Everyone should follow and watch Russell Brand. Talks about so much truths happening in the world.

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Hey, peeps!

I am sure I don't have to tell most of you to read this (I do not subscribe to Taibbi, but I sure support his move from leftish to rightish), and I highly recommend Lords Of Easy Money.


Another must read: M. Sim's comments in Taibbi's stack.

Edit: "Quantitative easing" is a Statist euphemism for "currency devaluation" (printing the State's debts away, transferring them to the ignorant middle class and the not-so-ignorant poor through price inflation. What is so hard to understand about that, really? It's just supply (fiat, in this case) and demand applied to legal tender. You know the law of "supply and demand" is exactly like the law of gravity in that even Statists cannot avoid its execution in all markets, whether free or not, including, and maybe especially, in the primal markets of labor and capital (stores-of-value, including currency).

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M. Sim, sorry to piggyback, and sorry to edit after you hearted! My bad.

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No worries! More information for everybody is better! :)

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In a rational universe, Fauci could be tried for mass murder.

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Great interview. Thanks for sharing. And I wondered where my tinfoil hat went and much to my surprise I saw that Russell had stolen it! Thieving b*st**d! 😅

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The Hill went to hell when they demoted and then canned John Solomon for technicalities (but really for his Ukraine/Bidens work). This was about the time Wikipedia completed its own Leftist capturing, so now it is always suspect, also. (So hard to filter the bs!)

I guess the captured Hill is doubling down on their Statist narrative with this latest episode.

Does anyone know if Lev Parnas was convicted?

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Timothy…….I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing John Solomon as much……..John Solomon and Sarah Carter used to be on together all the time I think on Hannity. And I really liked their reporting. Well, now I know and thanks

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Check out The Hill's wiki (don't forget to read between the lines). My man Solomon was a frequent guest on multiple FOX programs. I still don't know why Fox stopped having him. The Washington Times still gets heard from once in a while.

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He has his own media operation called "Just The News" which hosts his own and several other podcasts, including VDH. I don't know much more about it; he's a great journalist but his voice drives me nuts. EDIT: Oops, I see below others have already mentioned it...

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Timothy. No, I have seen him on Fox but not like I used to……….I might just have to write to Fox and ask about him. I’ve written to Fox in the past about whatever was irking me but I never get any response. Although, I did bitch to Fox a couple of weeks ago about how Biden disgustingly coughs into either one of his hands, then touches anything and anybody…….it’s filthy……well, after a few days, I hear them, on Fox, bring that to the attention of people that are watching. Now, I don’t think it was because of my emailing them but there could have been a lot of people speaking out on that.

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Oh, that coughing! And rubbing/scratching his face/head, he comes across to me as posing/acting.

And on the contrary, I think your letters are being read and "heard" loud and clear.

I meant to mention Just The News (JTN), Solomon newest venture.

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He's just an old man who doesn't know what he's doing or why. His hygiene is so gross. Did you see when he approached the lecturn wearing a mask, then promptly took it off and coughed into his hand. When he stopped readying and found the way back to where he was, he's shaking everyone's hands. YUCK.

When he's aware that the words coming next are BS, he always touches his face, either fake wipe under the eye or scratch his temple.

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Peggy: Interesting, interesting…..about the the face touching or scratching temple……..I’m going to be watching for that now, or I’ll throw up.

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Timothy…..great about JTN and Solomon……I’m definitely going to access that. Thanks so much.

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Speak of the angel, from this morning's RealClearPolitics, my fave aggregator,


Also from today's RCP,


I don't consider myself a Conservative, so I don't always read The Spectator, but I love Josh Hammer. He's written here exactly my opinion.

(Thanks, Denise. I promise not to keep "petitioning" you!)

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SimCom, if you know……..will or does Fauci have libel immunity like the pharmaceutical companies have? Because, if he doesn’t, I would imagine he would be spending the rest of his life in court.

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Not if he's tried in D.C. He's one of THEM!

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Well, of course, you’re right and I hadn’t thought about that either. I guess I’m just so angry over what this country has been put through that I just want him to pay. I want to wipe that arrogant attitude off his unworthy face and I want to see that happen.

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Rand Paul specifically brought up the fact that lying to Congress is a crime, and Fauci did it anyway. Hypothetically, he could be prosecuted for this.

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Just make sure the testimony is "under oath" so that it enters *some* peeps "worldview"! ;-)

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Yes, if a US attorney were so inclined to prosecute. Not that these offices are political mind you. If there were a change in control of Congress AND the Whitehouse looming on the horizon in another two years, then you'd expect a bonanza of "political" pardons. Fauci, Brennan, any one who could muster one up. I suspect there would be a lot of intrigue, what with Obama's people pulling some strings. That could get exciting, but unfortunately with real world consequences as to accountability.

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Can't a sitting member of Congress (you know, those "victims" of not hearing what they wanted to hear during commitee questioning) "find" such attorney at will, or must they refer to that third branch (what was it called, oh yes, the "Judicial") for the decision.

Also, Fauci being "pre-pardoned" would be a political bombshell by anyone's definition. He's just as likely to be cut loose, imo.

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The executive branch prosecutes. When a republican is in the office, the complaint is the US attorneys are overtly and improperly partisan unless it is a Bill Barr type. When a dem is in the Whitehouse, it is fine. The most ardent dem is perfect.

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Almost a *natural* double-standard for the self-aggrandizing deep state, considering the trajectory of today's two main parties.

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hooray……….I forgot about Rand Paul.

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My favorite thing about Rand Paul is him being accosted in the streets by people chanting to "Say her name" (Breonna Taylor), while he literally authored the Breonna Taylor Act, which is languishing in the bureaucracy.


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Because the chanting people were all just paid actors like most of the Leftist demonstrators. They have no idea what's actually going on in the world. They get a message from their flash mob app about where to be and when and how much they'll get paid. Then they decide if the money is worth passing on tonight's "Netflix & Chill".

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Oh, God, I remember that…….that was a mob and he and his wife were very lucky to get to safety.

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To my knowledge, none of them have immunity for defamation (slander or libel). They're smart to restrict statements to public figures because actual malice is required proof. If you're not a public figure, then the burden of proof may be lower depending on what state law applies and what the topic is.

The Sarah Palin v. NYT lawsuit is a recent example where she failed under the heightened burden of proof. On the other hand, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard both prevailed on the actual malice standard.

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(Thanks, M. Jim.)

Actual malice is a requirement for conviction, but not for "tying" someone up in court for the rest of his life, like the weasel deserves to be.

And we would get exposure, a la Depp/Heard.

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Jim. Oh, thank you so much. But, I think I understand what the legal terms mean and then, 2 minutes pass and my brain dies and I’m inclined to say…………..what? Nevertheless, it’s going to be interesting.

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Reporters and editors used to not put up with this.... I guess general public is so damn dumb

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Edward R. Murrow

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Denise Chukker also.

You wouldn't have put up with this. 75% on these sub st...

Hell ain't worth $$$$$. Lying, complicity in mass murder

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Considering what a moron she's just shown herself to be regarding the mutilation of children, maybe she ain't so clever as she otherwise presents.

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I am having trouble (probably operator error!) finding what she had to say on child sex change operations. (But I did find out it was one of the very few procedures that actually increased in 2020.)

Would you be so kind as to expand on your comment, SCA?

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Wow. Pretty damning, if only for the "tone deafness."

But having heard her talk now, I would give her a chance to explain. She did mention parents, so one would think she was aware she was talking about minors. Still, her tweet may have been made too hastily to reflect her actual stance on the matter.

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I think everyone of her generation is afraid of having an ethical stand on anything. But even more, she doesn't dare confront basic biological facts and the entire history, throughout recorded civilization, of mass hysterias that arrive just like plagues, run their course, and disappear.

Her brand is to be edgy and cool and faux-tough and "I stand up (or leave) for my principles." But inside I think she's just another one afraid to stand truly alone, if need be, for honesty.

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"...mass hysterias that arrive just like plagues, run their course, and disappear."

Yes. I think they also can "run their course" within the affected (scared) individual. We don't all "see the light" (if ever, of course) all at once.

In any case, The Hill *did* pull its Covid attack dog, and that's on it, not her.

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Yes, in that you are correct.

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ive seen it but might watch it again, cute and smart!

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He gets to pick his own interviewers and his own questions. Well, that seems totally on theme for a lying, cheating, stealing, corrupt, murdering bastard.

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Exactly. I couldn't find the article I mentioned his e-mails, but they were a wonderful glimpse into his ego and inflated self-importance. Even just the boring bureaucratic BS revealed a lot about the way the entire organization is run.

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Tony Fauci has done more harm to this country than any other figure in American history.


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Joe Biden "Hold my beer midget".

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Somehow he's still getting paid to go on TV and spew bullshit.

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