Can Concerned Citizens Curtail Covid’s CARES Catastrophe?
Concurrently, a carefully crafted contrite culpability confirmation
One of the most puzzling decisions — political and otherwise — made by the Biden administration is the continuation of ‘special’ covid-related rules for hospitals and statistics. I’m talking specifically about how we continue to count anybody with a who dies after positive test as a covid death, anybody in the hospital with a positive test as a covid hospitalization, and anybody with a positive test as a covid case.
It’s been clear since April 2020 that the virus isn’t going anywhere, and it’s basic logic to realize if 10% of your population has a virus, 10% of your deaths will likely have that virus as well — even if it had nothing at all with why they died. Thus, the suspension of normal counting rules ensures a steady ‘supply’ of covid hospitalizations and deaths. Before the election, I reasoned that one of the things that Biden would do is return to ‘sane’ counting methods, thereby ‘beating’ covid. After all, Trump took a beating for months for his ‘failure to shut down the virus’ — something that Biden repeatedly promised to do.
When that reversion to sanity failed to occur, I was left wondering why — it was actually good science AND an obvious political win. It wasn’t long before I realized the Medical Industrial Complex (don’t even have to change the initials!) was milking too much out of the golden goose to slaughter it.
It’s not a secret the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act doled out increased payments for hospitals dealing with coronavirus patients. (After much hemming and hawing, even the fact checkers had to agree.) On top of paying for individual cases, government also shoveled cash to hospitals in “high-impact” areas. With incentives like these, it’s no wonder hospitals test everybody who walks through their doors as often as possible.
Likewise, it’s no wonder that when Joe Biden goes on national TV and says covid is over, the MIC quickly organizes to clarify the virus is still circulating and is still an emergency. Milk, milk, milk.
A while back I wrote about how we needed to viciously attack the emergency powers wielded by politicians — this is why. Like the endless war in Afghanistan, the virus has disappeared from the consciousness of most Americans, but it churns on in the background, steadily funneling taxpayer money to politically connected industries — in this case the NEW MIC.
As to the question posed at the start — I refer you to Betteridge's law of headlines.
"Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."
Now to the apology section of the article. As you guys know, I’m only human and I’m going to screw things up from time to time. Like in this article when I insinuated that Sam Bankman-Fried would NOT be appearing at the NY Times DealBook summit because he would clearly be in jail for stealing billions of dollars from his customers.
Well, it turns out that after a wonderful Thanksgiving with his parents, Sam Bankman-Fried DID speak (virtually) in an interview with Andrew Sorkin. You can watch the entire debacle here. (There’s also a transcript, but the body language Sam Bankman-Fried uses is a dead giveaway he’s lying out his ass.)
Some people in my life tell me that I’m too cynical and that it’s dangerous to my well-being. Yet, real-life events tend to prove I wasn’t quite cynical enough! I’ll strive to do better in the future.
Lastly, a couple notes on Matt Taibbi’s “Twitter Files” from last night. So far there’s been a lot of media silence, but it SEEMS like the talking points seem to be that A) this is old news and B) Biden wasn’t even president during this time.
All I have to say about this is that any good negotiator knows you don’t lead with your best card. Play your WORST card, then allow the opposition to paint themselves into a corner before playing your NEXT card.
If there’s one thing people need to understand about the “Twitter Files” — this isn’t just about Twitter, and it isn’t just about Hunter’s laptop. There’s a similar pattern behind every single “important” news story of the day. The 2020 election, 1/6, covid bans, Ukraine bans — every single one is being pushed behind the scenes by government.
Here’s an example of the CDC and Big Tech collusion, with pages of emails:
And you know how it goes, stay to the end, get a cat video! Today, Fluffy finds a new friend to take on a walk!
"All I have to say about this is that any good negotiator knows you don’t lead with your best card. Play your WORST card, then allow the opposition to paint themselves into a corner before playing your NEXT card." Pocketing this for later!
I work on the contract that maintains CMS’s entire data warehouse for Medicare and Medicaid. Access is granted to contractors and researchers for a variety of purposes, including COVID. You might notice you haven’t seen any work published using these data. There’s a reason why -- the results they’re obtaining are inconvenient.