Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

“We wouldn’t have to worry about every election being “the end of America” if the government was limited to its Constitutional restraints.

Hey, a guy can dream.”

Make that (at least) two guys

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

10th Amendment: any powers not given to the federal government or prohibited from the states are reserved for the states or the people.

An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

But "enumerated powers" is so "last century."

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...and a few gals, as well.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

"All bets are off. Anybody who tells you they know what is going to happen is a liar.

There is going to be another series of black swan events before Election Day that throws everything off again.

The only thing that we know for sure is that there is corruption on the inside."

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) July 21, 2024

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Well, the greatest tragedy of our time is that white people aren't allowed to be elders. We can only be old, and I take extreme umbrage at that.

Anyway--mine eyes fully openethed during the Rittenhouse trial. It's not that I hadn't known since the '80s how our finest journalists lie without cost, but that was a long time ago. I needed a refresher, and got one that drenched me in the horror of deliberate viciously mendacious framing.

And here I am, still not on any side except that of hoping grimly for justice. We got a little bit today in the humiliation of everyone connected to BidenWorld. That felt pretty good, but without real sustained discipline from the camp of Orange Not Jesus but resurrected in a slightly improved form, they'll manage to make Harris win.

May it, like, not be so.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

I go back to Trump's "let's not act like children" remark when he and Biden were fighting about golf in the debate. It's deeply ironic, but if Trump emerges as the mature, reasonable adult while the Democrats foment chaos and speak hysterically, he can be somewhat like Nixon in '68: the candidate who stands for all the voters who just want a settled life.

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If Trump has the self-control to be boring after he wins, it could set the hysteria back a bit.

It's a tall order.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

The tallest order of all time.

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Probably the same mentality that has guided you into a life of mediocrity, well established in the bureaucratic class sludging away to “just doing what they tell me”

“The indifference of men….”

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Why should he be boring? When have the leftists ever been boring? When have they ever lowered their temperature? It is the constant relinquishing of political territory and acquiescence to the harpies on the left just to get them to STFU for one second that got us here. How about fuck boring and we just take our country back from the narcissistic parasites that are free loading off of the successes of the western judeo-Christian, free market, common law society that our fore fathers bled to create and maintain

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I'm pretty sure simply effectively running the country IS boring.

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Jul 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Wars make great tv, and great money for the triumvirate who owns the media.

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I understand that as not taking back any political territory, remain in the status quo, with no adjudication for taking massive liberties with the constitution. A “boring” administration is only fine when it’s one that maintains a well oiled machine of liberty. We are most certainly not in the “boring” timeline. No, we’re in the “take back our country from the neo Marxist revolutionaries” timeline. There is nothing “boring” about this timeline. “Boring” during this type of timeline led to the gulag archipelago and “we were just following orders” timeline.

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I would like to super- size two orders of boring and gorge myself. Insanity has over stimulated me and boring sounds better than a vacation.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Are the ten million rounded up going to be *just the illegal aliens who have come in during Biden's term in office*, and is the "concentration camp" going to just be a place to deport them from?

I can't say as I have a large issue with that.

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LOL yes they will put the people back in the Obama camps lol

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I mean, fuck it. We have no obligation to take them. Drop them back in Mexico, whom for many of them, will *also* have no obligation to take them. They can push them farther along.

Maybe we should build a wall at *Mexico's* southern border.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

There is a wall a Mexico’s southern border. It’s highly secure. With establishment consent, caravans were permitted through, on a trail with several way station camps to facilitate entry into the United States. This was done at the highest levels of diplomatic support. There are several reports of this. Chinese immigration through this were kept separate from the rest of the caravan.

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Well, then I have no problem just dumping everyone back in Mexico.

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Illegal aliens are being swanned around the country, put up in 5 star hotels, given jobs, credit cards, voting rights, free everything. The concentration camps will be for resistant US citizens

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That doesn't seem like a probable outcome from a Trump re-election.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Of course not, assuming he actually wins now & the election isn’t stolen again. W/ LGB-FJB as the nominee & the deep unfavorability, they weren’t going to be able to rig it but totally different now, as of his bowing out.

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"The concentration camps will be for resistant US citizens"

I fear that may be a far higher probability.

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"he is gonna put ya'll back in chains"

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Come on, man! I’m serious! No joke!

These parties also only attack and fear monger because they have no real policies or platforms that help the average American. Nor do they want to.

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Maybe they can't help at this point. Saw a good meme. What are they going to do with the 100 million preprinted ballots for Joe?

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Sadly the Big Government party laid its foundation during the Civil War and has solidified its power ever since.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

So true. Lincoln really did massively grow the Federal Government out of necessity. It surely shrank after the war but the genie was out of the bottle. Woodrow Wilson and FDR did the most to get us down the unconstitutional path we are still on.

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I've never read about Wilson, but I know FDR was horrible!

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I’ve always considered Wilson worse than FDR. Horrid president!

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archetype. template. centralization. increasingly large standing military. here we are.

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*fake money

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Enthusiasm for KKK (Kneepads Kacklin’ Kamala) may be low but the DemoncRATs will now, lemming-like, rally for the 1st! woman! & black-to-boot! president!

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Could be.......

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

And dumb ass “independents” will too. Have you forgotten the tears of unmitigated joy & willing subservience to an asshole totally elected on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character???

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That was a million years ago, politically -- but they'll run the same playbook.

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I'm afraid I agree with you. Now that they've finally awoken (or snapped out of their psychotic denial) to the reality of Sleepy/creepy Joe''s condition this is the new thing they'll jump on.

Unless, of course, the cabal messes things up even more than they already have and make new "selections".

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They’ve also solved the “age-y” thing even tho the wizened, crepey, corrupt creeps (Pelosi, Schumer, Clintons et al) still control the party) - she’ll be lauded (as was JD Vance) as the “new generation”, the “fresh face” of the DemoncRAT party & again, the 1st! woman! & black to boot! historic! candidate/president. And now Trump is the only old fart & white male to boot. There are a lot of people out there who didn’t really want to vote for either of 2 old white guys in a boring rehash of the last “election” but a number of them were going to probably go w/ Trump just because the difference in mental acuity was so vast.

The best hope is that the word salad Kacklin’ Kueen who loves big yellow school busses & can’t hold onto staff, can’t help herself or hide all of that. On the other hand, she’ll be quite controlled from w/in the party as w/ LGB-FJB & they kept HIM on ice for 4 years….

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

If the 10 million people rounded up and put in "concentration camps" are the dumbocraps, I'm down with it. Maybe then some of us will get a shot at a really good paying job for a change.

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I will have to organize rescues of friends and relations and when you speak like that, I fear I won't find any fellowship with the courage and will to help me.

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We are the Resistance in an occupied country.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Wanna bet you will hear NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the debates/campaign ads in the next three months regarding the covid me-too freakout that has murdered millions around the world? NOT ONE PERSON will ask either candidate about it. NOT ONE CANDIDATE will address it at all. Shameful. DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE OFF THE HOOK FOR WHAT THEY DID!

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Napoleon, You are right. The Covid Con will not be mentioned by anyone.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

With the constitution, the people were given the power to control their government (rather than vice versa). Unfortunately, it did not also provide them the sense to do so.

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This interview of Jim Rickards (long video) is worth checking out, particularly his explanation of why DJT had such a swampy administration. Short answer, relying on Chris Christie to set up administration personnel.

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He had some of the worst picks ever. Nobody had seen picks this bad before, let me tell you. Just the most incredibly terrible picks of all time. Of all time.

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As Rickards explains, Trump was unprepared for victory, so had to lean on Christie for advice, big mistake. One he will not make this time, though floating Jamie Dimon for Treasury is extremely alarming, assuming he is serious, might be a ploy.

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Dimon.ugh...and Pompeo get let back in, I'll have very little hope.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Of all time? Haven't you ever heard of Sam Brinton?

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That was my (bad) Trump impression. Everything is the best/worst of all time.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

It is difficult to do impressions over the internet. It's like waiting for Charlie McCarthy to insult WC Fields decades after Edgar Bergen passed into Ventriloquist Heaven. Can you imagine? I wonder if there's a Mime Heaven.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

He’s going to make the same (deliberate?!) mistakes. Hearing about Black Rock appointees, Jamie Dimon, etc. WTF

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I hope he appoints Kid Rock to be Rock Czar.

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Well he did pick the ones who stroked his ego the best. I don't see any change if there is a second time around.

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never again. Dear God, Pleaseeeee

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Yup, yup, yup… and all these incendiary threats lodge themselves in to the brains of far too many Americans without one single concrete specific example of how all these threats will bring about said “ end.”

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Jul 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Great piece. Thanks

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Glad you liked it!

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Jul 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Joe just got tossed on the dumpster of history, where he belongs. Bum.

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Wonder if we'll even see him again after tonight.

The Democrats are positively giddy they don't have to lie about him anymore.

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They seem to be able to install and uninstall Presidents at will. That apparently is the meaning of “democracy”. He was great as long as he was useful. Then he was just a worn out Barcalounger to be discarded by the side of the road. I don’t feel bad for Joe. He got way too many breaks considering what a cretin he is. But it’s more than a little alarming that the usual power conduits have been regularly bypassed for the past 12 years.

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Jul 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Breaking News from Newsmax.com at 11:02 a.m.:

US Secret Service Director Cheatle has resigned after admitting mistakes over Pres. Trump’s security.

Additional Information, also from Newsmax at 11:10 a.m.:

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, for the first time, directly blamed the incompetence of the Biden administration for his being "forced to take a bullet for democracy."

"The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy," Trump wrote on Truth Social on Tuesday.


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Looks like we were almost right on time, SCA.

Once I saw AOC ripping into her, I knew she was done.

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Jul 23Liked by SimulationCommander

(What does "SCA" mean?)

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It's our good friend SCA! We had pondered how long it would take Cheatle to retire, and I guessed 24 hrs. (I think that was sunday)

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Jul 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Well done both of you!

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