
I'll get caught up one of these days...

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Jun 23Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm about to give up on the idea of getting caught up.

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Yeah, me too, but it's fun crossing things off lists.

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"...helped protect against severe COVID-19 outcomes..."

Don't let the evil pukes get away with this shameless moving of the goalposts! We all know that's NOT what was promised. We were told repeatedly by big pharma, the media, and countless "experts" and politicians that it would flat-out stop infection and transmission of the virus. Anything less than stopping infection could have been managed far more safely and effectively with treatment (possibly off-label use of low-cost meds) rather than experimental "vaccines".

I hope everyone here has saved quotes and other evidence of what the jab was promised to do, so we can shove it down their throats when they try to claim otherwise. I even posted a video way back in May of 2022 explaining how "In Pfizer's Own Words" the jab was a failure. YouTube did not take down the video or place (another) strike on my channel for telling the truth, because every single thing I stated in the video cited either Pfizer's own document or official government health data and could not be refuted. The absolute smoking gun (and what my video primarily focused on) is Pfizer's internal "Postmarketing Experience" document which they submitted to the FDA in April 2021. In it they conveniently defined "vaccination failure". Spoiler: anyone who got at least two jabs and then had a confirmed case of covid after more than seven days fit that definition. There are literally MANY MILLIONS of people who suffered "vaccination failure" according to the original definition from Pfizer, so never let them get away with their "safe and effective" BS!

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Frustrated Senators have been waiting 4-years for the NIH under the HHS to provide documents they say they have formally requested via the Senate…

Fun fact:

Congress controls the money allocations to executive branch agencies like NIH, like HHS. Heck, they write Dr. Fauci’s paycheck every two weeks. At ANY time they could shut off the spigot of financing for these agencies for non-compliance, but they haven’t, and they don’t.

When the cameras are rolling they are full of sound and fury, but at the end of the day, it signifies nothing.

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I think you got that right.

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good stuff. missed that tucker and glenn did a interview together, that sounds interesting

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SC - Thank you so much for the Bonnie update!!! Too cute for school.

Re: Watch the entire "illegal Biden" event or any part?


Re: "Rand Paul & Senate Homeland Security Committee, held a hearing into the origins of C19"

"multi-state effort to sue Pfizer for deceptive marketing regarding the company’s C19 vaccine"

Again, Kabuki theatre - higher court will hold since this is under the EUA & KILL BOX laws, there are no constitutional constraints.

You have no rights, and are in the kill box, keep screaming and get used to it Mr. Mulder http://tiny.cc/3tzkyz

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Jun 19Liked by SimulationCommander

Really good essay. Photo essay? What do you call it, anyway? In a perfect world, I could read all this, look at the clock, and notice that no time had passed. Wouldn't that be great?

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I don't really call it anything I guess. An article, when I'm talking to my friends like "OK well I'm gonna finish writing this article...."

Maybe that's just cause I'm from the olden days of actual articles with layouts and everything.

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Jun 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Some of us really appreciate that. Thanks.

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Jun 19Liked by SimulationCommander

Too many of us who question the COVID origins, lockdowns, and masking, and the vax safety and vax mandates, modestly preface our statements with "I'm not a doctor/scientist/expert . . ." In fact, we ARE the experts. Simply by being outside those corrupt establishments we are free to base our opinions on logic, rationality, common sense, and a high school-level understanding science, and come to the correct conclusion, whereas the "experts" are bound to follow the false narrative in order to keep their precious standing within the confines of the establishment.

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Jun 19Liked by SimulationCommander

When Tim Robbins qualifies as one of the sane ones...

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This is just a 'MOCKERY OF A SHAM'. When will people stop doing this cult of personality election process. For anyone who has a functioning mind this is a insult.

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Jun 19Liked by SimulationCommander

..."The Royals are on the West Coast this evening"...all the way from Britain?

The marxist dems are revving up their election playbook...what they are contemplating:

Votes from illegals, votes from China, votes from the cemeteries, votes left over from 2020, votes left over from 2016, double and triple dippers, erasing maga votes, Canadian votes, leftover votes from Stalin elections donated by Putin, invisible votes never accounted for, votes from the RINOs, and of course votes from cats and dogs.

That fizer statement is the biggest crock of bullshyt I have ever read.

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Robbins is damned impressive

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Jun 19Liked by SimulationCommander

Sen Hawley strikes me as a slick, political beast, but wow, he really lays into Robert Garry. Garry’s face is beet-red.

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LOL! The situation was made-to-order for Hawley, and he was exactly the kind of asshole we needed.

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One of the reasons I always think of Justin Hartley.

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Jun 20Liked by SimulationCommander

I’m glad to say I’ve never heard of him!

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The silence about the US/Mexico border crisis, about the struggles against Pfizer, about the origins of Covid is swedish state and regime-loyal media is so great, it is approaching anti-noise.

Funny thing: if you e-mail a state journo, such as their "US expert", info on these topics with links to US news sources - normal ones, like the NYT or NYP - you get called a conspiracy theorist, a russian troll, a nazi or something similar.

Not so funny: all the journos reacting that way? Swedish middle-aged feminist women.

The men don't react like that. They respond with some non-comittal corporate nonsense instead.

Something for a psychologist to ponder, perhaps.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by SimulationCommander

I started looking through the Kansas complaint. Looks like Kobach is trying to catch Pfizer for not complying with three past legal settlements in 2008 and 2012 and 2014, under which it said it wasn't going to do any more deceptive promotional and marketing practices.

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It's as good a hook as any, I guess. As somebody mentioned above (or below, I guess), fraud invalidates the immunity.

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From what I understand, from Katherine Watt, not for the DOD.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave...." I guess they can practice deception toward anyone, anytime, anywhere.

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Jun 19Liked by SimulationCommander

"Excited to share that updated analysis from our Phase 3 study with BioNTech also showed that our COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing #COVID19 cases in South Africa. 100%!"


fraud vitiates all contracts

Bourdain better hope they only try him in civil court, or he is gonna hang.

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I'd like to see a good, old fashioned hanging, on TV. 😉

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Yeah, just about all the official paperwork mentions prevention.

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Tim Robbins got it half right. The social order and social capital was destroyed by the Covid Con edicts. We all live lives of Hikikimori now.

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