Mar 16, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

It's idiotic on its face. People don't lie to abuse power and hurt people, they lie to protect their interests. The abuses and hurting are second-order effects. But liberals don't "do" second-order effects, and Everybody Knows™ that their intentions are good, so nobody cares about the abuse and hurt *they* cause.

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"We just didn't know anything. Everybody was scared."

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I did go watch that show last week. But don't worry, I still love you anyway.

And just a wee quibble--Tucker isn't a journalist, he's a commentator and performer, but he does sometimes have some guests we can't see anywhere else on TV and despite many of his idiocies he is also sometimes facilitating important perspectives to be aired.

Considering the hypocrisies and lies and omissions and failures everywhere else, he gets a certain, limited amount of appreciation from me.

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I steadfastly believe that journalism is an action and Tucker obviously qualifies as a journalist on the basis of playing the tapes in the first place.

I have all sorts of private feelings about him that aren't as pleasant.

And I'm still pissed they aren't actually releasing the footage like they promised. The GOP is Lucy holding the football.

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McCarthy is deliberately screwing the MAGA base by giving the tapes to Carlson, and only Carlson. If they had set up a website accessible to all, and allowed a million internet sleuths to go through the previously unseen footage and publicize all of the details that would destroy the "insurrection" narrative, there would be no way for the media to duck its' obligations to cover the new footage. But because it's coming from Carlson they can discredit the videos, and justify ignoring the revelations contained therein, merely by smearing the source with ad hominem attacks.

This is important, because the "insurrection" is the cornerstone of the Left's entire agenda. They stole the election, and to prevent investigation of that theft, the deep state created a crisis, and then using that crisis as pretext, they changed the rules for election certification, disallowing Constitutional election challenging procedures used by Democrats only four years earlier (because it's an emergency now, you see), and officially installing their puppet, with no challenges allowed to be placed on the record.

So the deep state entrapped thousands of innocent people by employing the likes of Ray Epps to lead the breaches of the barricades and the doors of the Capitol itself. They beat Rosemary Boyland to death, and shot Ashli Babbitt. They told their willing allies in the press that Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. And by doing all this, by turning an ordinary protest into an "insurgency" which threatened our very form of government," they were able to redirect attention away from the stolen election, and cast those who question the legitimacy of Biden's election as insurrectionists and kooks.

And continuing through to today, they continue to persecute these people they entrapped, not because their crimes (parading!) were violent, not because our august "democracy" was truly threatened, but because they need that narrative to persist.

If the general public, the crowd that gets its news from pop culture, ever learned the truth about January 6, distrust of the current regime, and of the unelected deep state that is really in control, would skyrocket. The public would demand hearings and trials, and the clearing out of the Augean stables.

But McCarthy doesn't want that truth, does he?

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The Video tapes should be played non stop on CSPAN 24/7. No outside commentary. Just the tapes. But of course, that would be a threat to national security....blah, blah, blah...

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Great comment! I don't think many in DC are interested in the truth.


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That perspective I'm able to agree with.

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Usually I roll with a Charlie B "Oh Good Grief" avatar, but I figured I'd switch it just for this occasion. lol

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That was a fairly long way of saying, "He's not a journalist, but he sorta kinda gets a pass, ... For Now !!" lol I fully agree though.

Mostly I watch Tucker only occasionally, and I like it when he busts into near hysterical laughter. It lightens the anxiety. I need that from time to time while the world is burning. sigh.

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Ha--and I absolutely hate that laugh. I think it's a shame, really, because he is a smart guy and if he worked a little harder at the digging into things, really getting into the meat instead of the gotchas, he'd provide more than occasional value.

Only non-anonymous guy I can think of right now willing to go wherever the evidence leads and dig into it the way a true journalist ought to is Matt Taibbi, but Tucker, with the audience reach he has, unfortunately he plays to that audience rather than to the "wherever it leads" ethos.

If we're to recover any sense of national sanity it will require more than what we're getting from the loud famous voices.

Of course that's why so many of us are here, attracted by those sane voices.

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Yeah, I don't watch him very often and I do agree on one thing, If Only he did serious digging to get at the real meat, ... He'd Stop Friggin' Laughing because nothing would be close to funny Then !! It would be more like Holy Crap !!

I look forward to that too. It likely will never come though.

Actually, I just really miss the sound of a Teletype machine in the background, what I would give to go back in time. sigh

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Well, you can't provide for a family on truth-finding.

I don't doubt that a fair number of would-be hotshot kid reporters think about where Julian Assange is right now, and make the rational choice not to do anything that might lead to a similar fate. It's taken me a long time to travel from basic disappointment to an acceptance that Obama is one of the most morally bankrupt Presidents in our history.

This garbage floating to the top thingy, we gotta find a way to curtail it.

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Seems to be a repeating theme. Look at Assange, ... Yikes, don't want to end up like that.

Same with would-be conservative protesters, ... Yikes, look what they did to J6'ers, don't want to end up like them, better not get too wound up.

Same with many many Doctors during covid, ... Roast them alive, cost them everything, get them fired, etc. etc. Wouldn't want to end up like that, better just play along.

In every instance it has a profound effect, without doubt.

About the "Garbage floating to the top thingy", ... sounds like a great candidate for a giant Flush.

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*Abnormal* human behavior would be to resist. I'm always humbled, thinking about all the many ordinary people, most of whose names we never learn, who did the right thing under the most dreadful and terrifying circumstances.

What's hard to look at are all the comfortable middle-class educated people who can't face a little anger and scorn from their social set. It's not quite equivalent to having one's fingernails torn out yet refusing, still, to give up the names. I understand the little terror one feels, standing apart from the majority view; I've stunk of fear sweat more times than I like to remember. But still I stood apart, and for things that really don't matter so much in the maintenance of the true arc of the universe. I'm glad I wasn't tested more than that.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Shortly after the pronounced 15 days (to slow the spread (of sanity)), I began to notice the trend of lies building to absurdity. And shortly after that, realizing I did not want to bring these liars into my home, I stopped watching network television. Now, three years later, I have a section of my house that rarely gets used for anything, other than an occasional nap, or movie on DVD.

The so called news, along with the social programming we used to call SitComs, are all worse than super market tabloids.

I'm glad there are people who can sit and sift through this daily audio video sewage to tell us luddites what the crap looks like, because I can't.

PS: I really enjoy the pictures of G, they bring many smiles.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Author

SimComs > SitComs

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I never thought there would be a day in America where it became so obvious to me the country I grew up in had for the most part been replaced with blithering idiots who couldn't find their asses even if it were handed to them, but here we are.

I do hold out some hope the likes of you SC, Matt, Michael, Bari, Goodwin, Turley and a few others can shine enough light on the goverment fungus that it will wither and die.

Keep up the good fight SC, its worth it more days than not.

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Taibbi got Substacker Gene Frenkle deleted from Substack for daring to criticize him. And Bari Weiss is what I call a bi-neocon…sometimes when she’s flicking her bean she dreams of Bush…other times she dreams of Dick!

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

So evidently you have a bone to pick with Matt & Bari. Ok.

Got to say I've never heard of "flicking ones bean" but.....

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Taibbi is worse than Yoel Roth! He got a fellow Substacker deleted from Substack. And Weiss is an unreformed neocon that loves slaughtering innocent Muslims!

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I highly recommend that everyone take a few turns watching the different Nightly Network News. And then torture yourself and watch CNN and MSNBC in Prime Time....I find it all vapid and or so blatantly false and or manipulative. MSNBC Nicole Wallace is now calling Carlson “ a dangerous person.” So, Hunter Biden is not guilty of anything? It’s all FOX fiction? Same for Russian Collusion? COVID, the vaccine etc etc etc .. I’m at the point, that if I have bought onto a ton of lies, please tell me so I can stop caring!!! 🤯🤬🤯🤬

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And any real reporter would be demanding full release of the 1/6 tapes in order to stick it to Tucker and his "whitewashing" of 1/6. Instead they call him names like it's Twitter.

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Joe and Mika... “ I can’t even”...to repeat myself, if I’m wrong, I’ll admit but to me these peoples’ omissions of revelations that have been exposed is outrageous! Let me start wit COVID.... VAERS, my own anecdotal stories... it’s outrageous. Do these journalists get their kids endlessly jabbed?? Okay, I’m done.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

That the new playbook. Deflect, name call. Never debate the actual point. He’s a dangerous spreader of misinformation, I can’t be bothered debating him, he’s a domestic terrorist. And also don’t believe your lying eyes.

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Summed it all up precisely, in just a few fairly short sentences. Excellent !!

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Well, they are SO seventh grade, ... what is expected ?

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We do exactly that, Mrs. McF. Every week we watch at least one morning, and one evening newscast on one of Big Brother's channels. That way we can usually get a good Idea as to the cover-up of the day; and the slant they're putting on various stories, (if they choose report on them at all). We also watch at least one of the week-end "news" round-ups. To see what they cover - and don't cover. Helps figure out what we should be looking up on line.

They are lying to us. I made that determination at age 7, listening to Korean War reports on the radio. The birth of a cynic. Nothing I have learned in the last seven decades has done much to change my mind. They were lying then - they're lying now.

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Listen to NPR news on the radio. I actually retch when it comes on and have to turn off the radio for five minutes until it goes away.

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I have. Our tax dollar brainwashing the public. 🤯

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"We pay for that, too."

I suppose that's the biggest insult of them all. We've paid for this all and we'll keep paying.

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PS. Love the cartoons.

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I just added a picture of G, check it out :)

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That is such a flashback. I had a Himalayan-Siamese cross that would do that. Too cute.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Come on SimulationCommander, McConnell and Schumer are only doing their jobs. After all, they swore an oath to protect the Constitution.....of BlackRock.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

"Because people lie to abuse power and to hurt people."

Can bw rewritten as:

Because people, like us journalists, lie to abuse power and to hurt people.

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023Author

Silly, Peon, our lies are Noble and Good.

Edit: https://www.foxnews.com/media/credibility-crisis-cnn-boss-ordered-staff-not-chase-down-covid-lab-leak-theory

But in the early months of the pandemic, then-CNN president Jeff Zucker would not allow his network to chase down the lab-leak story because he believed it was a "Trump talking point," according to a well-placed CNN insider.

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Yeah, this Peon was made aware of that, here or GAB, can't remember, quite awhile ago.

I am/was fairly blase towards Trump, but it was very apparent TDS was in play.

And a good rule of thumb, if it is TDS, do/think the opposite.

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Never to trust the media again. What could go wrong here on out? It’s so crazy that half the country is watching different news than the rest. Craziness

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Why is the cat screaming?

(You would be too if you knew what he knew)

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Has ABC done a single investigative report, on TV or its website, about covid policies?

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We'd probably find a couple on the cutting room floor.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

It's almost cute that you think they lasted long enough to get there.

Those "Scripts" went into the round file long before filming began. lol

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I don’t get your comment. But I am pretty cute 😉 so, Robach had nothing? Then why did Stephanopolous say on air that the material did not meet their broadcasting standards as why it was not being aired? There are endless examples... how about Lesley Stahl saying to 45 “ Mr. Trump, you know that’s not true”..knowing full well, she was lying. Or Savannah Guthrie shaming the Covington KY high school kid knowing full well,he had done nothing?? The shit that the msm gets away with is outrageous.

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How about Amy Rohbach having the entire scoop on Bubba on Epstein island and Georgie Stevenson just shuts it down? Maybe now that she’s been canned , she’ll come forward.

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The Bush family controlled the federal prosecutors and state prosecutors that prosecuted Epstein…I wonder which Bush is the pedo?? We know Hastert is a pedo and George HW Bush is a groper and W Bush loves slaughtering innocent Muslims.

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It’s all so depressing at times. Pollyanna here, but what a vile thought to entertain as real.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Ministry of Truth. A good apparatchik can believe 2+2=5.

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And will, or else.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Or else it's room 101!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Fuck them all, and let God sort them out.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

2-fer post:

1) DOJ: "video of 'QAnon Shaman' Fox aired lacks context"

Public: "OK, show us more/the rest of the footage then."

Public: *dies of old age waiting for DOJ to be honest or transparent about anything*

2) "...disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz — who somehow still has a job after rigging the 2016 Democratic primary..." - I submit that rigging the 2016 Dem primary is WHY she still has a job ("sorry Debbie - poor optics to leave you in your post at DNC HQ, even after your resounding success in saving Hill-dog from Bernie; how about a nice safe house seat?")

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The Democrats would rig a primary election but NEVER EVER ONCE IN A MILLION YEARS a presidential one!

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The superdelegates stole the 2008 nomination from Hillary…so sometimes the Deep State gets things right! ;)

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It’s Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Thx SimComm! Excellent piece.

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Awesome. Thanks!

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