Tulsi seems to be a pretty polarizing figure around here. Personally, I wish she were the prototypical Democrat -- at least she's anti-war and able to explain her positions. I didn't hate her as RFK's VP, but she turned that down. I am not a big fan of her as a VP to Trump, but if she wants some sort of position where she could stop the endless wars, I'd be happy to have her.
She always talks a good game but I always wonder what she would choose if she were actually put in a position to do something about the things she talks about.
I have a nagging suspicion she's weak sauce, but time will tell if she's genuine.
BTW, there is such a thing as "concurrent focuses", and most of us have them in which there are other us's who live at the same time we do. So you and Carlin are certainly within the realm of possibility.
Our happy thing this week is being in Arizona, spending time with our family who gets it! It is a real blessing to have conversations that are free and easy and full of understanding of what everyone has been through the last 4 years. We are grateful for time in the sun!
It's only about a foot of snow left, does that counts as positive?
We've got a cat. Not a pet, and not indoors, and not a Felix domesticus or whatever the real latin is. No, a lynx has moved in, claiming a nearby peat bog as her (all lynxes are called "her" for some reason, probably because "Lo" is gender-neutral, grammar-wise) turf.
Found half a deer just the other week, and lots of paw-prints. Also, mating-screams at night.
As they (lynx) were close to extinct just a few decades ago, this is very positive and their numbers are now over 1 000, for the whole kingdom.
Her presence also explains why there are fewer fozes around. We'll see what happens when the bear who also hunt in the same area awakens.
"...lists of people they don't like. And then it gets out of hand"
Does anyone not think that this is exactly where America stands today? In hindsight, Carlin was so far ahead of his time. Not as far ahead as Orwell perhaps, but he saw it coming. And now it's here.
Today I thought about my dog Mickey who died 20 years ago and it made me smile thinking of all of our good times together...then I thought too long about him and it made me cry. The tears were worth it though.
Looks like the orange tabby is just about to be smacked by the long-haired one. My orange cat Rusty always tells me to beware of the fou-fou's (long haired ones).
Tucker just dropped an hour-long interview with Tulsi Gabbard, for those who are interested.
Thanks for sharing that!
"...for those who are interested..."
Hmm...wonder who *that* would be?...
Tulsi seems to be a pretty polarizing figure around here. Personally, I wish she were the prototypical Democrat -- at least she's anti-war and able to explain her positions. I didn't hate her as RFK's VP, but she turned that down. I am not a big fan of her as a VP to Trump, but if she wants some sort of position where she could stop the endless wars, I'd be happy to have her.
She always talks a good game but I always wonder what she would choose if she were actually put in a position to do something about the things she talks about.
I have a nagging suspicion she's weak sauce, but time will tell if she's genuine.
BTW, there is such a thing as "concurrent focuses", and most of us have them in which there are other us's who live at the same time we do. So you and Carlin are certainly within the realm of possibility.
The interview was REALLY good.
I will definitely check it out.
Any insight into who his VP will be? If it’s the Google woman… I’m folding my RFK a pup tent….
I believe he announces tomorrow....
Our happy thing this week is being in Arizona, spending time with our family who gets it! It is a real blessing to have conversations that are free and easy and full of understanding of what everyone has been through the last 4 years. We are grateful for time in the sun!
Mrs. "the Knife"
Rainy and yuck here the last couple days, though it's supposed to improve tomorrow.
Here's to weather improvement in your neck of the woods!
Mrs. "the Knife"
Just thought of this:
If you like the axolotl, check out the Olm.
The aztecs used to eat axolotls - how hungry do you have to be to try that?
It is Tuesday morning now, I just read this. Can I go bk to bed now?
Bonnie is a beautiful kitty
SC - Truth in Poetry + Wall St Wolf + Lt. Dan + St. George = They don't give a fuck!!!
Bonnie... Does it get any better? Kid your on a roll... https://youtu.be/NAKKqZ6ayEA?
It's only about a foot of snow left, does that counts as positive?
We've got a cat. Not a pet, and not indoors, and not a Felix domesticus or whatever the real latin is. No, a lynx has moved in, claiming a nearby peat bog as her (all lynxes are called "her" for some reason, probably because "Lo" is gender-neutral, grammar-wise) turf.
Found half a deer just the other week, and lots of paw-prints. Also, mating-screams at night.
As they (lynx) were close to extinct just a few decades ago, this is very positive and their numbers are now over 1 000, for the whole kingdom.
Her presence also explains why there are fewer fozes around. We'll see what happens when the bear who also hunt in the same area awakens.
"...lists of people they don't like. And then it gets out of hand"
Does anyone not think that this is exactly where America stands today? In hindsight, Carlin was so far ahead of his time. Not as far ahead as Orwell perhaps, but he saw it coming. And now it's here.
Exceptionally well done.
Thank you, Bill! Hope you're felling well!
Yay mondays!
Today I thought about my dog Mickey who died 20 years ago and it made me smile thinking of all of our good times together...then I thought too long about him and it made me cry. The tears were worth it though.
Oh wow Carlin... what a genius way of thinking; can we just make him the new Jesus figure and move forward from there?
Am I allowed to ask where is Denise Chukkar? She is funny as hell!
Poet Laureate you are! If only more people could accept that truth!!!
Bonus points for Freddie pic. Lol.
This grandma still loves freaky Freddie from the early 70’s. Lol.
Those big, beautiful cats!
Looks like the orange tabby is just about to be smacked by the long-haired one. My orange cat Rusty always tells me to beware of the fou-fou's (long haired ones).
: )
Lol! I think I’m already pre-seething in anticipation! 🐾🐾
Don't reward him, LEA7!
Hahaha! Too late!
Don't listen to this guy!
Axolatls can regrow their brains? Some humans can't manage to grow their first one. A biomedical scientist somewhere must be researching this.
They're researching it for the reverse...
I don't see the benefit of a brainless axolatl. . .
It votes (D)?
I wanted to make a snide comment, but it's Monday.....
See, this is what's wrong with Monday...