Doing away with freedom of the press and voting integrity is the end of democracy and the beginning of totalitarianism. Tragic and only civil war, may fix it.
The greatest threat facing America today is Nancy Pelosi's "For the People Act." It codifies into law the unconstitutional federal takeover of state elections, including all of the provisions that made establishing an audit trail impossible.
If an audit trail beginning with a signed request for an absentee ballot is replaced by mail-out ballots, it is impossible to know who won a political race.
How about the coverup of the alpha bank stories, crossfire doings, and of course the Pulitzer Prize WaPo and NYT Russiagate cabals. The lastest is the disinformation regarding the Medong coup and the Neocons proxy war in Ukraine. The whole push was another “Russia, Russia” narrative to get Putin out and nail him as the bad guy like “orange man.” This administration needs to face the reality and look in the mirror. No peaceful solution was sought in February and March to this horrible war. The Minsk agreements should have been kept by us and Nato, but we’re swept side with arms flying in along with missiles near the border and the msm pushing nato membership and Zelenski freedom fighting story. How do we need to quit? Start telling the truth in the msm and investigating. Get back to moral values as absolutes and not something’s out there that are just relative and optional. I’m not sure how one does that in a purely secular, individualistic society?
That boot has been stomping on my face my entire life. It just keeps stomping harder and harder. I can't stand someone else's boot stomping, too. The government needs to take a backseat.
The Maricopa County thing is interesting, but how could they even "fix" it if they determined the machines that worked fine the night before suddenly, well, didn't the next day, by and large in the conservative areas and that, that was deliberate?
It's more than just the machines not working. Pollsters told some people to vote in another place, and said votes were then improperly mixed into already tabulated votes, etc.
At this point it's a matter of certification. If you can't determine the actual results of the election, it shouldn't be certified.
State laws require results to be certified as part of the election process.
"You can't get to the end result if you don't have that certification. So it's built in, and it's kind of a double check," explains Wendy Underhill, director of elections and redistricting at the National Conference of State Legislatures. "There's a thing called election time. You can't just wait forever for things to unfold. You have to find who your new elected officials are going to be."
Depends a lot on state law, but in many places the county's votes simply evaporate and everybody gets incredibly pissed off.
Edit: In cases where there's obviously no fraud or reason to distrust the results, the courts will step in and demand the election be certified. I do not believe that is the case in Arizona, though the courts may demand the certification anyway.
Olympic gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner responded with three laughing emojis, and political comedian Tim Young congratulated the network for "making yourselves look like a complete joke.
"Congrats on being the CNN PLUS of Twitter boycotts," Fox News radio host Jimmy Failla wrote.
"Translation: "we virtue-signalled too impulsively and now are hastily backtracking, although we're trying hard to avoid taking any responsibility for the consequences of our stupidity." Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson replied.
"You weren't missed," conservative vlogger Luke Rudkowski wrote.
"Hahahaaa," Libs of TikTok chimed in.
Hmm...I'm starting to warm to this newfangled "twitter."
The Texas Rangers are investigating the midterm elections in Houston. They ran out of paper ballots in the republican precincts. So simple! No engineers needed!
That boot is unsuitable for face-stomping. The sole is too soft, there are no toe- or heelcaps, no hobnails or cleats in the sole and it's got a whimpy little zipper on the side- so it's not a real boot to boot!
No self-respecting goosestepping Sturmtruppen would ever be seen in one of those!
Yah, sorry for the tasteless attempted levity, but this is so tangled and dripping it makes the Covid-scheme seem straightforward. I think this CBS-dealie is born out of depseration: "they" are losing twitter, and are afraid of losing what few readers and viewers they have left: even cronies and leather ponies needs to know what's really happening from Time to Times.
We've started to see the very same thing here in Sweden and Europe - legacy and regime media putting out feelers, being ever so mildly critical of certain things (that there's not global production capacity for switching to electric vehicles not even for Sweden alone for example), and at the same time too.
The old WEG sourcebooks were full of stuff about how the Empire actually functioned, as seen from below.
Including lot of plot hooks regarding the role of media, culture and entertainment. One of my favourites had the PCs acting as roadies, transport and so on for a band banned from performing. Dealing with fans, local police, imps, getting paid and rounding up the band from wherever they'd crashed during the night, before authorities arrived.
In Galaxy Guide 9 (supplemental material and background), there was even descriptions of thinly veiled pastiches of real-world band, both state approved and banned ones.
They can of course be found online, but neither Lucas or Disney will ever publish any of it again, so the actual books are becoming harder to find.
"Democrats are desperately trying to cover up any truthful investigation into..."
And in the service of all of the things you listed, they're perpetrating a culture war unusually rich in outright lies, far outdoing right-wing Christianity in the flagrant-bullshit, anti-speech department.
You can start with the most consequential stuff (pushing kids into irreversible "affirming" surgeries") to things that are important even if they affect far fewer people (men being allowed to compete as men at all levels of sport) to nonsense obviously meant to stoke fury among the commoners so as to not notice, for example, PayPal and the Kanye fiasco setting the stage for banks to basically steam money from people who have sites like this on. That should be getting infinite ink.
Well, it's a new pattern, but that's math, too. What's new is historically, that "Truth" on the right side was usually that the conspiracy was *not* true.
But then the People allowed the State (and useful Statists like Democrats) to define "conspiracy," and shazzam!, the truth takes a few months to out, and "conspiracies" are now always true!!
Turns out, there never was such a thing as *dis*-information, just a lame attempt to stop the individual from forming his own judgments by labeling anti-narrative information as a-priori false.
I always liked Catherine Herridge when she was on Fox News. What she just reported on with CBS News is old news to me. We’ve/I’ve been hearing about this for at least a year now and a lot of us have been waiting until we have more power to actually do something about it.
I would love for the IRS to check on Joe Biden’s revenue for the last 10 years and, of course, Hunter’s income for at least the same amount of time…….and, throw in James Biden too for good measure.
I also remember Mr. Bobulinski giving an interview many months ago on Tucker Carlson……my jaw dropped then and it only gets better………
John P. ….Oh, God…….every time I see that quote of Hillary Clinton, I want to scream, spit and swear like a drunken sailor. She just takes up too much space. How can someone so obviously built like a pear, stand straight. She is a condescending arrogant bitch.
Doing away with freedom of the press and voting integrity is the end of democracy and the beginning of totalitarianism. Tragic and only civil war, may fix it.
The greatest threat facing America today is Nancy Pelosi's "For the People Act." It codifies into law the unconstitutional federal takeover of state elections, including all of the provisions that made establishing an audit trail impossible.
If an audit trail beginning with a signed request for an absentee ballot is replaced by mail-out ballots, it is impossible to know who won a political race.
And federalizing elections is the very first thing Democrats tried to do once they got into power.
How about the coverup of the alpha bank stories, crossfire doings, and of course the Pulitzer Prize WaPo and NYT Russiagate cabals. The lastest is the disinformation regarding the Medong coup and the Neocons proxy war in Ukraine. The whole push was another “Russia, Russia” narrative to get Putin out and nail him as the bad guy like “orange man.” This administration needs to face the reality and look in the mirror. No peaceful solution was sought in February and March to this horrible war. The Minsk agreements should have been kept by us and Nato, but we’re swept side with arms flying in along with missiles near the border and the msm pushing nato membership and Zelenski freedom fighting story. How do we need to quit? Start telling the truth in the msm and investigating. Get back to moral values as absolutes and not something’s out there that are just relative and optional. I’m not sure how one does that in a purely secular, individualistic society?
That boot has been stomping on my face my entire life. It just keeps stomping harder and harder. I can't stand someone else's boot stomping, too. The government needs to take a backseat.
Have you seen the Brokeback Mountain meme with Musk as Twitter and CBS as his lover??? 😂😂😂😂
The Maricopa County thing is interesting, but how could they even "fix" it if they determined the machines that worked fine the night before suddenly, well, didn't the next day, by and large in the conservative areas and that, that was deliberate?
It's more than just the machines not working. Pollsters told some people to vote in another place, and said votes were then improperly mixed into already tabulated votes, etc.
At this point it's a matter of certification. If you can't determine the actual results of the election, it shouldn't be certified.
Why is it important to certify election results?
State laws require results to be certified as part of the election process.
"You can't get to the end result if you don't have that certification. So it's built in, and it's kind of a double check," explains Wendy Underhill, director of elections and redistricting at the National Conference of State Legislatures. "There's a thing called election time. You can't just wait forever for things to unfold. You have to find who your new elected officials are going to be."
So what could they really do? If the state refuses to certify the results from Maricopa County, what happens?
Depends a lot on state law, but in many places the county's votes simply evaporate and everybody gets incredibly pissed off.
Edit: In cases where there's obviously no fraud or reason to distrust the results, the courts will step in and demand the election be certified. I do not believe that is the case in Arizona, though the courts may demand the certification anyway.
Oh, now that would be justice. I won't hold my breath, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Tweets to those jokers at CBS:
Olympic gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner responded with three laughing emojis, and political comedian Tim Young congratulated the network for "making yourselves look like a complete joke.
"Congrats on being the CNN PLUS of Twitter boycotts," Fox News radio host Jimmy Failla wrote.
"Translation: "we virtue-signalled too impulsively and now are hastily backtracking, although we're trying hard to avoid taking any responsibility for the consequences of our stupidity." Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson replied.
"You weren't missed," conservative vlogger Luke Rudkowski wrote.
"Hahahaaa," Libs of TikTok chimed in.
Hmm...I'm starting to warm to this newfangled "twitter."
the last image.
WE are going to avoid that situation personally.
No boots. Not on our necks
ive got those boots!
Can't wait to read this book about our need to "quit" the FBI. (ibid)
Sure was 'weird' how this guy's life was ruined because of sheer happenstance...........
Yeah, and I've wondered about this fellow's politics *before* his "brush" with the Gestapo.
The Texas Rangers are investigating the midterm elections in Houston. They ran out of paper ballots in the republican precincts. So simple! No engineers needed!
Parents know how to "quit" crt. (a sneaky segue should hide my whataboutism, eh?)
From the Department of Missing the Point:
That boot is unsuitable for face-stomping. The sole is too soft, there are no toe- or heelcaps, no hobnails or cleats in the sole and it's got a whimpy little zipper on the side- so it's not a real boot to boot!
No self-respecting goosestepping Sturmtruppen would ever be seen in one of those!
Yah, sorry for the tasteless attempted levity, but this is so tangled and dripping it makes the Covid-scheme seem straightforward. I think this CBS-dealie is born out of depseration: "they" are losing twitter, and are afraid of losing what few readers and viewers they have left: even cronies and leather ponies needs to know what's really happening from Time to Times.
We've started to see the very same thing here in Sweden and Europe - legacy and regime media putting out feelers, being ever so mildly critical of certain things (that there's not global production capacity for switching to electric vehicles not even for Sweden alone for example), and at the same time too.
What a coincidence.
Like I keep saying, the difficulty in keeping total control ramps up every single day because every day there are more cracks in the dam.
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
If the Empire had a propaganda machine, it would probably look like today's press.
"Luke and Leia sitting in a there more to 'The Kiss' than just good luck????"
The old WEG sourcebooks were full of stuff about how the Empire actually functioned, as seen from below.
Including lot of plot hooks regarding the role of media, culture and entertainment. One of my favourites had the PCs acting as roadies, transport and so on for a band banned from performing. Dealing with fans, local police, imps, getting paid and rounding up the band from wherever they'd crashed during the night, before authorities arrived.
In Galaxy Guide 9 (supplemental material and background), there was even descriptions of thinly veiled pastiches of real-world band, both state approved and banned ones.
They can of course be found online, but neither Lucas or Disney will ever publish any of it again, so the actual books are becoming harder to find.
Oh, there I go, waxing nostalgic.
"Democrats are desperately trying to cover up any truthful investigation into..."
And in the service of all of the things you listed, they're perpetrating a culture war unusually rich in outright lies, far outdoing right-wing Christianity in the flagrant-bullshit, anti-speech department.
You can start with the most consequential stuff (pushing kids into irreversible "affirming" surgeries") to things that are important even if they affect far fewer people (men being allowed to compete as men at all levels of sport) to nonsense obviously meant to stoke fury among the commoners so as to not notice, for example, PayPal and the Kanye fiasco setting the stage for banks to basically steam money from people who have sites like this on. That should be getting infinite ink.
It's simple arithmetic ...
Conspiracy Theory + 6 Mos. = Truth
Well, it's a new pattern, but that's math, too. What's new is historically, that "Truth" on the right side was usually that the conspiracy was *not* true.
But then the People allowed the State (and useful Statists like Democrats) to define "conspiracy," and shazzam!, the truth takes a few months to out, and "conspiracies" are now always true!!
Turns out, there never was such a thing as *dis*-information, just a lame attempt to stop the individual from forming his own judgments by labeling anti-narrative information as a-priori false.
Edit: Actually the last conspiracy that was found to be false was conducted by one Robert Mueller.
*timeline may vary due to elections
I always liked Catherine Herridge when she was on Fox News. What she just reported on with CBS News is old news to me. We’ve/I’ve been hearing about this for at least a year now and a lot of us have been waiting until we have more power to actually do something about it.
I would love for the IRS to check on Joe Biden’s revenue for the last 10 years and, of course, Hunter’s income for at least the same amount of time…….and, throw in James Biden too for good measure.
I also remember Mr. Bobulinski giving an interview many months ago on Tucker Carlson……my jaw dropped then and it only gets better………
Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition!
They know that if they delay long enough, nothing will happen.
"What difference at this point does it make?" (As a guilty person once shouted.)
I hate that woman more than anyone else on Earth! 🤬
Me too, BANDIT
Me three. 🤮
John P. ….Oh, God…….every time I see that quote of Hillary Clinton, I want to scream, spit and swear like a drunken sailor. She just takes up too much space. How can someone so obviously built like a pear, stand straight. She is a condescending arrogant bitch.