Jun 15, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I forget the word for it, when the elites openly state what they're going to do in advance and nobody believes it but those who track conspiracies. same thing when they put it in fictional mass media like the xfiles or Simpsons.

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I think that's called "14 days to stop the spread"

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nah, that's just lying through the teeth to convince people to accept garbage. I'm talking about when a conspiracy is laid out for all to see in a highly distributed fictional context well in advance of its implementation.

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just a joke SD 😉 but anyway the word prescient comes to mind!

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

prescient would imply that it's not deliberate exposure of the plans, but instead just a prediction.

the closest thing I can find on a quick search is "Revelation of the Method," related to the so-called ethics of the elite class being required to lay out their plans in advance for us stupid cattle, and shame on us if we don't see it coming.

I do think there's a single word for it, but I forget what it is.

//found it. two words, not one.

predictive programming.

and the "ethical" consideration also has to do with them either requiring consent or oblivious submission.

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Wow, thanks. Difficult to think about Bill Gates following a code of ethics, but there I am again confusing words, like 'ethics' with 'morals'.

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That fucker and anyone that benefited should pay a steep price for his arrogance.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson

People diss guys like Thomas Jefferson and other founders/early leaders of America all the time for any fault they may or may not have had, but the fact remains that they were more intelligent and wiser than most anyone we have at this point in history (and most of them were *much* younger than any so-called "leader" in today's America). *They were right*

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I disagree. We have tons of people who are that smart or smarter. We are muzzled, vilified, and in every manner possible silenced. There was hope for this nation until we let them take the schools and the media.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

It will be interesting to see how much rope we the people let play out,

before it gets wrapped around a tree limb and put to better use.

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Maybe things will begin to improve in January. Support rational candidates.

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You think we control who runs? The counting of votes? And if someone does slip by, secret societies can off them... 4 African leaders just happened to die? After bucking WHO? 1 CARIBBEAN leader also

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African cesspools inhabited by ignorant peasants are hardly a model for modern societies. We get the rulers we demand. If we complacently wait for white knights to descend and save us, and whine when we don't get it, nothing will change. Those who participate in the electoral process control who runs. You can do that, too, if you want to.

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African cesspool? You arrogant...

African nations are standing up to WHO amendment, and have 4, plus1, probable martyrs. You give us Macron, Trudeau, Biden, Jacinda

You're the whiner.

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I'm guessing you've never been to Africa.

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And I'm guessing you never were in France, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, some eastern European countries, democratic controlled states etc

I sat half stunned, half furious.

But, hey, we got 5 congressman that sometimes speak out....

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I've visited most of those. Point? We were talking about Africa.

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Huh? What is this? Explain, please.

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Who is this? Context?

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Retired Democratic House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth.

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I understand what you are saying and I still don’t get……maybe I need to take a nap…..

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He was Budget Chairman when he said this last year, then retired. They're telling you that they don't have to pay their debts because they can simply zap up the cash they need while the rest of us run around like rats in a maze.

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Thanks for the clarification…….it figures!

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Thanks for the summary!

I had trouble discerning the poor audio.

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