The freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.
On Twitter recently, Kraken CEO Jesse Powell discussed the idea that crypto held on his (or any) exchange could be frozen by government decree. He admits that his company will be forced to comply and your crypto will be frozen.

Of course, the same risk exists in the standard banking system, as shown by the government of Canada freezing bank accounts of protestors and their supporters. And, as government does, the Canadian government is seeking to make some of their ‘emergency’ powers permanent.

This is how fast things move when after the fraud has been exposed and only the force remains. A week ago, ALL OF THIS STUFF WAS LEGAL. The government moved as lightning speed (crazy how quick they move to protect themselves) to suspend the rule of law and destroy the lives of the protestors and their supporters. The people who have had their bank accounts frozen DON’T EVEN HAVE WARRANTS OUT FOR THEIR ARREST.
And, just like kicking Alex Jones off social media, you’d have to be crazy to think it stops here. The scope of the law will expand, the definition of ‘terrorist’ will expand, and more and more people will be caught up. Remember the outrage when Trump was using ‘unmarked’ cars to arrest protestors? Now imagine the government shuts down your bank account because your phone was in the area of a protest.
“These powers are temporary,” claimed the people who said “two weeks to flatten the curve.”
These are no longer pie-in-the-sky hypotheticals. This is happening and expanding at a terrifying rate. It won’t stop. This is how the USA PATRIOT Act is now mainly used against Americans. This is also how we get to a point where yesterday’s conspiracy theories become proposed law. Even if you hate everything about the Freedom Convoy, you need to understand: YOU ARE NEXT.
Canadian Protest Update
It’s been a busy day north of the border. Big props to Newsly Canada Live, who is on the ground and now in the ongoing protestor press conference! After gassing protestors this morning, protestors are moving out of the ‘illegal’ protest zone.
I need to say this again: I watched livestreams of this for hours and hours and hours, and the ONLY violence I EVER saw came from the police.

This is what enforcement of ‘laws’ looks like, every single time.
The truckers moved out of the ‘illegal’ zone so nobody else would be hurt by the police or have their property seized. They are regrouping and considering their next move. No doubt the government will continue to sledgehammer them whenever possible.
I’m not sure the name of the guy speaking at the conference right now, but he just nailed it. (I got as close as I could in real-time) “We showed up with love. They showed up with pepper spray and snipers and body armor and UAVs to help with facial recognition. We brought the love, they brought the violence.” He’s now explaining the videos of police beating protestors and inviting the media to view those videos. My guess is that footage won’t show up in the MSM stories.
After being asked about children at the protest, this gentlemen nailed it: “If you see a large group of police, you know that’s where the danger is.” (If somebody knows who this guy is please let me know, he’s great!)
So for now it looks like the protestors are going to move out of Ottawa and decide their next move. Unfortunately, I’m sure the government will do the same.
The gentleman speaking at the press conference is very good. I wish his words would be disseminated on a larger platform, sadly I do not expect any MSM to step up and cover this in a professional, journalistic manner.
I am embarrassed that the US govt has not stepped up and spoken out about this travesty against democracy. Just last night, I said to my husband that this brought to mind Martin Niemöller's quote, and I see I am not the only one.
If they stopped delivering goods for a week, they'd grind the country to a halt and bring Trudeau to his knees. The big issue is, will the rest of the Canadian trucking industry stand in solidarity? I have little faith. But I've been wrong before.