Jul 10Liked by SimulationCommander

Can you tell me where the meme about the smartphone 2099-2024 came from?…I’d like to send it to a lot of people.

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I don't remember exactly where I saw it, Twitter somewhere. You should be able to right click and download the picture, then send it out. Or you can link to the picture itself: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fcd58ce29-aa62-4758-b6d9-45452440c5da_1079x1081.jpeg

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Jul 10Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jul 9Liked by SimulationCommander

Who will win the election in November? A dog or a cat? The people win with either.

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Jul 9Liked by SimulationCommander

I donated this way: https://www.edgarandivy.com/wish-list

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SC - Thanks for the lift - B&G&S are heavy pawed editors, Spencer's clean up, rescue of SB, Edgar & Ivy’s Cat Sanctuary story was the touch of the helping hand. Go with the flow and keep on shining you... https://youtu.be/7Tc6RM7ZkWQ?

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Jul 9Liked by SimulationCommander

Love your positive Mondays, it's good to smile.

I watched that SB Mowing episode on YT it was impressive by his actions and heartwarming. I didn't realize the GFM raised so much money for the rescue, glad it did, that's wonderful. Cats often get overlooked for needs, rescuing, and care/love, so a much needed sanctuary. We also watch The Boring Channel on YT, another guy who does what SB Mowing does. Both are bright lights in this pretty dark world, as are you SC.

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The cash is still rolling in, though at a decreased pace lately.

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Jul 9Liked by SimulationCommander

That's good to hear. Gives hope instead of bummed outness.

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Jul 9Liked by SimulationCommander

yep Ive watched sb mowing for over a year now, great guy

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Love what you found. Smiles all the way! Thank you! Woo hoo SB🥰

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PS; Joe Biden is the perfect American president. What's that H.L. Mencken quote about dumbass American voters eventually electing the moron they deserve?

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The hand-slapping cat is obviously a bit disappointed, "What? No treats? What a rip-off!"

The "never say anything" Press Secretary saying, "Big Boy Press Conference", makes me wonder if the Press Secretary was there for Biden's diaper fitting.

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SB Mowing!!! He's wonderful in so many ways! Like rescuing the cat!

Also!! Beryl the storm missed us!!

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What made me happy? Finding out my oldest brother is now cancer free and seeing monarch butterflies flitting about in my garden. Yeah!

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“Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people.”

― Garrison Keillor

One of my all-time favorite feel good quotes. Always true.

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Ironically, he wrote that as a reaction to Tump's election in 2016.

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I should provide the entire paragraph for context:

"To know and to serve God, of course, is why were here, a clear truth that, like the nose on your face, is near at hand and easily discernible but can make you dizzy if you try to focus on it hard.

But a little faith will see you through. What else will except faith in such a cynical, corrupt time? When the country goes temporarily to the dogs, cats must learn to be circumspect, walk on fences, sleep in trees and have faith that all this woofing is not the last word. Time to shut up and be beautiful, and wait for morning. Yahooism, when in power, is deaf, and neither satire nor the Gospel will stay its brutal hand, but hang on, another chapter follows. Our brave hopes for changing the world all sank within view of their home port, and we have become the very people we used to make fun of, the old and hesitant, but never mind, that's not the whole story either. So hang on. What keeps our faith cheerful is the extreme persistence of gentleness and humor. Gentleness is everywhere in daily life, a sign that faith rules through ordinary things: through cooking and small talk, through storytelling, making love, fishing, tending animals and sweet corn and flowers, through sports, music and books, raising kids—all the places where the gravy soaks in and grace shines through. Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people. Lacking any other purpose in life, it would be good enough to live for their sake."

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Like! I wonder what Garrison (strange name, no?) has to say about the Biden administration’s shenanigans? He (Garrison) is obviously no dummy.

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My word of the week? SCHADENFREUDE!! A big heaping helping of it with a cherry on top! And on the endless supply of magnificent memes…. Gary Varvel also had a great one with the proverbial “ Granny getting pushed off a Cliff “ but Biden is the one in the wheelchair with Dems sending him airborne! Here’s what I predict…. Biden will drop out of the race with the caveat that Trump drops out as well. “ This country deserves a younger Commander in Chief”. And two, KJP and other media morons will start referencing HIPPA as a reason why we cannot learn whether Biden is tapioca or just J E L L O.

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Fireworks mere inches from a giant Lithium Ion battery. 'Merica!! Woot!!

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all in good fun. fwiw, submitted “is it 'merica or 'murica?” to gab ai to get “ Both 'merica and 'murica are colloquial terms used to refer to the United States of America. They are often used in a humorous or tongue-in-cheek manner, and there is no inherent difference in meaning between the two.” But I’m aware ‘Murica is the reappropriated, originally mocking form that disparaged southerners. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/murica/

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I know. i played several times. because i loved the music but was waiting for the real ending. LOL

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I also watched a guy lure a 'gator close, prop open it's mouth, and use its tooth to poke a hole in the side of a beer can for shotgunning. 'Merica.

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Jul 9Liked by SimulationCommander

I don't like to correct folks, but isn't it 'Murica. Maybe that's just a Southwest accent.

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guess i’m not following the crowd on that one, call me an ornery Yank if ya like :-)

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I'm originally from PA. We are known as effete North Easterners. As one of those, I guess I'm still in correcting mode. Maybe that's Karen mode.

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suannee, It's "Murica" after the fifth double-shot of Jack Daniels right before the speaker's head hits the bar.

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Awesome! I love this country.

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Of course we all know the iPhone was launched in 2007 with an EPIC presentation by Steve Jobs


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And then he died.

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Is that fireworks car a DeLorean? or something like that?

Sorry, I married a car maniac and now I am one. The Galago looks so adorable and the fur looks luxurious

Our mowers know we are old. hahaha hahahaha I am not kidding.

We are supposed to call our company (it is just a small mowing company we hired after hubbs had serious eye surgery about 12 years ago)

So, on Saturday, "ding dong" the doorbell rings and there is our guys and the little white truck. He said your grass is too short. I told him I was sorry we did not call, because we were sick and forgot.

They were nice about it. Really sweet. They have done this before when we were out of town, they just left a note that said "no need to mow"

Hubbs came home from Michigan (4 flights and layovers) back and forth through Deeeetroit and brought me a huge virus full of fever and snot and a raging headache. I am about 50% now. Hubbs is about 85%

This morning I woke up and felt like absolute garbage. but I have been drugging every 4 hours and feel great right now.

So, that SB mowing guy is great. I hope he gets funds to assist in his endeavors. mowing is time and gas. He is doing a great thing. Many people can not mow anymore for various reasons and it is embarrassing to have a shitty lawn because then the neighbors get depressed and you are also bummed.

I remember one time my daughter was selling some crap for a fund raiser for school way back in the days of olden. Some coupon books for Band or Choir. Anyway, we went to one neighbor a few streets from us and they had weeds, huge weeds, some two feet high. It was a spectacle to behold.

Happy Monday.

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It's a cybertruck. If you want some laughs, go onto Reddit and search for the cyberstuck subreddit. Amusing disaster stories about the $100,000 douche-magnet cybertruck.

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thank you for that. I am ready for some laffs

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Rosemary B, Our neighbor, Luis, the Italian bachelor, has a lawn of tan grass four feet high. Looks like a wheat field. I kinda like it. Luis is a hermit who lives a very simple life of poverty, almost like a monk.

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that sounds superb.

We live in a neighborhood right now that would scold us for that, but we are moving in 8 months to a nice neighborhood where we do not have to do a darn thing. YAY

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Tesla truck

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yes it is. Right after I typed it out.

Funny thing is, they are bring Delorean BACKKKK - electric

120K for a cheap stainless steel electric car


just gonna pull out the renault dinky mid engine

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