Eugenics Billy has our best interests at heart I'm sure...

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The hatred for this guy pre 2019....unbelievable

Now? Can he walk in public anywhere without a battalion of armed security... and I'm serious... where can these bastards go?

And if security guys have a love one die of DEATHVAX, or wakes up....

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And more importantly, if all countries are doing EXACTLY the same thing, we won't have any of these inconvenient comparisons between countries that are doing nothing and having the same or better outcomes than those that locking up everybody up in camps...

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In February 2000 I built a crude model using only the course of other Coronavirus outbreaks originating in China. I came up with a Case Fatality (CFR) of 0.35%. Everyone else was panicking about how deadly the disease was, so I doubled it to 0.7%

I lost a lot of "friends," who were sure I was downplaying the risk. I looked at what we had known for a century, which is in a viral pandemic you focus protection efforts on the old and the fat and leave everybody else alone pending more information. Outside is better than inside, because sunlight damages viruses, and even a light breeze can dissipate a viral cloud. So, we presumed everybody had identical sensitivity and put everybody indoors.

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He’s going to downplay covid now so that we all get that much more uptight and compliant when the next (!)scarier(!) pandemic comes. All The Things (that don’t work) and HARDER!!!!!!!!

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Time to switch jerseys! :D

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Steve Kirsch is being vilified for his being an expert because he’s “just” a Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Yet we’re supposed to listen to Gates? Huh?

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Great point! Especially when the benevolent Steve Kirsch has nothing to gain from exposing the truth, and the malevolent Gates has everything to gain from hiding the truth.

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seeing this turd instantly activates my STFU response system

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The entity GERM made me remember something from the Peter Duesberg book Inventing the AIDS Virus. He describes something called the Epidemiology Intelligence Service of the 1950s as a group of eager beaver researchers who went out around the globe looking for the next big thing and often ‘finding’ it.

This is from a Jama article 1996:

The first class of Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers graduated in 1951. These "disease detectives," so wonderfully depicted in the January 1991 issue of the National Geographic magazine by Peter Jaret, have blazed a trail of success and glory worldwide. "


Duesberg handles the EIS with due sarcasm.

So to me GERM is just another iteration of the EIS— only now the parts to make human beings slave to ‘whatever’ they ‘find’ are all in place: track and trace technology, willing media, big pharma ‘advances,’ gullible and greedy government entities.

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"...and heaven knows who else."

Oh, I know who else: Gestapo, who will grow to dwarf in size all other parts combined.

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Is there any way Elon Musk could buy Bill Gates?

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The problem is there are more BillGates in the world than ElonMusks. Many more, prolly.

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‘Elon’ is not anyone’s savior. It’s a game of the ultimate ‘good cop, bad cop’. They’re after the same thing.

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And imo one deserves it, and one doesn't.

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So he could cancel him. lol

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Bill gives out the money. Bill decides on the truth.

“There is not a single organization working in global health that is not somehow related—most likely financially related—to the Gates Foundation,” says Adam Moe Fejerskov of the Danish Institute for International Studies. “And, of course, that is a huge problem, because it makes us ask who is setting the agenda in terms of what is being researched and what is not being researched.” https://www.thenation.com/article/society/gates-covid-data-ihme/

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Exactly. In my mind, this goes back to when government first really went hard at Microsoft. Before that, Gates was content to ignore politics. Afterward, it looks like he decided to get revenge by taking over politics.

After all, who other than government can mandate customers buy your product?

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Personally, I think they ‘bought’ him. ‘You do what we want and you get a pass on this anti-trust business’. Useful, used, greedy, psychopathic idiot. JMO.

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Billy's nothing if not lucky. He stumbled into Microsoft without knowing squat or bring particularly intelligent. Just screwed over the right people.

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And now he knows squat about health and he’s screwing over most of the world with his injection agenda

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The best part of the brilliant Eugyppius essay: "and pooping around the globe in manboobs and ill-fitting polo shirts, pronouncing to all and sundry on subjects he hardly understands."

I'm sure he meant "popping" 😂

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I glossed over that, but saw in the comments Eugyppius confirming he meant what he wrote, which just makes me laugh.

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To get those manboobs, you gotta eat. When you eat, you poop!

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My daughter when 5 at pool: that man has bugunes , pointing to a shirtless man with some large mammary glands.

My wife and I talk about it still.

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Thanks, Commander! If anyone needs me, I'll be over here poking my mind's eye out!

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Watch out for the Sumo wrestlers.

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