Don't go out after dark. It's not safe.

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LOL!! My fathers career as a multilingual engineer planted m6 family in Europe from 1957 to 1972, with a two year intermission as Honeywell’s liaison at the Pentagon … of all his European clients, he found only the French to be difficult as in arrogant. The joke he loved to tell was, “ We landed on the Moon, the French intend to top that by landing on the Sun….how? ( In a French accent) “ At night of course! “ 😂

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Helpful perhaps to remember that it is we the people in our Billions who hold the real power and wealth for those who otherwise believe they rule over us. We must look past the fake power of an “elite” and understand true power is in the hands of we the people. The fight is where it has always been - against tyranny. It is so typical for fascism to arise all around us and at once so we believe we are trapped. We are not trapped, the “elites” are. We are under epic, psychopathic distortions.

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80% of electricity in France is nuke. About 10% comes from hydro & géothermique and 2% or so from wind and solar the rest gas.

France has for decades had more generating capacity than demand and so is a net exporter of electricity via the European interconnecter. It’s nuclear fleet has never run at maximum efficiency for this reason, and up until a decade or so ago and the climate doom, the French were being encouraged to use more. Then we (I used to live there) were urged to use less, despite reactors running below output.

It is true some of the reactors are near end of life, some are shut down for repairs, and Macron plans to have more built - he’s going to renationalise EDF - but the street lights thing is like masks for CoVid, theatre to instil a feeling of crisis and softening people up for general power cuts to save the Planet.

And most of France’s gas was LPG or LNG from Algeria and Libya, so using the Russian situation as an excuse is bovine fæces.

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The Dutch shut down the Groningen natural gas field fairly recently. I believe the reason given was earthquakes associated with the wells. It was a major source of gas for Western Europe. We'll see if those wells get restarted now.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

you can't just say "hey, we're going to cut the supply to save the earth for the future, but you can freeze or starve to death right now." you have to prepare other sources of energy or other means of running an economy and that takes years.

you can't say to farmers "no more nitrogen fertilizer for you. go out of business and let them eat crickets (which will become an endangered species the moment they become a staple dietary choice). i know lots of farmers that don't use nitrogen fertilizer. they grow organically on smaller acreage and sell at local farmers markets, buyers clubs and to near by restaurants. i agree that more land should be turned over into that kind of production. but let's be real, it takes time and you can't force it without causing a catastrophe.

so sure, stop penalizing organic farmers. phase out the subsidies. in this country, most BigAg couldn't exist without federal support. but to just say BOOM, we gotta go green overnight and if you lose your life's work and your family starves and your town implodes, fuck you? what kind of government is that? you want the willing cooperation of your people.

i thought france was all nuclear. why are they having this problem? and isn't macron in trouble now for something having to do with uber?

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh this sham of a 🤡 show needs to come to an abrupt halt.. Are people that ignorant that they can't see through the B.S.?

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Does anyone think you can stop this?

I think its going to get way worse.

The crap is hitting the fan.

Covid just moved this up 10 -15 years

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What insanity. And turning out the lights at night, in the cities, the roads? Watch the crime increase.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

so who else is shopping for candles and wood burners?

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So when do we do that shit?

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Energy rationing: coming soon to another Western democracy near you.

Our farm's solar grid can't get built fast enough.

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What happens when the diesel runs out?

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