Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

"...the Defendant has leveraged his media platform to mock members of the committee through offensive name calling, deride the Committee's investigation through rhetoric that risks inspiring violence..."

What they're suggesting is that Bannon is a "stochastic terrorist." The idea is that a prominent person with a big enough platform and broad enough reach knows that someone, somewhere is listening and will basically become a Manchurian Candidate who attacks a specific target on their behalf.

This is one of the Left's favored speech suppression tactics now, and it's an especially disgusting one because people like Bannon (and Trump) can be associated with all manner of imaginable violent or immoral acts even if no act has been committed. And the more you assert that they're engaging in "rhetoric that risks inspiring violence," the more immediately you can pin the blame on them the moment something does happen, regardless of details.

Never mind that Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Jen Psaki, etc. have basically been begging someone to assassinate Trump for months now.

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Yeah it's weird that nobody is 'responsible' for the current crop of protestors defacing monuments and throwing stuff at police.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

And spray painting "kill pigs"

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"I think maybe they just stole that one from the climate protestors. 😉" - the DOJ

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

For Brad- Remember that the revealed technique is to accuse your opponent of your own actions. I am old enough to remember the book, and the movie. I am still having difficulty deciding whether Obama or Biden is/was the MC. For Donald Trump, read Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. Donald Trump as "The Mule", somebody far enough outside the expected prediction that he destroys the programme.

For SC- Every time the term "right wing" is employed you need to think of an honest term to place adjacent. My favourite is "fiscally responsible", but following Diogenes possibly you could consider "personally honest" for the political sphere (189.67:1 odds by actuarily verified study of voting records, 3047.84:1 after study of actual donation accounts!)

In Europe the reporting of election results for the European Parliament is festooned with the even scarier "Far Right" to replace your "Right Wing", but so far they have yet to descend to the ultimate four-letter "N-Word."

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Yeah remember the day he got inaugurated and Madonna shouts about blowing up the capital to a huge crowd?

These people would just be annoying if it was a level playing field.

As it stands they're despicable because they know they have the "refs" on their side and yet, still taunt us.

I wouldn't wait up for a level playing field...

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yer right or like

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

The "inspiring violence" and "death threat" claims are not credible IMHO, and you're correct that these are suppression tactics. I wish media and others who hear these claims would press for proof. Because my observation is that it's the left who more frequently uses violence and death threats to get their way; therefore, their claims of the same, without solid proof, are projection.

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There's 'threats' on basically every youtube comment section and most news article sections and basically every video game chat lobby in existence. This is just the government claiming to be the victim to score those sweet social justice points.

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Credit them for using the term stochastic: most people don't know what it means, at best you get a "something to do with stocks, ennit?".

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And if something does happen, we can all assume immediately it was the deep state/uniparty doing it,just for effect.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Did that white lady say she had to remind 50 cent that he is black and therefore can't vote for trump???🤣🤣🤣 why do these people say things out loud?

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Yep -- and if he did what she wanted, she would reward him with sex.

It's like the perfect encapsulation of today's society.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

She was the prototype….,the original “Karen”.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander


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There must be a reason he’s her EX boyfriend…

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" ... and if he didn't do what she wanted, she would punish him with sex."

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Oh, please don't forget, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." - J. Biden. That one was a real doozy.

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Honestly, if January 6th was an "insurrection", this country is more than f@#$ed. I'm not sure if the people in this country could possibly put up an insurrection given their meek compliance with the covid crap.

I look forward to being surprised.

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For the record and just so we’re clear, I ALSO have contempt for congress!

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Hold on a sec, someone’s at the door..l

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Don’t answer unarmed, ever

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

If its any comfort, you, (and I), are numbered among the many millions who share that view.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

I nearly showed up at my congressman's meet/greet recently to out his poor behavior this term and suggested someone run against him as a write-in candidate and I'd be all over campaigning for him. (There WAS the brief thought of saying I'm running against him, but the last thing I need right now is people going through my trash, secret wiretaps, break-ins to plant bugs or drop cancer causing stuff on to various surfaces.) Oh, and that warning from a DHS employee many years ago that said they'd destroy me (after telling me I was way too honest to go into DC).

I've talked to a few people who tell me this congressman is becoming hated by a number of influential donors, some of who had previously paid for a pricey dinner and then abandoned their tickets.

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If you have to ~ very carefully construct a narrative ~ then you might not be telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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This is the predictable and obvious consequence of building something out of lies -- you have to aggressively censor the people who are telling the truth. This is why the censors are never the good guys in history. You don't have to censor the truth.

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the truth is a lion…

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - "It’s a very complex system that boils down to “Fuck you, that’s why.”"

And because they can. Your on a roll kid, keep on truckin.... https://youtu.be/mSur0mFviT0?

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Somewhat off topic, but censorship affects our consent about what we choose to eat. Here's this from a watchdog group.

Because products made from gene-editing have been deregulated, these GMOs won't be required to have any labeling. Perfect for Bayer-Monsanto, a corporation that loves to hide information from the public.

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And what they're spraying into the skies....

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

And injecting into animals

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander


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Here's an article from Dr. Coleman. Wikipedia describes him as a conspiracy theorist. Uh-oh. https://expose-news.com/2024/06/09/why-are-we-getting-so-many-grey-hazy-skies/

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Bannon played a big part in getting DJT elected in 2016. He saw the path through the Rust-Belt and people like myself that have seen the sell out of our manufacturing to Xi and Co. I always thought the Chicom's just dumped all these products on our shores but it turns out current and former (Rs and Ds) leadership in D.C. got a kickback to destroy the livelihoods of Blue-Collar workers. The hysteria against DJT is because the grift is under threat like Senator Gold Bars from Jersey and he my friends is just the tip of the iceberg and he still gets to vote on the Senate Floor. This will be a long term fight for Freedom and will not end in Nov. but hopefully the beginning to turn the ship around. If Trump doesn't win in Nov, I'm good. I'm already thinking 2028, 2032, 2036, and 2040. You in?

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Both sides lost out on grift with a lack of conflicts that existed under Trump.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

A few days ago I got a book from 1998 by Sen. Patrick Moynihan on "Secrecy (the book's name)" in government. He also chaired a committee that made this report on secrecy in government: https://sgp.fas.org/library/moynihan/

That's a suggestion for further reading--the report or the book. Moynihan quotes Max Weber, the German sociologist, who wrote this in "Bureaucracy":

"Every bureaucracy seeks to increase the superiority of the professionally informed by keeping their knowledge and intentions secret. Bureaucratic administration always tends to be an administration of ‘secret sessions’: in so far as it can, it hides its knowledge and action from criticism."

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It makes sense -- if all of it were public, we might realize how little we need them.

There's an entire industry that revolves around health food regulations and enforcement of those regulations -- but also apparently it's just fine for illegals to cook and sell food on the side of the road.....so what exactly are the regulators saving us from?

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

The committee's report presents the idea of secrecy being another form of regulation (at https://sgp.fas.org/library/moynihan/appa1.html), which is new to me. It's intriguing: when you make something classified, that move isn't reviewed by a judge, and the legislative branch might never even see what you classified.

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jobs jobs jobs.


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Also check out Parkinson’s Law, which in part says that bureaucrats create work for themselves and hire only subordinates (not potential rivals).

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Embrace the suck. This is gonna take a piece to beat this monstrosity back.

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Stay strapped, multiple lanes of fire, as Much pew as you can carry, head on a swivel.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

The biggest take away for me is the confidence with which these thugs are execute this chicanery. It’s a double whammy of they know a large portion of Americans are paying very little if any attention to their nefariousness and the rest of us witness it with jaw dropping disbelief as little note is taken by anyone who is supposed to be safe keeping our “democracy.” The irony is immeasurable.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

I love how Joshua Green admits it is all a story, a fairy tale if you will: "to seize the narrative that the January 6 committee has very carefully constructed." So he basically admits there's no "truth," just a nice little fiction that Bannon and Trump threatened.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

90%+ of Americans believe Congress is contemptible. We are all in contempt of Congress. If that big domed wedding cake of a building was vaporized tomorrow, I'd cheer and open the good beer.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

I know this is serious but sometimes I can't keep my silliness to myself. In Mexico would that be pronounced Hailin Hoe's Hunta?

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In high school my Spanish teacher told me the story of "Llary's Llucky Llamas" ;)

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Aww. Yucky llamas.

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Maybe it’s time that We The People (WTP) cut off the head of the federal monster (via Article V Convention of the States) and amend (revise) the Constitution to go back to real Federalism and mirror it after the Articles of the Confederation to eliminate the corrupt, federal government – with no federal executive or judiciary branches just like in the Articles of the Confederation?

The “Anti-Federalists” did try to warn us through The-Anti-Federalist-Papers that a central government would be dangerous and grow into the unmanageable beast that it is today. Perhaps we should review those documents again and look to the Anti-Federalists for wisdom out of this mess? They gave us the Bill of Rights! (Federalist Hamilton said the Bill of Rights was not necessary!!) They warned us to Keep Government Closer to the People. Once the central power is far away and out of sight, we cannot keep an eye on it.

With threats of another forever war, at what point do We the People say Enough!


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Yep. There's a reason the government was set up this way in the first place!

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My big concern about this convention of states is that TPTB don't respect the rule of law under the current constitution, what makes anybody think they're going to follow a new one? Assuming there's any degree of morals today that even stands up to what those in 1778 had.

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I'm scared at the BS they'd be able to pull AT the convention (ala Jericho season 2).

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Jun 10·edited Jun 11Liked by SimulationCommander

They have 3 set things to vote on. One is term limits. (I don't remember the other 2 at this time, but they're pretty generic.) The items to vote on are set BEFORE the convention takes place. Please, don't scare people away from something that might help us out.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

I would hope that congress would have to abide by all the laws they pass.

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Yes, but since when have they?

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They all take an oath to uphold the Constitution and what happens when they don’t uphold it? Nothing.

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One s balanced budget, and maybe line item veto?

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I used to think of Convention of States would do exactly what the 1787 Constitutional Convention did – change the whole form of government (Constitution) and Madison wrote about the turmoil and that the worst thing would be to repeat it. But, since America is a failed state now, what do we have to lose? The Constitution – the central government is the problem, not the solution as our wise “Anti-Federalists” ancestors warned us. So, we delete Article II and III (Executive and Judiciary) and then finally transition Article I (Congress) back to state delegation so there are no federal elections. No federal agencies, just like in the Article of the Confederation. What do we have to lose? The past few years have only proven that America is headed towards full totalitarian state.

WTP did it nearly 250 years ago. We can do it again – if we unite as We the People against a federal government.

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Nope, that's not how it works.

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Although the 19 states that signed on are “free” states and none from the blue states other than MN, so that could be an issue.

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Why not? I understand there is an agenda with COS to reduce corruption but I don’t see that working when the problem is what the ‘Anti-Federalists predicted correctly- it’s a central government that is the problem. So, let’s get rid of the central government. Not saying that would be easy!

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

I don't watch TV, so you'd have to enlighten me on what happened.

(It's OK, SC. I won't mind the spoilers. LOL. Just describe it so that someone without context of characters would understand.)

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Jericho is a show about the aftermath of a bunch of nuclear weapons obliterating (22?) American cities. This causes the country to split into three sections: West, East, and Texas. In season 2, the western government is trying to 'rebuild', and thus hosts a new Constitutional Convention. Because of the terrorist attacks, national security trumps individual rights, and as one character says "Just like that, no more Second Amendment."

Obviously this was aired back in 2008, when it was "cool" to be worried about pseudo-government agencies using the national security as a reason to curtail the rights of Americans.

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Jun 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Don't think people see it as "cool" now. Thanks SC!

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Nope. Obama got elected and suddenly "Blackwater"-style companies were all good.

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That I can relate to.

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There's 2 groups trying to get states to sign onto calling an Article V convention. One is called The Convention of States. I forget the name of the other right this second, sorry. COS has 19 states signed on at this time. They need 34. Go to their site and sign their petition. Write your congress critter and urge them to vote yes if they're hearing it this year.

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When he starts wwiii,we attack dc. Fuck it. They want war. Let’s give it to them. You got any better moves, I’ll listen. But I see this deep state owned admin getting us killed by foreigners.

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Jun 11Liked by SimulationCommander

Can we say jailin joes junta with the long J so it sounds right, or do we have still say hunt a?

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The former for sure

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