I keep wondering how they can make it any more insane, and then they come up with something like this - they never disappoint. What amazing material for future documentarians - they will have no end of crazy stuff to produce really entertaining documentaries.

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Those in charge are mentally ill.

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Use your health warden to push a second cart and load up on the staples, comrades. You never know when your lack of a vax pass is going to send you to the back of the breadline.

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I like the way you think, M. Diana. Never let a crisis (and the government's OVER-response) go to waste.

(Plus I like to think of peeps loading up on "Staples." Sorry....couldn't resist.)

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I totally want to do this! I want to go in and spend like 8 straight hours with my "nanny shopper", painstakingly picking up and putting down every single item in the store that I'm not allowed to purchase. I'll be sure to breathe all over everyone & everything while I'm in there, too.

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Will we be allowed to ask our nanny their opinions, you know, which soup is the best, etc.?

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More plastic that the environmentalists seem to have forgotten about over the last few years!


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Jan 26, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

what bothers me is the people. what manager at a store says yea this how i want to operate!

why do they comply, why does anyone? why do the police enforce such nonsense?

why cant they see the fascists for what they are?

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If I was still running my small biz, I would be billing the city $100/hr for covid enforcement, every hour I was open.

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Hey, even the "pigs" have got to be paid.

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That’s so disgusting, why are the people of canada not rioting

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Trucker Convoy at least!!!

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

That pink faced squawking head might be lying out of the other side of her mouth once the store shelves are bare because of the trucker's strike. LOL.

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022Author

Maybe soon everybody will need an 'escort' to ensure they don't buy more than their allotted goods.

Edit: After all, we're all in this together!

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Ahhh nothing quite like the sickly stench of fascism wafting in the air.

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