
Thought experiment: Let's say that Trump classified his payoff to Stormy Daniels as a campaign expense. Do Democrats charge him for that?

Almost certainly yes, right? (And the case would probably be much better)

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Stormy Daniels for President!

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I’m not a lawyer. I am a retired accountant, worked for various small businesses over my career.

Accounting software generally allows the user to assign an expense account when setting up a new vendor. That way a clerk entering an AP invoice does not have to make the decision about the correct expense account; it automatically appears depending on the vendor selected. A lawyer/law firm would be set up as “legal expense” before anybody even saw an invoice.

Next we’ll hear of an indictment for an entry of an invoice from Big City Laundry as “laundry expense”. Michael Cohen can testify that it was not for clean sheets at Trump Tower; it was money laundering.

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Funny you should mention that. I started and ran a small business for four decades. We had in the neighborhood of twenty-five different accounts, with vendors set up as you say. By the time there was an invoice, the account was already pre-determined.

But here's what I've been thinking in this regard. There are the occasional expenses that have no established account. If they are one-time or otherwise unusual, I would not make a whole new account for them. I would enter it into the account that most closely matched the expense, and let it go at that.

This kangaroo court wants us to think that, in a business that does billions of dollars of business per year, someone was supposed to be savvy enough to see the ramifications of this 130K payment, and enter it under 'campaign contributions'. To suggest that it was a willful attempt to commit fraud is absurd. The real fraud is the entire Biden administration.

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Why not just put down sex trade silence?

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

Paula Jones $850000. More than Stormy. Ask Bill Clinton. He's next.

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Yes, let's open up the case against Clinton again. I'll buy the popcorn.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

Doesn’t even matter at this point, we are deep into “find me the man and I will find you the crime” territory. Straight up fascists.

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Wouldn't that legalise sexual favours as a campaign contribution, and make them taxable?

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Congress already has a slush fund to pay off accusers.

Fact check: OK it exists but don't call it a slush fund.


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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

If not, they make up some other charge and get him. The transactions weren't even business expenses.

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Reversible errors abound.

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Jun 3Liked by SimulationCommander

this may sound a bit "racist". but. to me every black guy who has been a victim of the "man" will be voting for Trump just in the sympathy vote

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It is easier to prosecute a person than a crime

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I my internet travels I have come across many such videos, if that's any indication. (It's probably not.)

Democrats also 'marvel' about Trump's support from the old 'moral majority', but that's easily explained by Biden's lawfare as well.

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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

Alec Baldwin, by the way, is still living in freedom despite the killing on the New Mexico movie set. But Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the woman in charge of handling weapons on the set, has already been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and is in jail. See the link:


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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - it will be overturned on appeal.

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99%. But after Joe gets what he wants.

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SC - "But after Joe gets what he wants"

A professional measures recoil with accuracy.

They've miscalculated Mr Mulder.

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Joe might perhaps not have wanted to speak so emphatically about respecting the rule of law and the courts and judges and juries with jury selection due to start Monday for Hunter's little trial. In front of the judge who asked the right questions (not for them of course) and rejected that plea deal in the first place.

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I was flying home to San Diego from Coeur d’Alene Idaho yesterday, where we are fortunate enough to have a second home. The verdict happened sometime between me boarding a plane in Spokane and my stopover in Phoenix. When I was sitting in the Phoenix airport I felt like glaring at everyone, I was (and am) so angry. I’ve never been so disgusted with my fellow Americans before - but it occurred to me that the people who voted to convict Trump and everyone who supports a guilty verdict - they aren’t Americans. And the travelers in the airport to me seemed unusually subdued, likewise on my plane. I normally might make polite conversation with my seat mates but had that fear of “what if they’re one of THEM?” (a Democrat) and hated myself for being afraid to speak my mind. Democrats now make me think of Donald Sutherland at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and it scares me.

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excellent stack as usual...we began an award weekly and Biden et al. took home the prize this week...


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In the end, by the early 2030's, we are going to be facing the choice of full Marxism/communism or a pitch-fork revolution. This is where the democrats are leading us. Remember, politicians are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet with no remorse or consideration for the unintended consequences that result from their blatant stupidity. This is why we are where we are in our history. One screwed up country.

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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

Damn Yankees!

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New Yorkers are not Yankees.

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SCA: They were in the War of Secession.

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We are a breed apart.

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SCA: You mean New Yorkers are a breed apart? The workers used to be funny cynics who busted ass in NYC. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the people who live around Central Park and on Fifth Avenue. I'm talking about the NYC financiers including the Fed. These are the powerful Yankees who destroyed the South and stole everything. The Yankees continue to steal our money every day with monetary inflation of the fiat dollar.

Trump has NEVER renounced these Yankees, so he must be one.

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Evergreen comment.

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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

SC: I'm not sure what "Evergreen comment" means. My son went to Evergreen College in Olympia, WA. Yikes!

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In the world of writing for others, 'evergreen content' is something that can live online for the foreseeable future without revision. An article on 13th century dancing is unlikely to be affected by 'new' information, so the article would be considered evergreen.

In the same way, an 'evergreen comment' is something that is basically always true -- in this case, fuck the Yankees.

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Thanks, SC. What gets me is that Trump is a Yankee. Is he being tried by Yankees for heresy? Or maybe, is Trump being tried and convicted to keep a real Rebel from challenging the Yankees?

RFK Jr. is a Yankee, too.

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Trump is not a Yankee. He is a Noo Yawkuh and even more than that, from Queens.

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SCA: Queens is part of NYC. Trump manipulates the banks, but he's still a Yankee. Hell, the baseball team is called the Yankees. Trump supports the Central Bank (the Fed). He's a Yankee!

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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

It took me a second! ;)

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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

Well, now there are 3 of them. I tried to delete, but substack says something went wrong. Substack wants me to upgrade chrome. I can't do that unless I get microsoft 10. I don't wan't to pay microsoft for anything more. So no more likes for meeee.

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And the part nobody likes to look at: When you hire junkyard dogs to do your dirty work, chances are they might end up biting you too. Cohen was for the stuff no decent lawyer wants to touch, but he didn't quite understand that, and when everyone was laughing at the idea of him following Trump to Washington and getting a respectable position, he was really upset. Note that he wasn't the first guy ever to have a mistaken idea of his own class. But that doesn't make it sting any less.

This whole thing is like one o' them flowering onions that steakhouse chain sells. You only see the whole of it under blast heat.

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Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas?

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Lie down with dogs, wake up wondering where the hell your fingers disappeared to.

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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

And . . . .? NOW what❓

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Now they lose.

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And "they" are us.

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My bet is that he is remanded to the maximum security wing at Rikers Island, then to whatever New York state prison the New York Department of Corrections deems appropriate. I also bet that the judge will revoke the bail, and set a fine equal to the bail amount - $175 million. I could see the judge sentencing Trump to ten years for each of the felony counts and run the sentences consecutively - that’s 340 years. Trump will be off the campaign trail for good, now, and will be free only after an appeals court hears his case and overturns the verdict, or the US Supreme Court does so - and that could take years. He might very well die in jail given his age. No more Trump rallies, no more huge crowds, none of that. Today, Joe Biden won another term as President, the election will be a pro forma exercise. This sets an ominous precedent, because the population of the country has to believe in the concept of free and fair elections, and this action drives a wooden stake right through the heart of that concept. I don’t know the downstream consequences of this, but I doubt that they will be either pleasant or peaceful.

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ya say you want a revolution well ya know. we are all doing what we can

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"the election will be a pro forma exercise." ALL ELECTIONS are selections. Stop voting people.

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WHEN? When is the Sentencing ❓

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July 11.

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That would be the worst timeline. So like 90%.

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GW Bush will find WMD in Iraq before anyone can find an actual crime in whatever we are calling this precedent setting fiasco in NY.

Judgement Day, Nov. 5.

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I say we go after Bush next!

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And Cheney and any still living war criminals from that loathsome administration. There is no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity. Prison and forced impoverishment at a minimum. Give all their wealth to the Iraqis.

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I'm with you.

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Yeah I just saw that guy wandering around bleating about the end of democracy, I know he's available for a trial!

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May 31Liked by SimulationCommander

... STEP RIGHT THIS WAY - COME AND SEE THE SHOW - GET YOUR PROGRAMS - THIS IS UUGE! Americans get played again - Mark Twain said "it's not the compulsive liars we have to watch out for - it's the compulsive believers (of the charade) who are the most dangerous"... hey look over here - not over there! Cooking-up compassion for the big blowhard (Father of the vax) it's just another psy-op folks.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

haha we're all gonna die in a mushroom cloud but at least we got trump rite

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Yep Blinkin pussy footin with the nukes.. Could they be any dumber. Nope!!!!!

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