One of the most depressing things about being a stubborn Constitutionalist is the constant assault on the founding ideals of the country coming from (seemingly) everywhere at once. Milton Friedman once said “Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program”, and we live the proof every day.
A quick look at the Declaration of Independence reveals there is nothing new under the sun. Many of the problems we face are the same problems the founders faced in the 1700s. Check out these examples from the ‘grievances’ section of the DoI:
Today we have more than 21 million government employees. And while I’m sure that plenty of them are perfectly wonderful people, it’s the nature of governments to grow. After all, if you solve the problem your agency was formed to solve, why would you still have a job? Pretty soon you’re spending $165 million on homelessness but not actually getting anywhere solving the problem. (Clearly the answer is a bigger budget and/or more regulatory power!)
Here’s a wonderful example of government growth:

Look how proud they are of confiscating all those super dangerous items! (Then storing them all together for a photo op - cause that’s how you handle dangerous stuff) They set up this photo shoot like it was a big drug bust or something! With efficiency like this, you’d almost forget that TSA fails actual airport security tests — miserably.
With so many government agencies always looking to expand their powers, it’s dizzying to try to take it all in. I want to write an article about ridiculous example X, but the next day it’s overshadowed by ridiculous example Y. And while we may be able to rally the populace once or twice, it only takes one slip to create that temporary government program that will certainly turn into a permanent fixture.
In that vein, we need to understand that government isn’t done trying to control speech. With the ‘pausing’ of the DGB version of the ministry of truth, government has found somebody EVEN WORSE than Nina Jankowicz to determine what is allowable speech — Kamala Harris.
“In the United States and around the world, women and LGBTQI+ political leaders, public figures, activists, and journalists are especially targeted by sexualized forms of online harassment and abuse, undermining their ability to exercise their human rights and participate in democracy, governance, and civic life,” the memo says.
What a coincidence that the Biden administration is CHOCK-FULL of box-checkers who need to be ‘protected’ from ‘online harassment’ — aka, disagreeing with their opinions or actions. If we can’t just throw ‘em in jail, we’ll ban ‘em.
This is another not-so-subtle attempt to put an official ‘stamp’ on ‘mis/dis/malinformation’ so that the ‘leaders’ of social media have something to point to when they ban you for your wrongthink. And if those bans all turn out to be a political ploy used to swing an election? Meh. “Private companies”, don’t you know?
In many ways this is a rerun of the covid mania, where ‘leaders’ simply found a sycophant in a white coat to solemnly look into the camera and ‘suggest’ virus control measures. Numerous people, many of them in the comment section I’m guessing, were banned from social media for saying things that are both completely true and ‘acceptable’ to mention these days. This includes actual experts in the field, many of whom are still fighting for the ability to practice medicine.
We weren’t wrong, we were just too early to the truth. As bad cat said today, speaking the truth was too costly for many. Indeed, if I had to worry about being fired or what people thought about me, perhaps I would have found a way to justify burying my head in the sand and remaining silent. I can’t say for sure.
But it’s not just that the ‘experts’ were wrong (over and over and over), it was the smug way in which they flaunted their wrongness that was so disgusting. We had to hear endless sermons from Mount Fauci, all of which were taken as gospel from a pathetic media — even when Fauci said shit that didn’t make sense, like “New York did it correctly.”
I’ve looked up and down for the article to link, but sometime in summer 2020, a major media outlet released the results of a ‘knowledge poll’ surrounding covid. The article noted that people who consume ‘standard’ forms of media are more likely to be ‘correct’ about covid. Two examples they used were 1) A vaccine would not be available in 2020 and 2) Covid did not come from a lab.
Was that correct information, or was it simply fart-sniffing, South Park style? As an interesting aside, while looking for that original article I came across this, an updated version of that article with all new misinformation!
A new poll has found that Americans who consume more right-wing media are far more likely to believe misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccine against it.
In a survey released Monday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, respondents were asked about eight different misconceptions about the pandemic, ranging from “The government is exaggerating the number of COVID-19 deaths” to “The COVID-19 vaccines can change your DNA.” The survey found that 78 percent of Americans either believe or aren’t sure about at least one of the statements. However, the numbers varied greatly depending on party affiliation, vaccination status and source of news.
The other COVID-19 statements presented by Kaiser — in the order of whether people believed or were unsure about them — were “Pregnant women should not get the COVID-19 vaccine,” “Deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine are being intentionally hidden by the government,” “The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to cause infertility,” “Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19,” “You can get COVID-19 from the vaccine” and “The COVID-19 vaccines contain a microchip.”
You’ll note that 2020’s ‘misinformation’ has been replaced with new, 2021 ‘misinformation’. Let’s break it down:
“The government is exaggerating the number of COVID-19 deaths”
It’s been no secret from the beginning of the pandemic that we count anybody within 28 days of a positive test as a covid death. The ‘experts’ have been admitting this all along. This is WILDLY different from how we count any other deaths.
“The COVID-19 vaccines can change your DNA.”
Pfizer mRNA vaccine goes into liver and changes into DNA, Swedish study finds
“Pregnant women should not get the COVID-19 vaccine,”
Pfizer Starts COVID Vaccine Trials In Pregnant Women
The study should conclude in January 2023.
“Deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine are being intentionally hidden by the government,”
I haven’t heard anybody say this, because it’s directly in contrast with how we counted covid deaths. I HAVE heard some people say that we’re undercounting because not everybody is tested all the time, but the positive test = covid death is overcounting much much more (IMO). I’ll give this to the ‘experts’ who say this is misinformation. **See edit**
The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to cause infertility,”
“Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19,”
Ivermectin shows ‘antiviral effect’ against COVID, Japanese company says
“You can get COVID-19 from the vaccine”
Why boosted Americans seem to be getting more COVID-19 infections
(Standard ‘fact check’ BS on this one - we said the stats prove you’re more susceptible after vaccination, not that the vaccination is the cause. This is literally why you’re not ‘fully vaccinated’ until two weeks after the last shot.)
“The COVID-19 vaccines contain a microchip.”
As far as I know, this one is completely false. That makes the ‘experts’ a generous 2-for-8. And these are the same people who want to remove you from online (and offline, if they can get away with it) society if you buck the narrative of the day. After all:
“Well, the Internet is an essential part of life in the 21st Century. Can’t get around it, can’t get around without it.” — Kamala Harris
Edit: While writing, I misread “Deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine are being intentionally hidden by the government,” as ““Deaths due to COVID-19 are being intentionally hidden by the government.” We might quibble around ‘intentionally hidden’ versus ‘willfully blind’, but either way the statement is NOT misinformation. That makes the experts 1-for-8. Even in baseball that gets you fired.
“Deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine are being intentionally hidden by the government,”
Regarding your point, the government originally counted ALL deaths WITH covid to get a huge overcount. Now, since many deaths are among the vaxed, almost all agencies make it very clear that most deaths are not FROM covid, but merely WITH. Can't encourage vax hesitancy!
However, the real point on this one is that the government very much DOES hide data about major adverse effects from the vax. None of them will admit to any serious safety signals, even as multitudes of young, healthy people are suffering "sudden and unexpected" deaths. Instead they blather on about SADS, climate change-induced cardiac issues, and long covid in order to distract from “deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine". So no, they do not get awarded this point either.
" it only takes one slip to create that temporary government program that will certainly turn into a permanent fixture"
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!”
—President Ronald Wilson Reagan