Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

“What else is lurking inside the 1,000+ pages?”

An enormous smash-and-grab for insiders who know the fiat-currency financial system is coming to an end and they want to feather their nests while they can.

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Nailed it through the board.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

like Enron

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Writ public-sector large!

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That's a perfect way of putting it. And End-run

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Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander

What else is “tucked in there?” The US death certificate.

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Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Comment of the day

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I understand there’s a quarter trillion for a hair sniffing u

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Hey, check it out, no money for any of us!!

But they did make our existing money worth less today that is was yesterday. So much winning.

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Kinda tired of all this winning.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander


I thought the Fed was supposed to raise the benchmark when inflation is too high (currently 3.8%).

Boy, they are going to have to change the target to 0% devaluation, just to have an historic average of 2% (their erstwhile, and contradictory, long-term target for dollar depreciation, i.e. price inflation).

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ie, systemic theft

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Exactly, and it's a violation of true Capitalism.

It is *not* part of Capitalism, properly defined. Capitalism is, in fact, it's antidote.

Blah, blah, blah, philosophy again...

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Exactly spot on descriptive term for the confidence game that has been successfully and increasingly run on the People for 100+ years of Progressivism, whose latest self-label is woke-ness.

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Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm not buying the official Inflation number, just like the jobs numbers are bogus. Our government is getting close to Pravda-style reporting.

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Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Imagine if they put the inflantion-benchmark to negative 2%. That would certainly lead to some excitement in the market, to put it mildly.

We had net deflation a couple of years back, and it was touted in media as The Worst Thin Ever.

Strange, since 5/6 of the population didn't become poorer due to deflation, only the richest 1/6 did.

And by poorer I mean their fortunes grew slower than they claimed they projected them to; they still got richer, net-worth wise.

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Nobody loves inflation more than debtors, and nobody is more in debt than the USG.

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Yes, the 1/6 control the media and the money supply.

But, price deflation leads to some peeps using the medium of exchange as a store-of-value, thus further reducing the supply in a vicious cycle as bad as the one in the opposite direction with over-supply of currency and price inflation.

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I doubt that Americans who rush out and go buy the newest smartphone immediately when it's going to be 50% the price in six months are going to be starving themselves holding out for cheaper bread tomorrow.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander

True, but the effect is much smaller (imo) than the one I mentioned.

The problem is *independence* from the State.

See, the amount of currency *plus (or times, depending on mathematical model) the velocity* in *actual* circulation is the supply of money, but to maintain the value of the reserve currency, this supply must be controlled.

Thus, a/the Federal Reserve, charged with 1) maintaining the value of the reserve currency (i.e. deflation rate 0 (zero), i.e. price inflation 0 (zero)).

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Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander

But this Fed must have good (money) market knowledge, and therefore control.

Thus, a 2% price inflation (i.e. a 2% currency devaluation, i.e. State *theft* of private wealth) target, in order to better control the money supplies.

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So pithy and precise

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Zelenskyy gotta get paid and kids need help being stupid. If you think you are mad, wait until your daughter in law virtue signals by putting a dress on her 4 year old boy with long hair, not just every day but a special dress to attend a wedding. It’s Munchausen by proxy. Having a trans kid is like the winning the lottery for these affluent white women, according to Michael Malice and myself. Don’t worry, she found other unique ways to screw up the other children.

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Yeah. The odds that a woman has TWO trans kids is astronomical, but some people are out here like "ALL FOUR OF MY KIDS ARE TRANS AREN'T I AWESOME"

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Can we talk about social contagion yet?

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Decades from now, our children will ask us why we sold their futures away. At least now we’ll be able to look them proudly in the eye and say: “The Gay and Trans Prom”

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Just think of the wonderful Prom pictures of bearded dudes wearing dresses!

(Oh God, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.)

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I know I did. 🤢

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

This “ you have twenty minutes to read the Bill” shit must stop. It’s just beyond ridiculous. I’m with The Ungovernable…why bother invest my time or concerns…..

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"The 72-hour rule is really just a suggestion" -- Mike Johnson (I may have screwed up the exact wording, but the overall premise is correct)

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Invest in preparing imo

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Did you spell ammo wrong?

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; ]

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"What else is lurking inside the 1,000+ pages?" I don't know but I'm fucking done. I watch a podcast that always details how we should all call our congressmen at times like these and give them a piece of our mind. It never fucking works. I'm ready to go stick my head back in the sand cause this country is toast if this continues for any length of time. Which it will.

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It's actually a little impressive how little the Republicans have done with their 'majority'. In true Washington Generals fashion, they just ran out the clock even though they're down 50.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Talk. talk, talk. Talk seems to be all, nothing changes nothing gets done. Useless!

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Unfortunately it's toast anywhere you go..no place left to run to

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Nobody wants to hear this, but I'm afraid there's only one way out....

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My disdain toward our nation's policy makers and their ad nauseam genuflecting in obedience to the absolute fringes of societal behavior has now reached such a critical level that I am seriously contemplating expatriating from this asylum.

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If you instead claim asylum, you get free lodging!

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Good point, but at this juncture I'm not too sure it would be an equitable trade off.

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Depends on your criteria. What kind liberties and freedoms do you want? Most “civilized” countries were terrible during Covid. Many do not allow firearms, for instance. There’s a tremendous amount of unrest worldwide these days so understand that this US government will not protect you on foreign ground. I say this after being evacuated twice from third world countries back when our government was interested in helping their citizens. Frankly, I think you’re safer on home ground, hunkered down in the reddest state you can find, than on foreign soil. Just my opinion, though, colored by living overseas for 30 years (Africa, Europe, Central America, and South America.).

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Your thoughts are greatly appreciated... and genuinely considered... though I haven't yet resigned myself to the reality that there's no where to go to escape the madness.

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If you find such, be sure to let us know! You might find some of us on your doorstep!

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Will do... and please don't stop at my doorstep... my door will be open.

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Along that line of thought, does anyone know of a reasonably sane place in the world to move to?... Considering all suggestions.

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Portugal. I visited last month to look around. It has potential

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It's visually a lovely country but it's in the EU and subject to all their tyrannical rules ..... you have no political voice at all, despite the chimera of the European Parliament. All the policy-making is done by unelected Commissioners, who are appointed by member states. Besides it works hand in glove with the WEF.

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Good to know

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I like you Ryan Gardner. You’ve got some good ideas.

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It's on my list... along with Mexico, Belize, Brazil. Spain and Italy... and if all else fails... the South Pacific

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You'll need to find Gilligan's Island.

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(Hat tip to someone else, my bad for not remembering!)

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Very soon, purchases of government paper, or bonds, will dry up. Then what will they do? Raise rates, of course, but that, too, will not work any longer. It's events like this Bill that cause the loss of confidence in the government. Financing the US government is the largest Ponzi scheme in the world history. Ponzi schemes always fail when new money can no longer be raised. This is what the Fed called unsustainable, their harshest wording in communicating their thinking. People always blame the Fed, but look, they are not the ones who create new spending and long term debt. It's Congress.

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It's a global implosion so the US dollar gets a longer lease on life.

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Sold like this:

"Just two weeks, folks, to slow the contagion!"

(It sorta worked before...one way or another...)

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

It’s just one big scam!

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THIS is why I'm a libertarian

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

It's pretty amazing when you think about it...more laws more money...like bread and circuses

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We're in the "steal everything that is nailed down before the collapse" phase.

And ironically, if they weren't stealing anything there probably wouldn't be a collapse -- but that ship has sailed.

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Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh exactly right. It's been going on since covid....the big guys got theirs early and the courtiers and hangers on are in full theft right now. Nail. On. Head. You hit it.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Screaming...my voice is getting hoarse though.

For those with Republican Reps/Senators...please, at least send them an email calling them out. Useless exercise all around in Blue/Black areas.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

To find out how your "representative" voted, go here;


I'm done.

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Well, well, well, my Republican Rep voted yea. I just sent him a scathing email.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Lo and behold, my representative voted NAY. He was alone in the state and sole GOP rep.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh I have no doubt how my useful idiot representative will vote. Same for the even more useless senators, one a WEF butt boy.

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My rep, Doris Matsui, voted yes. Or whatever is left of her voted yes. 79 year-olds should be retired, not running the country into the ground.

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What a surprise! Fernandez Leger voted yea. She will always vote however her liberal dems tell her to. It was masochism on my part to even look. She never thinks of thinking for herself at all. But that's what got Ben Ray Lujan from the House to the Senate.

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My repub rep in a very red state voted yea as well. As my senator is Lindsay Graham I’ve no doubt he’s all for it as well.

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Any congress critter that voted Aye, for more debt, more government grants, tax incentives, pork barrel funding of semi-socialist, woketopian, purple-haired screeching karen social justice programs, more institutional debt to fund proxy wars overseas, is NOT "republican", and it is way past time for us to remind them of that, every damn day.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Johnson just whiffed.

Will only MTG stand up?

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Where are Rand and Massie?

Where stands Gaetz?

(Maybe I just haven't heard yet...)

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"Where are Rand"

In the Senate.

"and Massie?"

In the article!

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

I mean on getting libertarian leadership in the House of Representatives!

I supported Gaetz because it was time to stop the continuing resolutions, read: continuing Federal overreach, i.e. More Democrat Authoritarian Socialism. McCarthy was well meaning (and just plain *mean* it turns out), but did not dent the spending. Then Johnson showed promise, but in the end no cigar on the spending. the $1,200,000,000,000.00 spending *increase* and debt *increase*.

The spending! The SPENDING!!!

So kick out Johnson, I say. Get someone who call the Dems bluff on gov't. "shut down".

Let a libertarian reduce the debt, for crying out loud!

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I had no idea you were talking about with regards to Johnson.

Even if you get him out, who can you get in who will be better?

Hell, in a few weeks they'll vacate Johnson and hand Jefferies the gavel.

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I knew I confused you, so sorry about that!

Yes, the Repub majority is even smaller now, and who but jeffries would ultimately prevail.

But...time to blow up the system, I say.

After all, there doesn't seem to be any other way to end the "systemic theft."

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Mar 23Liked by SimulationCommander


Is the fix in to end the House majority *before* the fall election?

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

This doesn’t even qualify as a silver lining, but I’ve noticed that the Beltway blob effort to make this appropriations deadline into a drama in recent weeks has flopped with the public. No one’s bought into the supposedly nail-biting suspense of “can the impending government shutdown be averted?” (other times it’s been the debt ceiling).

They’re going to do what they want, but the playacting at it being real politics hasn’t distracted anybody from anything, and hopefully that much at least will continue.

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Every time they do it, more and more people are just like SHUT IT ALL DOWN!

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If you'll remember Trump let it all shut down. It was a wonderful time! Quietest news cycle ever. Everything went on as normal.

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Indeed, but I think even people who don’t think that at all are learning not to pay attention to all the frantic running around and wild gesticulation on Capitol Hill, even if they’re happy about funding the trans prom or whatever.

Like I said, it’s not much.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Can't even comment.


For what, exactly?

Has anyone done the arithmetic?

Assuming 350,000,000 legal Americans, this little bit amounts to $3,400 per resident...

And that's this "little bit".

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But the new government agencies will 'raise' an extra $5 billion over 10 years! lol

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

From who?


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Our progeny.

Gov't. spending is *no* different than carrying 25% interest credit card balances, only with 2 differences:

1) it cannot be forgiven through the court of bancruptcy, and

2) our progeny are born as part slaves, considering they will be required to make payments on this debt.

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Mar 22Liked by SimulationCommander

“Insurrection Barbie” refers to George Santos.

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