"Fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again."

Always makes me laugh and remember Molly Ivins and her shrub riffs.. on the classics with heck of a job and mission accomplished.. who knew those were the good old days! *smirk*


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I had that page-a-day calendar with Bush's 'best' quotes :)

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I was in the hospital in one of the bluest cities in one of the bluest (we're told) states for 7 weeks with an aggressive case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (not related to experimental injections). When the paralysis relented sufficiently for me to begin getting my floppy meat-bag self hauled to the PT gym, I had to try to exercise--with hugely restricted breathing capacity owing to diaphragm paralysis--though a mask. Three hours a day. When the therapists saw me struggling, they'd murmur, "Oh, yeah, the masks are annoying, aren't they." But if I tried breathing outside it, they'd say I had to leave the gym/equipment.

Would it surprise anyone to know that I made next to no improvement during the 5 weeks in in-patient rehab and PT? (Which my insurance company was very generous in covering.) Flash forward. I made little to no improvement as expected despite state-of-the-field treatment. So I went home the moment they felt I could be medically discharged. At home--where I can breathe freely, exercise while doing so...and within two weeks was able to stand and begin to walk. I have absolutely zero doubt that, had I stayed there, I either would not have made this progress or regressed.

The harm being caused to people by the "blue state/city" governors and mayors is vast, horrific, and multifaceted.

All four of my wife's siblings, and her mom, were hospitalized within 2 to 10 days of getting different versions of the experimental mRNA drugs--blood clots, stroke, seizures, skin disorders, blackouts. Not one of them has reported this to VAERS, despite our asking them repeatedly to do so. Their reasoning? In the words of the oldest sibling, a middle school teacher turned lucratively remunerated public school district administrator, "I don't want to undermine The Science" (TM) "through contributing to fear." She thinks we're terrible for rejecting our assigned status as lab animals for Pharma. This is how deeply the PR/propaganda conditioning cuts for these people. This gal genuinely believes she is smarter than her sister--my wife, the quant. Because all her cohort of Ed Biz grifters agree with each other on various talking points.

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Wow this is a great comment. It's crazy to me that people wouldn't share the truth because it might damage the narrative. Maybe they like if they do that, they are admitting being wrong in the first place?

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I think Omicron went through our house this weekend. The kids were barely sick. A little stomach upset. I had a 3 day fever and chills and horrible body ache. Clearly kids aren't affected by this like adults are. It is disgusting what they are doing to them. I have never been so happy to be sick lol. Fo Natural immunity!

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Go Natural immunity! Lol

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“We should see COVID-19 hospitalizations drop by the end of March because…”

Let me fix that:-

“We should see COVID-19 hospitalizations drop by the end of March because… SARS CoV 2 is a seasonal virus like Cold and ‘flu virus and as we leave Winter and enter Spring, activity drops away naturally to almost nothing.”

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But these people want to pretend that 'everybody started taking it seriously' or some such BS - even in states with no mask rules at all.

When the numbers go up in masked states, it's the small number of non-maskers who are responsible.

When the numbers go down in unmasked states, it's the small number of maskers who are responsible.


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It works with the Federal standard for fair and balanced as practiced by Congress, heads they win tails we lose.. same scientific precision too!

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Is Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla still unvaxxed? If so, why?

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While stupidity, the Peter Principle, Hanlon's razor and using Parkinson's laws as a roadmap is to be expected from any "democratic" assembly, there are two things that are disgusting:

Parents complying without thinking. It literally makes my stomach churn, and I've cleaned food industry dumpsters for a living way back when. In summer.

Not a single doctor or scientist willing to conduct a random field study taking bacterial, fungal and viral samples from the masks used. Are we to believe that correct protocol is being followed? By teachers who adhere to feminism, CRT, and multiculturalism - the very epitome of "clap your hands if you believe"?

I have no love for moslems, but credit where credit is due: they flat out refused and more or less told the authorities off, implying any attempt at coercion would mean nationwide riots.

Power rules; non-aggression drools, sorta kinda.

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For me it was immediately a gross suggestion. Anyone around kids knows how gooey kids are... even how gross their shirts are.. toddlers in hours older ones after a day of school wiping hands on themselves, ewww..

To mask kiddies, at no risk for serious illness or transmission & with huge benefit to early immunity, seemed on par with suggesting they suck on the sponges under the kitchen sink because dark, damp, humidity and food residues always grow wonderful things, eh?

Early on some parents did test masks and found the kitchen sink results but as with all news challenging Covidian religious observances it's hard to find and certainly not on FDA agenda.


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Just watching adults wear masks it should have been obvious they would be worthless for kids. Even the 'experts' can hardly go a full minute without fiddling with the mask. OF COURSE kids are going to be even worse at mask protocol!

Watching kids waterboard themselves in the cold NW rain while playing soccer makes me want to die.

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When 50 cent heard they wanted to raise his tax rate to 60%, he said one of the greatest things I have ever heard. He said, "No way. Don't wanna be no 20 (twenty) cent!!"

He knows his math. I became a fan that day.

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He looked a little closer to 75 cent tonight.

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lol. Looked like he could afford a good tax attorney to do the math, too.

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Okay, halftime. What were you saying? Wait, something new called, "hip...hop."

I think I'll watch the Curling.

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I won't lie, it was like watching a bad radio edit of my childhood.

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Hey, if you're going to try to compete with the Super Bowl, post something that you know is going to keep getting ignored anyway:


(Sorry, I'm a little spicy. The Rams are winning.)(And sorry for piggy-backing again.)(And, yes, I feel like kitty food, since I'm reading during the game so I don't miss the ads, and everytime I look up at the game, it gets worse.)(Actually, as a Niner I wouldn't mind seeing the Lambs beat the Kitties, but I still like to hate the Horned Devils.)

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I wanted to make sure this was done long before the game so I wouldn't be sitting there thinking about it during. :/ Words want to get out.

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Lower the voting age to 5.

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And lower the “can legally enter into a contract” age to 5

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Kids have a RIGHT to educational services, don't they? The government schools have failed, and are in civil violation of a basic civil right.

Of course it would require parent sign-off, but it would allow families to file suit for breach of contract, against school boards, administrators, teacher's unions, and teachers themselves, wages to be attached.

Teachers would quit, find a ready demand for their services, start their own educational services businesses, connecting directly with the customers, and watch the public school edifice/scam/rip-off wither on the government vine, replaced by that wonderful thing called a free market.


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Y'all think I'm crazy? Y'all are Americans, aren't you? Aren't you tired of being ripped off? Stop ignoring your birthright of economic freedom, and start teaching it to your children.

Covid is over. The petitioning of school boards has begun. Let it snowball.


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"The Science sure is strange, isn’t it?"

Ever since it became a political "consensus." Gee, thanks, global warming.

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"States' rights! I mean, County health minister rights!!"

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"If it saves just ONE life"....running through BS translator...."If it destroys just ONE generation."

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The real plague are the government(s), it's their actions which brought this about in the first place: Going back to 2014 and before, there was active research in the US, funded by Anthony Fauci at NIAID/CDC, and done by Prof. Ralph Baric, of the University of North Carolina, on enhancing the infectivity and virulence of coronavirus, specifically the virus which caused the SARS epidemic in 2003, SARS-CoV-1. This research was banned in the US in 2015, and Fauci and Baric moved the research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015, and Fauci funded the research to the tune of at least $3.1 million, and probably more, over the years. By 2019, a new, very successful virus, SARS-CoV-2, with a genome sequence not seen in nature, producing on the spike protein the furin cleavage, which made it very good at clamping onto ACE-2 receptors - and getting into cells.

Whether by lab leak, or deliberate release, it got out of the lab. Wuhan is a city of 11 million people, with an international airport with direct flights to Europe and the United States. It’s unclear when the first cases started popping up - either, by one account, in September 2019, at the Military Olympics in Wuhan, or citizens in Wuhan in the later part of November 2019. The Chinese stopped domestic travel in and out of Wuhan in December 2019 - but not only allowed, but encouraged, travel to foreign countries. And then there was the “repatriation flight”, of 300 US diplomatic personnel and others, from Wuhan to the US in January 2020, which President Trump tried to stop, but was sabotaged by “State Department” officials who somehow were allowed to overrule him. And for some reason, this aircraft could not land on Guam or Air Force bases in Hawaii or even Alaska, it had to land in the continental US. And the passengers were supposed to be quarantined, including about half with active illness, but instead they were dispersed throughout the US and not tracked. And that’s how the epidemic got kicked off here.

And then, the “public health” people did everything they could to further the spread of a respiratory-spread virus, first with the removal of all N95 respirator masks from every store where they could be found, online or off. In December, they were plentiful and cheap, by the middle of January, they couldn’t be found anywhere - and not even by doctors and nurses in hospitals, for whom they were supposedly “reserved” - in fact, according to a doc friend, they were “unobtainium” and were so - until just this month. And mask wearing was discouraged by the CDC. City officials urged people in New York and Los Angeles and other large cities, to attend mass gatherings - such as the Chinese New Year celebration in NYC - at which no social distancing was possible. And the result was that the virus spread like wildfire in those places, so that NYC still retains the title for the highest death rate from the WuFlu (or to be fair, the Baric/Fauci Flu).

And then there was the handwashing and spraying of surfaces with alcohol solutions, for a virus spread by breathing, sneezing, and coughing, and then the ridiculous six-foot “social distancing” rule - which put gullible people directly in range. And the fake PCR testing, which created rafts of false positive results, whole haystacks of them - and there was no way for the “public health” people to know who could spread the virus. Actually, there was a way to do this, from very early on, here: https://lexfridman.com/michael-mina/

and this interview was a year after I first learned about Dr Mina’s rapid antigen tests. He made a good case that the entire pandemic could have been stopped in three weeks, by the end of April 2020. But the FDA has still refused to approve his test - and they’ve slow-walked other rapid antigen tests. A lot of people died - were killed by - this deliberate action of the US Federal Government.

And then there were the mandates, the stuffing of ill people into nursing homes, which exposed a highly vulnerable population to contagion and death - another form of deliberate mass murder by governments at the state level. And the incessant propaganda and the psychopathic lying, which created mass formations of people, people who made the mistake of trusting governments and mainstream media, and that was a very useful result for later on, because large groups of scared people, because they could be herded right off of a cliff, to their destruction, and that was the point of this entire exercise…

The virus was created to drive demand for the proffered "vaccines". These so-called vaccines had the odd effects, unlike any other vaccines, of not preventing infection, and not stopping spread of the infection, and they have side effects, most of which have to do with reducing life expectancy, or killing outright (stillbirth, MI, stroke, PE) or in the short term. Another effect is sterilization - women have been made barren by this "vaccine". And these effects were actually known by the vaccine makers, which has come out in part, with the exposure of a Pfizer study from Japan by a whistleblower. And the pharma companies got some unique protection from the bad effects of their products, including injury and wrongful death, by Federal legislation which gives blanket and sweeping immunity from civil liability - even extending to medical malpractice, so you could get Hep C and AIDS along with your booster shot, and you can’t sue, unless you can prove with clear and convincing evidence that the person who gave you those diseases knew that that was happening, and intended it to happen - recklessness and negligence are protected by the blanket immunity.

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Excellent recap complete w lesser known pieces like Wuhan Games.. nicely done ty!

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But the kids are resilient, they don't mind. No, the kids are the ones who will be most affected by masks. From speech problems, to shyness, to anxiety to social problems. The list is endless and the harm will be felt for years.

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I read in someone's Substack (I'm paraphrasing here), "If you do something and defend it by saying 'kids are resilient', you KNOW that what you're doing is harming and hurting kids...but you're gonna do it, anyway."

People like that deserve throat punches. Or worse.

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when did students become such simps, why are they paying any god damn attention to any of it? i know when i was a kid i'd have told them to shove it, once my class mates saw me do this they would follow and no amount of coercion would have got me to comply. (by the way i was 98% good at school but i knew tyranny when i saw it)

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You would have been referred to a psychologist, and drugged to ensure your compliance - that's how they get children to obey.

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not in this country, besides i know if little ol me stood up to them the rest of my class would have grown a pair

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My new favorite quote to summarize this entire shitshow.

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