appropriateness, don't you think?

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

You mean the guy who managed to secure peace treaties between several highly antagonistic states in the middle east?

Ugh, that *bastard*.

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Peace treaties in MENA equals less profits for military-industrial complex, and lessened influence for US corporations in the area.

So, peace equals bad.

@David Lamb: if the palestinian leadership hadn't and didn't steal 95% of the tens of billons of dollars in international aid they have received for 50 years, to build palaces and hide the money in the vaults of the "Gnomes of Zurich" (mrs Arafat is a multibillonaire f.e.) Palestine would have a higher standard of living than Israel.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Same as Rhodesia and Mugabe. Or any one of many, many, many fucked up assholes we've done that sort of shit for.

Gods above and below, can you imagine if the US Military and US Aid had been used *correctly* for the last 80 years, instead of as the linchpin of soft (and occasionally not-so-soft) totalitarianism it has been? Just think of what Africa and the Middle East would look like if my country had actually lived up to its ideals...


"The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair." -- H. L. Mencken

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Absolutely true, but M. Mek's satire of TDS was spot on.

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Nah, *true* TDS would have been something about how the minions of the Bad Orange Man had managed to force a false-consciousness on the natural allies of the oppressed Palestinians to subvert them into carrying out the will of the Cis Het White Supremacist Patriarchy, to support the Evil Zionists (but we're totally not anti-Semitic) and deny the will of Hamas to push the Jews into the sea.

It actually physically *hurt* to shift my brain into the mindset necessary to write that dreck, so I hope its appreciated... ;)

*high fives to all y'all*

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Oh yeah. You should have seen our journos over here when President Orange Man Bad was in MENA brokering deals and setting up treaties (not to disparage his staff of umpteen people hobnobbing with their diplomatic opposites on either side, of course).

Several of them warned that Trump's attempts at peace in MENA was the prelude to nuclear Ragnarök.

Not because of peace, but because of Trump.

Some of our most prolific regime-journos made 'The View' look sane and balanced, almost.

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You know, well...actually you all might be surprised to know, that I share of fear of Trump screwing things up and either losing, or failing miserably in a second term, and maybe just because of his, shall I be polite (if not political...) and say, "out-sized" personality?

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I know of which person you are speaking of, but I don't see the translation of his positon as "defacto secretary of state", or "totally dedicated" to serving the interests of Israel. I think many would see that transaction as mutually beneficial for both countries.

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This is comical. You and Mek are demonstrating my point. Kushner bribed corrupt heads of state to formally turn their backs on the plight of the Palestinians, and that's widely seen by the severely-deluded uni-party masses (both factions) as somehow serving this country, while in a rational and just world it would be seen as bribery, theft of public wealth, and collusion with a brutal apartheid state.

So what's different about Hunter and Joe taking bribes and colluding with a similarly-brutal and corrupt state, that happens to also be ruled by Jews? Democrats alleging that their actions were in the interests of both countries, and therefore not criminal, are essentially giving the same rationale.

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"...the plight of the Palestinians..."

The point you have missed despite decades of exposure, M. Lamb, is that it is *self-inflicted* plight. The DJT admin did right in working around this albatross.

But this,

"...a similarly-brutal and corrupt state, that happens to also be ruled by Jews...",

certainly exposes your hysterical bias. It certainly doesn't support your misunderstanding of "national interests" in regards to "national crime."

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Thanks for throwing out the "self-inflicted" Zionist propaganda. Surely someone had to. Congratulations to you.

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Well, I *would* like to take credit, but alas I am not a zionist.

In any case, Are you not saying that Israel has self-imposed its will on the Middle East, and therefore *its* "problems" are "self-inflicted"?

Perhaps we just disagree, and should not be so antagonistic towards each other.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

Welcome to the entire history of the human species.

Where do you live? Is it on land that was once occupied by some other tribe? Answer honestly, now.

If Palestinians were as smart as Native Americans, they'd have opened casinos by now. If the Navajo Nation was chucking Katyusha equivalents at Albuquerque, Phoenix, and Denver, I guarantee they would simply no longer exist.

Adapt to reality, or die. The Israelis have been *vastly* more patient than I ever would have been.

So yes. "Self Inflicted". Fuck off.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Searching through the transcript for "Obama" turns up nothing. Same for "Clinton."

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Memory: not so different than Bill Clinton and the AG meeting on the tarmac to talk about yoga and grandchildren. Haven’t we seen this movie many times before? Your meme is hilarious!

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Yeah, like *anything* had to actually *be* voiced for the actual message to be heard loud and clear!

Edit: forgot to type *be* for grammaticality and style.

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Perfect meme!

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"... not one cent-illa of proo-- , SCINtilla, I mean "

It is just shocking that Lunchpail sold our nation to our advisaries for so little ... and the whole of the American Stasi KNEW it !

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So they say...

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander


Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, "Talk About The Weather"

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