Sep 9, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I might have wished for a different title in that it evokes issues around abortion and the jab. The article does well in starting to note how government tries to control nearly everything, generally along it's chosen ideological grounds. The swamp, perma-government has become no longer responsive to the elected politicians. If the politician's objectives match the permas, they will find a way even sliding past the law if needed. If not, the permas simply slow-roll or ignore the objective. The drift was already in place but Obama made it even more in his liking. Read John Yoo's "Liberty's Nemesis: The Unchecked Expansion of the State Feb 9, 2016". As he notes "First, expand federal powers beyond their constitutional limits. Second, delegate those powers to agencies and away from elected politicians in Congress. Third, insulate civil servants from politics and accountability.

As they see it, it isn't your body but theirs. You can choose either A or A. The law applies to certain people but not to others. Please behave as they require; if you disagree please be quiet because you are obviously one of those bad people. Names are provided for bad people and they know who you are. Federal prosecutors win 95%+ of the time; if we arrest you, you must be guilty. So far we have avoided neighbors checking and reporting on neighbors, beware.

Hypocrisy is a kind word for the duplicity we are witnessing.

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It's been a personal pet peeve of mine that 'my body, my choice' politicians like Biden/Harris literally made their careers by denying the right to bodily autonomy on almost every other issue. (The drug war is obviously the big one, but vaccine mandates rank right up there, too).

You really nailed it in your second paragraph -- you're free to do what they want you to do, otherwise you're being 'divisive'.

It sort of reminds me of the old joke about the American in Russia. He says "We have free speech! We can go in front of the White House and say Reagan is awful!" And the Russian laughs and says, "We have free speech, too! We can go in front of the Kremlin and say Reagan is awful!" (It worked because we knew the Russian was only 'free' to repeat the approved narrative -- just like today.)

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

They're defending democracy alright. By defining democracy as "voting" and nothing more.

This should also be the final nail in the coffin dividing ideologies and ideas into neat little slots, as if they were pieces of LEGO.

If private capitalist ventures had told the White House to "FOADIAF" when asked to censor and so on, none of these things would have worked without open outright legislation, which could and would be challenged in the various checkpoints - I doubt any Supreme Court of the US would have upheld a law commanding private companies to censor et c citizens on behalf of the governement, especially when it concerns citizens neither charged nor convicted of felonies.

You might not like it (who would, honestly?) but the huge private capitalist ventures have zero problem with bigger governement, more control, less freedom for citizens, fewer real choices and the possibility of opting out/going OTG. Quite the opposite: large capitalist businesses love greater governement control, corporativism and in the end fascism because that system protects those already rich, powerful and having a other vested interests in the system being set up that way.

It's governement plus Big Biz plus special interest groups vs the people. And that leaves the people with very few options to unite around.

It may sound pretentious, especially coming from an outsider, but I really think you the US citizens must re-conquer the meaning and content of the term "American". A few simple core meanings, positive and encouraging and also empowering meanings. Exactly which ones and how to sum them up in useful and memetic shorthand, I'm not the right person to say.

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Quite the opposite: large capitalist businesses love greater governement control, corporativism and in the end fascism because that system protects those already rich, powerful and having a other vested interests in the system being set up that way.


For an example, just look at Facebook's attitude when drug in front of Congress. "You need to regulate us harder." They know that insanely high barriers to entry in the social media world are good for them because it destroys the competitive industry.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

This is reasonably on-topic: the Washington people here might want to know that a state appeals court just voided Inslee's punishment of an Olympia restaurant, Farm Boy Drive In, for having dine-in customers in late 2020 and early 2021. The voiding is on procedural due process grounds: essentially, Department of Labor and Industries didn't follow the rules in serving papers to Farm Boy.

The opinion's 23 pages, at


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Very very very very few of these fines and/or lawsuits against businesses will end up being levied. The entire thing was a huge overreach and never once was the legislature a part of it. (Some might have strong words describing men who ignore the legal ways to pass laws and instead decree them from on high. Dictator might be one.)

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The narrative for the Farm Boy opinion is quietly funny. For example: in December 2020, Lyndsey Banks, a regional compliance manager for DLI, "drove past Farm Boy. Banks observed unmasked individuals seated inside the restaurant and that the parking lot was full."

How did you stop covid today, mommy? I staked out a drive-in restaurant. We're going to punish it.

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Turning businesses into the covid police and threatening their licenses was the shittiest thing Inslee did in a long list of shitty things Inslee did.

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We'll see how this ends for those that mocked laws, the democratic process, and an extremely wide, diverse of American public.

Americans aren't Canadians, Australians, French or German.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh they've done this to sex workers before. I suggest reading Maggie McNeill. I don't agree with her stance on some trans issues (and ACAB in some very understandable ways), but she is a sex worker who has been writing about this and other issues for about a decade. Her blog is named The Honest Courtesan over on WordPress. I think she has stated that her political alignment is minarchist (?) but she is DEFINITELY a libertarian of the "fuck the uniparty" variety.

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To be sure anyone still using Wells Fargo...

But yes. This sure has accelerated, hasn't it?

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm surprised Wells Fargo is still around. A friend of mine worked in the legal department and by the time she left (last year I think) they were bleeding people from that department and a couple others.

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With all of their scandals, you'd think only a super-ultra-exponentially-evil-Godzilla-Swamp-Thing would have an acct. with them...

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Them and B of A. I always hated when I discovered my employers had accounts with them. There would always be issues.

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The wretched ex had some --uh--experiences with them too.

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Apologies if this shows up twice, the squirrels seem to have eaten my first attempt:

If you want a 'hilarious' glimpse into an alternate simulation, take a look at network programming from 2004-2008. Dark, foreboding stories about an out-of-control government running amok in the name of 'national security', smashing the freedoms of Americans.

Of course, since this was a protest against Bush, it was cheered on in Hollywood. Now that it's happening for real, they don't have much to say. Weird how it all flips depending on the letter behind the name of the president.

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Spot on. In high school and college, it's cool to hate the government and big corporations. But when you get to your mid 30s, you start to understand that they actually love you and are just trying to help.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

My favorite bit of irony over the last 2 years, 5+ months is that my Congressperson was born in a Japanese Internment camp. And yet, Doris Matsui has no problem with continuing to marginalize those that The Party deems unmentionable.

I'm pretty sure she'll help load my cattle car, if she is still physically able.

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Yet somehow THAT guy never seems to be in the discussion when we're talking about statues of 'racist' historical figures. Wonder why that is............

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Her husband Bob was a congressman for 25 years, died in office, then she was pushed by The Party to take over the position and now has been wrecking America for 15+ years. I guess the People's Representatives are hereditary now.

I love how she just married the co-founder of AES, a billion dollar energy company. Having a Rep wife must be quite lucrative.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The fascists have gone deaf from yelling “actual fascists!” for so long about anyone who does not coddle them that they’re no longer capable of hearing anything of reason.

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Martyn, I don't think they are deaf. They are implementing their plan.

PS, Did you ever work in IL? Had a bud named Martyn many years ago...

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

My body doesn't want the vaccine...

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I don't know how I'm going to manage in the new dystopian "normal" or whether I'm going to end up in one of the interment (oops, I mean "quarantine") camps, but I plan to continue to be a proud non-violent enemy of the state until I die or they kill me. Any of us who share that view are in incredible company with hundreds of other people over the centuries like Rothbard, Samuel Adams, Malcolm X and plenty of modern day figures as well (whether we agree with them or not is not what matters, the fact that they were hated by the government does) We would do well to remember that we are NOT alone, and we never will be and standing on our principles and crying "liberty!" is worth it no matter what end it may bring.

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Non peaceful... until I die or they kill me...

You're comment is disturbing

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Exactly the case!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

My body my choice. So people with terminal illness have the Right to assisted suicide. People with body Dysmorphia have the Right to have their foot or whichever body part ‘doesn’t belong to me’ surgically removed. Oh but that’s different... of course. I have no problem with legalised abortion within the terms and limits as decided within a legislature, but it is not a Right. And let’s leave God out of it because not everyone believes.

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Legal arguments can be made on basic of Science and precedents against murder, that an agnostic would approve of.

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People are pushed into assisted suicide...

You'd have a problem with abortion if you were unborn about to undergo saline Abortion.

I read posts like these and I think this covid depopulation chastisement is gonna go on a lot longer. Oh, and that is being allowed by God, who will end it when He so chooses. On a dime if He so chooses.

But our side saying baby murder ok?

I prayed Rosary outside abortion clinics since 1980s... we knew America was under judgement back then. Well guess what...

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Yes, people have the right to assisted suicide. Why wouldn't they?

People with some sort of mental illness are another matter entirely, as they should be.

And God has nothing to do with this?

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God doesn’t exist so how can the non-existant have anything to do with anything?

A mental illness does not necessarily mean incapacity to make an informed decision. For example, compulsive obsessive disorder is mental illness but sufferers can make decisions about their lives. I consider religious belief to be a mental illness, but many intelligent people who believe are capable of making informed decisions.

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Ok, I now have a sharp pain in my right temple.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Ok, clueless here….are you saying that it’s getting closer and closer that whether it’s the sex industry or whatever the cause of the day is, that the government is eagerly wanting to get into every ones bank accounts. I mean, if that’s what you’re saying, we’ll, of course the government wants the banks to inform on customers or at the very least to get a large cut.

Straighten me out here, please.

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Yes. You start with the fringe until the public is used to the idea that government can 'seize' the assets of 'bad' people. Then you expand the definition of 'bad' people to include your political enemies.

You have to start with Alex Jones and prostitutes, you can't start with the rich and powerful.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

And, in a twist of irony, prostitutes and Alex Jones may be the last honest vendors.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh, God,……..It’s never going to stop. The only choice people will be left with is barter or cash only on everything. And the cash thing has been happening for a long time. I don’t want to have to fear our government but, that’s what’s happening. Well, if they start with prostitutes well I’m just going to have to put my best dress on with maybe a nice set of pearls and little white gloves and go on a line with prostitutes to protest and I’m about as Victorian as one could get.

If you have ideas or someone to write to, let us know because going to jail would not be a good look for me.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Author

Sometimes it gets so bad that you have to re-create Thoreau.


Thoreau once went to Concord jail rather than pay his taxes to a government that upheld slavery and war. Mr. Emerson went to see his young friend in the jail, and said to him: “Henry, why are you here?”

“Why are you not here?” was the reply.

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As Chappelle said, sometimes you just gotta get off the bus and walk.

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OMG……that is sooooooo cool! Big smiles.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Last week UPS sent me an agreement where I was suppose to agree to not ship "firearms parts" without a license. Well, my entire business is shipping "firearms parts" (I think; the agreement doesn't really say what they are); and I don't have a license because none is required unless I sell firearms, and I don't sell firearms. I sent it back to them and told them to pound sand. Still waiting for the fallout. We ship a lot of stuff with UPS.

A few years ago, during Operation Choke Point Intuit's merchant services arm fired me for the same reason, after a decade without a chargeback.

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Wow……..please keep us all up to date on this. This is outrageous.

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If they can't ban guns the standard way, they'll attempt to regulate the industry into dust.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Only Congress can redefine what requires a license. Not the ATF, not UPS, not the banking industry, not seven meddlesome Senators.

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Who are the 7 Senators?

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Oops, only five Senators: Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Cory A. Booker (D-N.J.), Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

The usual suspects.


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You got it! I’m in California and she’s always on my list. Thanks, I’ll get to it tomorrow.

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I’m asking because, without naming you, I would be happy to write a few lines.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Just because Big Brother tells us what to think, doesn’t mean it’s working.

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It gives us hints on what To think...

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

americans have always been a bit prudish so i doubt there will be too many demonstrations about this latest one, maybe thats why it was chosen. question is whats next?

oddly enough in the fascist country of australia sex working is legal

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Exactly right. Only a handful of people were saying that it wouldn't stop with Alex Jones.

“The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”

― H.L. Mencken

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