

Walter Kirn -- The international scene will grow even more fraught and only the steady hand of HRC will be able to handle it

That will be the line

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Since she handled Libya so well, for example.

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"We came, we saw, he died."

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She's a great cackler.

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Jul 20Liked by SimulationCommander


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Good grist… and I like mud wrestling as well as the next gal, but how can we stop elimination of cash and implementation of DC. THIS is what is happening, sooner than we can spell DISTRACTION. Dontcha think?

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They were ridin' with Biden, until the glue factory came into view.

Hat tip: My (viscious) Mrs.

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Breaking News: Biden is stepping down.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

The fix was in, before the debate:


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But, the note is not on White House letterhead, and nothing at Whitehouse.gov so far.

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New article up with props to you for catching the news while I was out drinking coffee!

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Now you guys understand why I keep Fox on all day as I crochet my lovely creative dreams into reality.

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What Difference Would It Make?……………..

If ever there was the most evil, corrupt, cynical choice to replace Dementia Joe, it’s Hitlery. The Cognitive Dissonance amongst the Demarxists is something to behold.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

If I have to hear her voice again I’m going to put knitting needles through my ears.

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That's my fear, though surely she would lose badly in November? At times I've wondered if the Dems mayhem was designed to pave the way for this monster.

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At the risk of sounding like Cher….. if Hillary is elected, I will leave the country… well, I need to win the lottery!

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No, Mrs. McFarland!

Stay and fight with me.

(But I do hope you win the lottery!)

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Ick, now I'm gonna get more gray hair. 😳

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Have y’all seen the idea that the shooter was Maxwell Yearick? He had dark brown shiny lustrous hair, and Thomas Crook has mousy light brown thin hair. I dunno. The photo of the dead shooter on the roof has a pointy nose and thick brown hair. Crook had a wide flat nose.

Whatever we are told by “them,” I assume the opposite is true.

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oh, man, this shit always happens. People stare at a low-res photo or video until their eyes cross and get fuzzy, and think they've discovered a hidden truth. Or someone gives them a spiel with a "skeptical suggestion" about an image, and their elastic perceptual centers rewire in response and they convert on the spot. (Some people have actually been convinced that JFK was shot by the Secret Service agent riding in the car, for example. In defiance of all the ballistic evidence.)


Crooks had grown his hair out much longer than the high school photo that's the only one most people have seen of him. Three years on, he no longer looked like someone only partway through adolescence.

The top left photo in that gallery is the one that was posted everywhere as the definitive death photo. Click on it and expand it. His nose is not "pointy." He has a singularly large lower jaw. His ear is the same shape as in other photos of him.

"Whatever we are told by “them,” I assume the opposite is true."

That's just outright terrible reasoning. I don't care how popular it is to make that cop-out. It isn't critical thinking. It's a critical short circuit that provides the appearance of "skepticism", when it's actually just the flip side of reflexive credulity. It's an catchall excuse to NOT think.

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There is no conclusion, just trying to see details through the fog. What about the two pointy things on his ear? None of us know, we are just trying to share any observations on a really bizarre day.

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I don't know. This is the age of AI. I'm having trouble figuring out how that photo was posed, also. But quibbles about those details don't begin to account for what would be required to bring up a scenario whereby Thomas Crooks was (purposely) misidentified. Because this is also the age of DNA analysis.

And this https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/update-blackrock-pulls-ad-featuring-trump-shooter-thomas/ is not evidence for anything. It's a veiled insinuation of covert involvement by BlackRock Investment--Davos! WEF! NWO! I'd bet that there are more connections to be found between the Trump Organization and BlackRock than are found in that story, which revolves around one. single. peripheral. coincidental. detail.

I don't get why Gateway Pundit is pushing a conspiracy line on this event, really. The other side is already making fools of themselves that way. Why should the Trump people fall for such thin gruel? (I think both fringes thrive on winding themselves up with lunatic speculations. It gives them a boo-yow.)

The thing a lot of people don't get is that bad information and wild conspiracy explanations can be a conspiracy, too. Rubes and newbies don't get that there really is such a thing as a Russian black propaganda apparatus, for example, and the particular shadowy insinuation being pushed matters a lot less than success at getting people to believe nonsense. The Russians are so cynical and convinced that democracy can't possibly work on account of the stupidity of the common people that they take delight in shoveling as much shit out the door as they can mock up, just to see how many people are willing to buy it. Spreading disinformation in countries like the US is certainty a much easier task than trying to propagandize their fellow Russians.

Another thing is, it doesn't have to be the Russians! I don't know about you, but I was browsing sites like 4chan over 20 years ago. It soon became obvious to me that there is no shortage of alienated, antisocial borderline personalities who intentionally spread misleading conspiracy theories, fake history, and all sorts of other lies just for the lulz. Some of those people have hacker skills, photoshop skills, drama-laden fanfic imaginations, and sensationalist fixations. Topping the gullible is like a mission for them. All nice and legal-like. The only defense for their targets is to strengthen the critical thinking immune system.

Consider this photo, for example https://i.tribune.com.pk/media/images/2667750-trumpsshooterthomasmethewcrooks-17209564301720958133-0/2667750-trumpsshooterthomasmethewcrooks-17209564301720958133-0.jpg

Why is it that the only place that image is found is in an English-language Pakistani media outlet? That may be Crooks, I can't say one way or the other. It's one fucking little photo. But the fact that the Express Tribune of Pakistan is the only news outlet I can find that's running the photo gives me pause.

At some point, you have to weigh the likelihood (based on zero evidence) that the All;egheny County coroner and the Butler town police (total force, 22 officers) were in cahoots with the Assassination Conspiracy VS. the probability that someone is having you on, feeding you little hints that look like anomalies to push you in the direction of developing your own tailor-made conspiracy scenario.

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You are right, DC, about the conspiracies.

But the much bigger issue is why all the conspiracy theories.

The culprit is the Democrat Orwellian police state that treats half the country as enemies, and has engaged in one false operation after another to grow its fascist power.

Anyone now who doesn't suspect State malfeasance in basically every event is simply down with the hegemon.

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You're presenting your conclusion as a Truism. The gullible jump right away to pondering the implications "if it's true."

I'm a harder sell. You've made a very ambitious claim. Ambitious claims require a vast amount of evidence. You don't have any evidence. You haven't even provided a causal chain of events to prove the claim that the "Democrat Orwellian police state" exists.

The Drug War is a real example of Fascist Power. We have a wide array of prisons to prove it, built only a few decades ago to hold the tripling of the population related to the ballooning of the illicit drug economy between 1978 and 1984, when cocaine surpassed marijuana as the most lucrative market. (The feral gun-toting teenagers of today are overwhelmingly the third and fourth generation of the criminal antisociety that began flourishing as a result of the political economy of illicit drugs in that era. And then Oxy showed up in the mid-1990s, and created another antisociety, as a quite different although not entirely unrelated process.) The Drug War has temporarily been forced into a sort of truce- not merely in the "liberal states", but most everywhere, on account of massive popular resistance. As a result the Drug Warriors have hesitated to pursue the War to its logical totalitarian conclusion. But until the Drug War is replaced with a more rational regime of regulation and control, that situation could always return to a hardline totalitarian effort. I've lived under the Drug War regime for over 50 years. American lost many more Constitutional protections in the 1980s in relation to the Drug War than they have under "Woke tyranny", lol.

Frankly, sometimes the anti-Woke people sound hysterical, like spoiled brats. Despite my sympathy for their grievances, some of which are valid, it's also clear to me that they don't know how real oppression actually operates. (As a rule, neither do the Woke, fwiw.) That goes for the hyperbolic, histrionic peddlers of the "Democrat Orwellian police state" line, who don't seem to realize that the checks and balances of our Constitution are still working just fine. If Trump's been convicted on some counts, he can appeal- and will appeal, he's a rich guy who's been in that exact game for decades, and nearly always winning it.

I'm not featuring Donald Trump as a victim. Every time the hapless Democrats try to impede his political ambitions, they've only ended up empowering them. Trump's on the verge of getting a second term as President; the supposedly ruthless, heartless, invincible, all-powerful Big Brother Party is dithering and biting their nails while their political fortunes dwindle with every day that passes. Does that story sound anything like Animal Farm or 1984 to you?

"Anyone now who doesn't suspect State malfeasance in basically every event is simply down with the hegemon."

Then I must be included in that rhetorical flourish, eh? Because I think that all-encompassing generalization sounds like paranoid lunacy. As is typical of all-encompassing generalizations. That isn't an argument. It's more like a demand to put the same short circuit in my wiring that you have in yours.

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Excellent writing in response, despite the prejudice, M. Reade.

I stand by my original opinion.

Based on all evidence *I* percieve over the last 8 years, the Democrats, both powerful and lay voter, are making a play for a one-party police-state, and anyone, like yourself it seems, who does not perceive this is being willfully obtuse at best.

Today, 25% of Americans are fascist in all but name, and another 25% are fooled. All of this 50% call themselves Democrats.

DJT, supported by Conservatives, Libertarians, Objectivists, and classical Liberals are working to reduce those percentages, and it looks like we are succeeding.

Who are *you* voting for?

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So you are saying that we don’t know the truth, and we may never know? I totally agree. There are so many layers of lies and secrets and fakes. Apparently JD Vance is in with Theil, as I just finished reading “Hillbilly Elegy.”

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I read Hillbilly Elegy not long after it was published. Critics both "liberal" and "conservative" have excoriated Vance as some sort of turncoat to his people- his class, region, and ethnicity. Some of the conservatives seem to view it as a "dirty laundry" situation, which is a response common with any population that has to struggle with a legacy of social insecurity. Whereas Vance's liberal literati critics don't seem to think that individual self-respect, attitude, and initiative count for anything- i.e., that Vance is just making up his recollections, while ignoring Corporate Oppression. Because he's joined the Enemy. As if someone's personal experience could be discounted, in favor of some foggy not-quite-left patronizing liberal template of the effects of social forces.

I don't think J.D. Vance did much accounting for the way criminalization and the criminal monopoly over prohibited substances has done so much to warp American society in the direction of Loserdom- apathy, social alienation, anti-government hostility, corruption, gangster glorification. The same underworld milieu as the Alcohol Prohibition of from the 1920s that fueled the ambitions of the Mob (only times about 100.) But I also get that he's presenting a memoir of being in the middle of it, and I'm not the sort of critic who takes a memoirist to task for whatever social analysis they might have left out of their own personal story. Vance also gets that if hard drug addiction is a disease, it's unique to the extent that it's nearly always contracted voluntarily, and the most foolproof way of preventing it is to not start in the first place, or to get out of the game before it takes over. This drug law reform advocate agrees. Some experiences are well worth saying No to. In my observation, no one learns anything from opioid painkillers except how to want more of them. I get that some people can chip recreationally their whole lives. They have a "right" to do that. It doesn't mean that it's responsible conduct. It undermines the social contract. And if they slip into addiction and end up on the streets as shiftless drag energy, I think Rehab Jail (not regular jail, which just confuses things) is appropriate. Not for the contents of their pockets, but because of their negative behaviors. Extreme drug addicts are no longer themselves. They at least deserve enough diligently supervised dry time to allow them the chance to get their own lives back. Street addicts don't have the same advantages as the affluent and wealthy and their children, who can just buy inpatient rehab if they get in over their heads. It isn't fair that coercion is involved, but putting them into a corner and poking at them with sticks until they fall into terminal degradation on the streets isn't fair, either. Read the book Dopesick.

I also agree with Vance that you can work in favor of yourself, or you can work against yourself. It's a world where those decisions are yours to make. All of the efforts to correct societal injustice and environmental pollution don't matter if an individual is just going to whinge about how the world has wronged them and use that as an excuse for apathy and self-harm, or rage and harming others.

So I'm inclined to like J.D. Vance, really. But I don't vote for a President based on their VP pick. (For the first time ever, I may not vote for President in November. If I do, I may pull a really iconoclastic stunt and take advantage of the secret ballot privacy protection. In contrast to what nearly everyone does, offline or on- publicly announcing it. Stranger still, online people make a big deal about someone's vote, as if they're in the tank for them forever after. I don't even necessarily believe a claim about a vote choice from an online stranger. It very seldom figures as a relevant discussion point. Without ranked-choice, voting is a very vague statement of position.)

I also support a voluntary national service program. Provided it's done right. I think there are ways to do it right.

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I don't find this case to hold any especially big mysteries. And the fact that this is a vast world of possibilities does not mean that there's no way to rule some of them out.

That's what the non-falsifiable trapdoor logic conspiracists DON'T do. They obsess over every anomaly without ever doing the work required to check on whether other evidence exists to discredit the rest of the scenario they propose. Often, they haven't thought through the entire array of elements required to make their pet hypothesis plausible. They often don't even have a working hypothesis. They just think that they have some telltale trace of evidence that points to the conclusion that They are Lying. About Something.

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We need the Skeksis now more than ever. . .

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Hillary won't be the replacement if Obama has anything today about it. They despise each other. And Obumer you just know, he's bucking for a fourth term through some other idiot.

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend, no matter what we personally feel about each other.

Don't believe that Barack and Hillary can't cooperate for mutual benefit. They would *want* you, an obvious "enemy* of both, to believe otherwise.

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I think you're forgetting Killery feels like Obumer stole an election from her once, she's highly unlikely to take directions from him if she happened to win. Obumer knows this. Secretary of State was a consolation prize.

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Oh, I know the history.

But Statists-at-heart will always show "unity" politically and publicly.

Until Hitler attacks Stalin. (So, I think you might be absolutely right!)

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Ruin a Saturday night? The circus coming to town on a Saturday night is fun!

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Jul 20Liked by SimulationCommander

Yep. Trump "wins" again, but somehow millions of ballots appear out of thin air with write ins for Hillary "Rodem" Clinton and, wouldn't you know it, she wins by a landslide. This wouldn't surprise me one bit. lol. Thank goodness I don't put my faith and hope in presidential (s)election like so many do... LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL!!!

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Jul 20Liked by SimulationCommander

The front page of today’s NY Post cites Joe still being bitter over the top Dems going with Hillary over him, and losing with her, in 2016. It would be f-ing “Hill”-arious if he gets thrown over for her again.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Author

I think that's a big reason why the Bidens (obv not really Joe at this point) don't believe the polls.

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