Can the world slow down a bit more? - Timothy Andrew Staples/pop122
No. - The World
SF drops charges brought against woman after the DNA in her rape kit was used to tie her to a crime. The practice has been ongoing since AT LEAST 2016, and is referred to as a ‘statewide problem’. This is obviously a huge issue, and almost certainly has a chilling effect on the number of women who report a rape in the first place.
Schools in Richland, Washington have been closed after the school board voted for ‘mask choice’. As expected, the ‘leaders’ threaten them with loss of funding, even though there’s no reason to mask children to begin with.
Despite state Superintendent Chris Reykdal’s call to end mask mandates, he warned that schools could risk losing funding if they are not in compliance with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s mask mandate.
In northeast Washington, Kettle Falls School Board also voted Monday to make masks optional. Reykdal put Kettle Falls School District on notice with a letter saying it had “willfully failed to comply with the mask mandate.”
“Failure to follow the law and executive orders may lead to [the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction] withholding, and eventually reducing, your funding; and you may have personal liability if you willfully violate a law, safety order, or executive order,” Reykdal wrote.
Another example of government using the only tool in their bag.
Speaking of that giant sledgehammer of force, today in Boston all citizens 12 and over must be fully vaccinated to participate in life. Similar rules go into effect in March for citizens 5-11. This comes as nearby Washington DC ditches mandates (but not for kids!), and as Boston’s cases and hospitalizations are plummeting, just like the rest of the state. Almost like it’s not about health……
In France, millions of ‘fully vaccinated’ citizens will become ‘unvaccinated’ because of changes in the rules.
From Tuesday, the time limit for getting a booster done after your second jab is being reduced from seven to four months, meaning more than four million French people will immediately lose their vaccination status.
This means if you haven’t had your booster yet, and your last vaccination or infection from Covid was more than four months ago, your vaccination pass will be deactivated.
Surprise! The French were unable to comply their way out of tyranny, and now they are at the mercy of the whims of idiots. But I’m sure the third shot will be the last one, right?
Over at the Ministry of Truth, the list of wrongthinkers continues to grow, as now Twitter is issuing a ‘warning’ on links to Zerohedge.
Eventually the blacklist will be everybody without a .gov email address.
Edit @ 10:12 am Feb 16: Defiant L has been banned from Twitter.

And in the biggest news, John Durham claims to have proof that the Clinton campaign illegally spied on Trump. I am ALWAYS skeptical when lawyers claim to have the goods, and we’re a long way from being able to unwind the truth of the situation.
What IS clear, however, is that the Clinton/Obama machine will use anything at their disposal to gain more power. We know they were talking about impeachment less than a week after the election — months before Trump even walked into the White House. We know they used the FBI to run bogus surveillance — and anybody who thinks the higher-ups were clueless about this is fooling themselves. There’s certainly no ethical concerns that would get in the way of such an operation, and my gut thinks the story is true. I can’t wait to get to the primary documentation and investigate for myself.
That’s it for today! Tons of bad stuff going on out there, so let’s balance it all out with an awesome kitty just out of the voting booth:
Love the "I vomited" sticker! thanks
There is but one solution, less government.