This must be some kind of concerted effort. Locally, the League of Women Voters- once a rather impartial group, is having a meeting about 'misinformation' hosted by some local college librarians and a local journalist of the legacy media. I'm sure it is as impartial and non partisan as claimed, LOL.

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Apr 15Liked by SimulationCommander

If you have a DEI commission in your town, I guarantee the LOWV was behind it. They were the ones pushing DEI surveys, focus groups, and training for town employees and community volunteers.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by SimulationCommander

Figures. Everything is suborned at this point. That's what happens when you take Gate's easy money.

It only goes to justify the stance of a non profit I worked for about a decade ago. They would not take corporate money: the temporary gain was not worth the price, which was losing autonomy and doing the bidding of the finacial overseers.

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Apr 15Liked by SimulationCommander

I became 'politically cognizant' - the age when the front page is as interesting or even more than the sports page--so early nineties for me, early 20s.

I remember the disappointment then disdain I had for Bill Clinton when he did the 'meaning of is is', HillaryCare, 'vast right wing conspiracy', wag the dog bombings---it was coming of age and learning the was zero honor in the highest places of our government.

I don't know why I fooled myself into thinking GWB was any better, but I then became swept up in the post 9/11 'you want reparations? We'll give you reparations!' mindset of many in the military at the time. I was all in. It blinded me to the lies and manipulations that admin did, and the crimes we committed as a nation.

So now we're at about 30 years of constant disappointment and now completely bereft of any trust with any level of government and yet I am still surprised at how enflamed listening to those two people can make me in 90 seconds.

He is seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY pulling the Putin card?!?!?! WHO BELIEVES THIS MADNESS?!?!?

Oh, probably a solid 35-40% of the country.



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It seems a universal experience of the awakening to see the two wings on the big bad bird. Embarrassed to say I didn’t until Obama’s second term.

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I remain gobsmacked at their ability to lie or believe this lie so easily. Horrible people. We'd be better off with a draft or lottery to select our representatives.


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In another part of the interview, the pair talked about how the vast majority of the country is with democracy and the Democratic party.

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Truly despicable pair.


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Apr 15Liked by SimulationCommander

Scary thing is he may actually believe in what he says. The pandemic shows us many people are completely clueless and they really think Math is Racist!

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Being correct is racist -- no matter what class it's in.

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Is Biden aware of this rebel Raskin who is not speaking out fourteen sides of his mouth as the daily memo dictates?

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Fighting Russia would be WWIII. Quashing the shitheads in Iran would not be.

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If you love genocidal Jewish maniacs so much leave the U.S. IMMEDIATLEY and go live in Israhell. We don't need dual loyalty (((neo-cons))) here, and we don't need people picking our pockets through taxes to pay for a war than only benefits parasite Jews, and that doesn't benefit Americans in any way.

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Oh go fuck yourself, Nazi. Preferably with a chainsaw.

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Are you triggered subhuman?

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No, I don't get "triggered" by shit-gargling mental defectives like yourself. You aren't actually frightening in any manner, just irritating and pathetic.

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U not mad? U sound mad.

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U not type well? No, u not that smart.

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Thanks for saving me some typing, lol. Jews lol their midwit sperg autistic meltdowns, lol. I am not a gamma, really guys!

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One might think such a "man" who's only son killed himself might have some humility. But somehow he is utterly shameless.

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Hahahaha 😩

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Raskin is like, Baskin & Robbins Ice Cream all rolled into one cone for Biden to lick.


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Did not need that image in my head.

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AustinBurbs: LOL!

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Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

Raskin is one of those people in the core of the establishment. His bio: https://bioguide.congress.gov/search/bio/R000606

Born in D.C., went to Georgetown Day High School, two Harvard degrees, law professor at American University in D.C. for nearly 30 years, and Maryland legislature politician for 10 years before going to the House.

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Wow. A poster child for credentialed stupidity.

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Yeah he's like Adam Schiff level nuts.

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You know, this has been some strange weekend. As someone on the news pointed out yesterday, after Iran telegraphed their imminent attack so hard the invisible wires melted, they then courteously waited until Shabbat was concluded in Israel before launching their ferocious attack that ended up wounding only one, very unfortunate little Bedouin girl with shrapnel.

Almost as if the Iranians performed the obligatory face-saving "we're gonna git you, sort of" after the takeout of their guys in Damascus and now the Iranian screamers in the street have been satisfied and no actual war shall have to be broken out.

It's almost as if, with the recent reveal of what Iran paid Hamas to do their atrocitying, Iran has pulled a frilled lizard thingy and ensured Israel will now get the diplomatic and military aid they need to keep going in Gaza.

This is some 18-dimensional chess but knowing the Middle East and how remarkably alike the Persians and Jews are, I think it's the defusing of, like, the apocalypse or whatever.

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It very much seemed like a non-retaliation retaliation, but the warmongers in DC are playing it up.

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Well, you know those guys. And now Mike Johnson is gonna cave and agree to Ukraine funding to get the Israel funding passed.

If Israel had had just a few fewer evangelical friends maybe the crazies in both countries wouldn't have had all the fuel they needed to keep thwarting any possibility of peace. And yet Trump managed that Abraham Accord, didn't he? I will in all admiration salute him at least for that.

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Agree except for the praise of Trump who nothing but a puppet of (((Jared Kushner))) when it comes to foreign policy.

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The crazier side of Twitter said this proved the AA were "fake."

But yes, it's crazy how there's always money for war, and always people who wanna fight.

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u gotta fight

for yer right.

to paaaarty.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

I am so sick of hearing about how important it is to protect Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, etc. I don't see troops from any of those countries assisting Amerika's borders, nor have these great allies (to my knowledge) fought side by side with Amerikan troops when it's government decides to "bring democracy and freedom" to whatever nation has a wayward dart in it on a world map. These politicians can come talk to me when groceries become affordable again, when monsters who support coerced medical "treatments" are on trial, and when their corrupt constituents are prosecuted (my list is much longer than that). No more treasure or blood spent for ANY other nation until Amerika's own house is in order. Sorry if that wasn't quite about misinformation. 😀

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America isn't allowed to have borders.

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Apparently, the Canadian border is okay…it’s not racist.

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And that's exactly how most people feel, honestly. We're just sick and tired of funding forever wars while life is so obviously deteriorating around us. The politicians vote yes because they get huge kickbacks - we get nothing but the bill.

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Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

Don’t didn’t work

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Didn't work a few years ago either.

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Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

Yes, misinformation is a large problem. Many countries live in a society of censorship. Governments are very selective in telling the public important information. The spin of propaganda looms large. No wonder the average person is forced to pick a side. Between the squabbling, look at what what is really being hidden. The question should be what is the distraction for?

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Maybe this?:

"In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or the propaganda might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies - the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions.

In the past most people never got a chance of fully satisfying this appetite. They might long for distractions, but the distractions were not provided. Christmas came but once a year, feasts were "solemn and rare," there were few readers and very little to read, and the nearest approach to a neighborhood movie theater was the parish church, where the performances though frequent, were somewhat monotonous. For conditions even remotely comparable to those now prevailing we must return to imperial Rome, where the populace was kept in good humor by frequent, gratuitous doses of many kinds of entertainment - from poetical dramas to gladiatorial fights, from recitations of Virgil to all-out boxing, from concerts to military reviews and public executions. But even in Rome there was nothing like the non-stop distractions now provided by newspapers and magazines, by radio, television and the cinema.

In "Brave New World" non-stop distractions of the most fascinating nature are deliberately used as instruments of policy, for the purpose of preventing people from paying too much attention to the realities of the social and political situation. The other world of religion is different from the other world of entertainment; but they resemble one another in being most decidedly "not of this world." Both are distractions and, if lived in too continuously, both can become, in Marx's phrase "the opium of the people" and so a threat to freedom. Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures.

A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those would manipulate and control it."

- Aldous Huxley

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The (obvious) impending collapse of the USD as the world's reserve currency. They're going to run the dollar into the ground and then try to control the next version, too.

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Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

Is Roberts about to fuck us again?


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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

I'm gonna be shallow here. Surely someone can come up with a caption for that picture of the so-called justices.

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we can't be sure of anything :(

the dastardly war against our constitutional rights is ongoing and bold.

so, if erected (L?) will Trump pardon Anyone?

Can this slo-mo distraction (issue, issue, issue, oy oy oy!) force alphabet agency dismantling?

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I think he will, but the SCOTUS should stop this abuse now. In any case, no Democrat will.

So, we should throw up our hands and allow Democrat lawfare to enslave us? Of course we have to push back, on *all* issues.

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This is where we all sing in unison, "The Impossible Dream." And then laugh uproariously at ourselves.

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I don't know how to get the courts to stand with the people instead of their own team.

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Apr 15Liked by SimulationCommander

It's not all courts. Mostly just D.C. and NY Southern district.

But obviously the thing that scares judges and politicians (the powers that be) the most is popular unrest. The gov't. op J6 was a panicky attempt to suppress the People and our desire for redress.

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And a message about what happens if you stand up to them -- as Julie Kelly pointed out.

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What country do they live in.

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Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

how 'bout:

"Or else!!"

(Round up the usual suspects!)

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

Someone inform Dante we’ve just discovered a 10th level of hell. Watching Jen Psaki interview Jamie Raskin.

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Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

Because I'm unlucky enough to notice sh1t, somebody please scrape all of that crap off her eyelids! Almost, but not quite, as heinous as Jamie. He is just so proud of himself to be able to say "Putin" in public without giggling!

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His staff stayed up all night thinking of clever lines for him -- so they think.

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Apr 14Liked by SimulationCommander

Because he certainly couldn't even come up with a dad joke on his own!

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"It would pass like 60 or 70%!"

60 to 70% of THE PUBLIC would vote no if they could!!

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my beer.

u made me guffaw and beer shot outta my nose!

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