More permanent today :)

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Sorry to say this is the first of your columns to which I cannot respond. Not choose not to reply. but literally can't. It is too difficult for me to parse. I suspect that's a function of my hydrocephalus, which is a sentence to a one-way ticket to non-Alzheimer's dementia.

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Sorry to get all religious here for a moment, but I can't think of any scripture that has been truer over the last few years than, "the love of money is the root of all evil..."

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These dirt bags at FTX are connected to so much more. How about Ivermectin studies, Jeffery Epstein, Bill Gates, Harvard and the whole pandemic?


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That's what this article is about :/

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Great research, SimCom. What people need to know about the Together Trial is that it told us what we already knew: way too-low drug doses (ivermectin is dosed by patient weight) for a too-short time (3 days) and single drug protocols don't do much for sick patients. There is no evidence in the trial to support the conclusion that "ivermectin is ineffective for covid." Despite the study design and low dosage problems, ivermectin showed some benefits, which should have prompted more studies and larger trials. Too many doctors only read headlines and journal article conclusions rather than taking ten minutes to critically evaluate whether the study design and data support the conclusion. You would be amazed at how often the conclusion is not supported by the evidence; it's a big problem in "science." Check out this accessible critique on the Together Trial and basic questions to critique ANY drug study and think for yourself - https://www.cato.org/regulation/summer-2022/ivermectin-together-trial (edited for typo)

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I waved a bottle of aspirin at my husband's head and it did nothing! Aspirin is bullshit!

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😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

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I also shouted "peer review" in his ear.

His headache did not improve even slightly.

Headache vaccines are the way.

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I would also add "administered too late following exposure and infection" to the list.

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Honestly, I've never been able to figure out how this is the business of anybody but me and my doctor.

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It used to be that way. The doctor-patient relationship was sacrosanct. I watched that start to change in the 90s, accelerate in the 2010s and go off the rails in 2020s. Now Pharma, Insurance and government (plus all kinds of other public-private partnerships) are cozied up with you inside your prescriber-patient relationship. Kinda crowded feeling, isn’t it?

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Now the entire 'transaction' is driven by the suits and the doctor and patient are only footnotes.

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Your one sentence summary is the essence of our “health” “care” system.

People need alternative, parallel, creative, decentralized health care options that operate via PMA, in private, outside of the irredeemable public domain. One gift of the plandemic is seeing these sprout.

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Whoever creates an 'uber-like' app that summons a doctor to your house when you need it is going to be a billionaire. House calls are the future, because they bypass all the BS.

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Mind if I point out flaws in the idea, just for the sake of many creative minds batting around solutions? You are right, there is a lot of BS to bypass. But much more is needed than a house call. A home visit biz model will never allow both affordable access for patients and attractive benefits and income for health care providers (HCPs, including docs, NPs, PAs). True independence requires cash-pay. Insurance is the biggest, most maddening dictator of what we can and can’t do or prescribe. Only a small percentage of folks could afford the prices that HCPs would require for home visits. Profit margins are small. The travel model has too many inefficiencies, only able to see limited number of people a day. Plus, required vetting and parameters for safety in stranger's homes. (speaking from my experience with home health visits). With any model, we are still dealing with the FDA, the drug gatekeeper. What good is an Rx for ivermectin, or supplements, without access? A new model requires a secured source of remedies. (We should all keep an eye on the FDA moves to restrict access to supplements.) More cash-only, Private Membership Agreement, integrative clinics are popping up, using both allopathic and non-allopathic providers, but the cost per visit ($500-$700, plus hundred more for treatments and remedies) is prohibitively expensive. The best bang for the buck is prevention. Our health care model is dis-incentivized for health and fails miserably at keeping folks healthy. It’s almost as if the government wants fat, weak, sick, dependent, complacent, distracted, entertained, apathetic, disabled citizens. I have the most hope for independent PMA cash-pay practices where you pay a monthly cash fee, and the clinic is incentivized by their profit structure to keep you healthy, with prevention and health coaches. I could go on about health care and health coaching all day because there are better ways. What do you think?

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SimulationCommander - SuperSleuth Extraordinary!

Swedish state media gets a yearly budget of about $1 000 000 000. Taxmoney of course. Owned by a foundation which also appoint their bosses and writes their "core corporate principles and values". Hundreds of employees, the main building is built to withstand aerial bombardment (it's a Cold War building after all) and their own security force which makes sure no citizens' media attempts interviews with state media employees.

Just to give you a sense (as if you didn't know already) of how much actual, real journalism can be achieved with very few resources.

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Agree totally Rikard. Was just thinking of the resources my former employer has and how much pablum and propaganda is published every day.

Amazing work Simulation Commander!!

What is very disheartening is the realization that pandemic hysteria is still being used as justification to easily to generate millions of dollars to be used not to protect us against anything, but for the next stages of policing us.

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Yeah, heardjust a couple of hours ago. A pastor reminding her congregation that "the pandemic isn't over" during sermon and prayer.

(I'm not christian but I do volunteer-work at a local free church, there not being any atheist or secular humanitarian or libertarian charities in existence - which tells one something but that's a different debate.)

And there I sit, thinking: "Yes it is?!" before remembering that she is a normal, decent, well-adjusted citizen. State TV/radio, major legacy papers with close ties to regime media is her only source of information. And since they haven't said outright "the pandemic is over" it isn't over.

"It's not over until the fat media says it" so to speak.

While I, due to habit from my old job teaching social an political science, regularly checks the public and official database for Covid-cases requiring actual treatment. About 10-20 per week, at most. Out of 11 000 000 inhabitants.

Pestilence riding its horse this ain't.

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I figured they would try to bring down the Covid hammer again after the "election."

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"It's Russia's fault Sweden is/has [insert politician-caused problem here]" is the current refrain.

Despite everyone and their mother's uncle knowing full well that it's due to more than 20 years mismanagment by all the globalist political parties of parliament.

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And now the EU made some stupid declaration that Russia is a terrorist state?

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Incoming rant:

That one is solely due to swedish "domestic foreign policy"; the Sweden Democrats who according to mainstream media is the second coming of Hitler, has long (as in 20 years) been subjected to a smear campaign, where one major part among the expensive-suit-and-tie crowds has been allegations that they are funded by Russia.

It plays on the ole' Cold War fear of a Soviet attempt to steamroll us to get the Atlantic, and our centuries of war with Russia, so tactically it's sound though morally it's corrupt.

The Sweden Democrats have been the most anti-Russian party in Sweden for about a decade now, and has repeatedly called for a total boycott of Russia, the way the US-and-friends used to do it.

So the EU decision is due to their group in the EU parliament lobbying hard for this.

In one fell swoop, they take the lead as the premier "Good Guys" in the eyes of the majority, score brownie points with the EU, and risks nothing.

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Hopefully, the crypto continues to go down the toilet and people like Sam won't be able to fund the DNC with dirty money. We will see.

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It's up roughly 20% in the last day.

Edit: "It" being bitcoin, the only one that matters.

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Yep, it will have lower lows and lower highs. It won't go straight down but it's in trouble. The more volatile it is, the less likely it will ever be an actual currency. The long-term trend of crypto is downward. I have invested in blue-chip dividend paying stocks, index funds, and real estate and I probably get between 6 and 8 percent annually. I'll consistently make more than anyone in crypto. I can't predict the future, but I know my returns have beaten the average American and the average crypto investor for sure.

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"By any means necessary."

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When ordinary guys have their little babies die, teenagers and college students who adore commie propaganda and took deathvax that NOBODY should have been allowed to take.

And then read all this stuff after the fact,

You are gonna see a blood bath.

Big question. Why none so far?

I don't understand why parents not doing anything

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Because propaganda. And also because most people can't bring themselves to think the government is that hopelessly corrupt. They want to believe in authority. I don't get it, having been mistrustful of authority my entire life.

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Well since the powers that be are gonna point the cannons at the unvaxxed once the diehard Covidians look around and realize that half their families are deceased or effectively braindead (and the vax-tards will look anywhere to keep from looking within) I wouldn't be too eager for the clueless jabbed to start doing anything.

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So Sam didn't kill ivermectin, but Bill did. Good to know.

The bigger problem is the ease with which so many people can be manipulated. Sam says he wants something, everybody lines up. Elections are won by the best funded ad campaign. We're all for sale, apparently, and the highest bid doesn't need to be very high.

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We're not all for sale

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Of course not!

........but if anybody has a spare $5 M "grant" lying around to pay for some journalism.......

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Good catch/research on the TOGETHER funding timeline!

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I'll admit I was a little disappointed. The TT still a horrific "public/private" fusion designed to do nothing but enrich everybody involved, but it was that without FTX in this particular instance.

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I was disappointed, too, but the facts are more important than feelings/confirmation bias. You are the first I've seen to point this out...

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Bernie Madoff was arrested within 24 hours of his fraud being revealed.

Bankman-Fried will be attending the NYTimes dealbook summit next week after his fraud was revealed.

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Prosecuting fraud requires intent. Sam seems to be taking the stupid defense. He'll never do time. He'll start a new money laundry and dem investors will line up.

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Interesting, didn't think of that.

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I read that today but will believe it when I see it. I don't think he's dumb enough to come back to the states.

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Or is his appearance just the ultimate Overton Window stretch??? It would be such a spit-in-your-face event and continue the demoralizing psyop unabated... for anyone paying an ounce of attention anyway.

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From what little I've gathered from Twitter, this would NOT go over well.

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Since he helped the Democratic Socialist Communists launder billions, is he "too big to fail?"

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If they were to arrest hime, they would have to "Epstein" him.

Reckon he knows that?

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The Times refuses to note whether he will be live or on video...lol.

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I could see a video appearance, that way they could experience 'connection issues' if the questions got too tough.

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