America really needs to read this:


It sort of knocks the foundations out of your constitution.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Another vote of excellent. Learned something new (Wickard v. Filburn) and made me think...

In whose interest is it to revise the way we teach children the history of our Founding Fathers? Did 19th century missionaries abridge the Biblical story of Exodus for the good of the people who were enslaved?

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Yet all the Founding Fathers had to do was learn the lesson from history. Magna Carta - ‘the’ Great Charter… except there were more than one. King John who signed it had started ignoring it before his reign ended. There were in fact half a dozen rewrites of the Great Charter with additions as each subsequent Angevin king ignored its provisions. Today there is no trace of Magna Carta left in the British Constitution, all overwritten by legislation to shift power from the citizen to the State and its sponsors and cronies. The Founders understood the problems with Government, what apparently they didn’t understand was a piece of paper weren’t the answer. The only answer is no Government. The principle of democracy: power evenly distributed throughout the people, is to prevent tyranny by power being concentrated in the hands of one person or a minority group. In other words democracy is to prevent Governments forming. Democratic Government is an oxymoron. Voting doesn’t mean democracy. We could replace Government with a free social market modelled on free economic market, where nobody rules but everyone cooperates within a frame work of rules (Common Law) out of mutual self-interest. Those who say there would be chaos without Government are those in or who want to be in Government or Government cronies, and those who believe in central economic planning and control.

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I wear sunscreen to protect you, I'm very altruistic.


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Feb 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Excellent essay. Worthy of multiple readings.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

When ol' Ben says, "Hella," he means, "A list? We don't need a stinkin' list. We ain't givin' a thing they don't already have."

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander


True freedom is the freedom "of" things, not the freedom "from" things.

The former is the bright future of a proud and brave sentient race of empowered individuals, the latter of fearful slaves, hive insects really, latched on to State teat, looking forward to the peace of death.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander


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No government makes you free, all prefer you in chains.

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President Adams had a different view did he not? The Alien and Sedition Acts -https://www.thoughtco.com/the-alien-and-sedition-acts-of-1798-4176452

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