
Here's what I don't get about the narrative:

Joe Biden is the most popular president ever

Joe Biden's presidency has been historically good

Joe Biden must drop out because he can't win

I guess it doesn't have to make sense these days.

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They will lie until they can't. That's basic to politics.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

I was reading The Prince yesterday. The essentials don't change. This, for example: "men are so simple, and so subject to present necessities, that he who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived."

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Yes, always. There is nothing new about human nature, the need of the ordinary person to be comfortingly led by others and the inability of the not-so-ordinary person to swallow any shit handed to him with the promise that it's just a bit of honey.

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Jul 22Liked by SimulationCommander

Ninth Grade World History!! Endless lessons!!!

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Actually, it's worse than that.

First time in history that a major political party pulls the People's choice just because the polls/betting-odds indicate losing.

We all knew Carter was bound to lose. We knew Mondale couldn't win.

By *not* using the 25th, the Democrats just did what they do best: kill democracy.

Harris should be POTUS and nominee. That would be honest and fair.

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Mr. Staples, This is 21st century politics.... and you go bringing honesty and fairness into it. Next thing you'll want is for the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce inflation, or the Affordable Care Act to reduce health care costs.

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And your ballot to actually count on voting day.

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Call me Tim if you want be invited to join my commune called "words have meanings."


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- or -

Can't a lonely Capitalist dream?

I also want to take the wonderful word Capitalism out of its opposite, crony-capitalism, and call anti-Capitalism what it really is,

Fascism, 100% government control, 0% individual freedom, just like Communism/Marxism.

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Jul 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Here a great explanation by one of my favorite writers:https://thespectator.com/politics/biden-confirms-second-term-dropping/

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Biden’s inglorious exit evoked the fate of that great cartoon character, Wile E. Coyote. His futile pursuit of the Road Runner usually ended with Wile E. running off a cliff but remaining suspended in mid-air until he looked down. When he finally looked, he began plummeting to the canyon floor, far below.

That was Joe Biden’s ultimate fate. He was as slow to grasp it as Wile E. Coyote. He ran off the cliff after his catastrophic debate performance against Donald Trump. For weeks he refused to look down. He wouldn’t look when his wife helped him walk down a few stairs after the debate. He wouldn’t look when President Obama had to guide him off the stage at George Clooney’s star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles. He wouldn’t look when major donors reported their shock at his frail appearance and began closing their checkbooks. He wouldn’t look as he stumbled through recent interviews. He wouldn’t look as more elected officials began calling for him to end the race for reelection. The canyon was too far below. It was far better to try and stay suspended in mid-air.



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Doublespeak, advanced class.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

As I have said, they're trying to thread the needle with the line that Biden is just fine and is actually running the country, but must drop out because he can't run the country next term.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Even while dropping out he’s lying! All that horse potatoes about the economy being strong, etc.? Who does he think he’s fooling?

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Oh, he and the Democrats in general are still fooling plenty of peeps who are anti-indvidual- freedom at heart.

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Yeah, my local Woke newspaper has already posted a front-page article on Biden’s wonderful ‘accomplishments’ - blech!

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

He should not be allowed to continue his term without proving to the American people that he is not suffering from dementia. And pronto

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

There's a lot of flak flying now about that, including multiple tweets by JD Vance, column from Jonathan Turley, and other notables pounding this home.

The way Washington is now run, Biden could likely survive till January, but the Dem nominee probably won't win election. Selection, however, is a different matter, as we learned in 2020. Moral of the story: Brace yourself for Dem presidency, no matter *how* absurd it gets.

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Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist was first, I think.

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Not that it matters who raised the issue first.

(Hey, where's the edit button?)

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

What's next? The fear I have is they will start a war, maybe in September, which will really screw up the nation. All kinds of worms will come out of that can. We are at the point where nothing is off the table; everything is politically based. The left has gone full: we don't care what happens as long as we retain power.

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You're right, nothing is off the table.

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> "The fear I have is they will start a war"

I think it says something that when I read this, my first, second, and even third thoughts were not "with another country". Wasn't until I read the comments that I realized that's what you meant.


Now, I dunno if it says more about them or me that I thought that, but hey.

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The security state is really itching for war with Iran right now. They will absolutely start a full-scale war to hang on to power.

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Yes, and there is another reason for war that's not discussed. Under Reagan, the national debt was one trillion. Today, one trillion is the yearly interest payment. There is no way this massive debt will be paid back; it's impossible. War, though, can end debt; countries declared debt void in war times. You can buy unpaid vintage debt certificates on eBay of past nations. China knows this and is selling its US debt.

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I told youse guys that Jill would not let Kamala directly assume the Presidency with a Biden resignation. This was the price. What they held over Jill--my surmise--was full release of the Hur tapes. Even for her that degree of public humiliation is too much.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Jill may hold the power in the White House, but now she's got to keep him completely out of sight while he (somebody!) "runs the country" for 6 months -- this time with public knowledge that he is incapable of doing so. She and her cabal handed Trump a big campaign gift.

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Oh yes. When karma comes calling she don't knock gently.

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My theory is that the 25th Amend Sec 4 has, in fact, just been invoked -- in SECRET. All they need are 11 people in on it: VP, 8 (of 15) principal cabinet officers, Sen Pres Pro Tem, and Speaker of House.

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Only Republican needed is Speaker Mike Johnson. Simple question: Do you think he's the type who could ever be compromised?

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Great timing, I'd say - well done to his team. Now the debate over the attempted assassination of Trump will fall out of the news-cycle overnight, and all focus will be on who'll be the Democrat candidate.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

“I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country…”

Is anyone else a little put off by not just the ordering of things in this statement, but that he mentioned “my party” at all?

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Yep, it made me cringe. He didn't mention "the best interest of the people", though.

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Who'll volunteer to suffer for the rest of us guys by watching Morning Joe on MSNBC tomorrow? Not me fer shure but I'll look forward to the report.

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Sorry, tomorrow is Monday and I'm not gonna ruin that by watching Morning Joe.

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You have two cats and a lovely young dog to strengthen you. Stand up for your people.

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I have one cat (who is technically not even 'mine') and that cat has a cat. The dog only shows up when everybody else is gone.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

> "and that cat has a cat"


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It's true! We only came across Bonnie because she was always hanging out with Gangster.

Here's the post where G announced it:


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Isn't this the sort of argument that Jesuits were famous for?

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Don't really know, this is more of my style:


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To quote one of my all-time absolute favorite movies:

"That'll do."

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

We're gonna need the light-hearted Monday post now more than ever!

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander


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So sad, I will be at work, gonna have a lot of systems to un-Crowdstrike.

Yeah, I'm a Linux admin... but I'll volunteer to work on Windows boxes before I volunteer to watch Scarborough.

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I think Morning Joke’s viewers are mostly Republicans watching to see what dumb shit he comes up with every day.

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No. We are in this predicament not least because of all the true believers on the Democratic side.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm suddenly anxious and nervous...... lame duck, with a chip on his shoulder, an axe to grind, demented, and the intellect of a rubber boot.

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And it gets worse (pours another double).... KAMALA!!??#%?! By most accounts, she's smarter than Joe, but I wouldn't trust her to plan a birthday party for my 5 yr old granddaughter. And I'm serious, even if she would do it for free..... Scary times (downs a double, pours another).

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And Dr Jill pushing him

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That's a lot to be concerned about.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

I wonder if Joe even knows what he just signed.

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Signed Joe Biden's mother (Welcome Back Kotter Reference)

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Joe is the smartest man alive, the economy is great, there’s no inflation, so Joe’s dropping out. What’s not to get?

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

ACTUALLY, he's so good at being president that it's really unfair to everybody else! This is about fairness!

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you know. that “level playing field”. the on with no slope

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Now if we can just level all roofs.

You know, for the USSS jobs program.

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That's right, Bill.

And, just in the last few months, prices have *dropped* back to 2020 levels.

That's right, Biden has engineered massive *negative* inflation!!

So, having finished his job early, he no longer needs a second term.

Like you,, I don't see why the peeps are confused.

Just to be clear, ;-)

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Approximately zero people actually believe that Joe wrote either the letter or the twitter post

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That's because they're not letting him speak any more. The 25th amendment section 4 was invoked. In SECRET. All they needed was 11 votes for it, with just one compromised Republican (Mike Johnson, duh). Good luck seeing him in public again.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

If the Democrats don't nominate Harris, wouldn't that make them "racists" according to their own rules? They would essentially be admitting their DEI hires are terrible choices.

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That's the corner they've painted themselves into.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Someone must have finally physically threatened him or Jill and Hunter.

Someone pointed out, interestingly enough, that in the letter he says nothing about who succeeds him, but online through his staffer run twitter account he tapped Kamala Harris (https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1815087772216303933).

All I know is they just threw a grenade in a hornet's nest. Grab the popcorn.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

I think they (whoever runs the country) traded Biden dropping out of the race in exchange of him staying for the rest of the term. He keeps repeating "focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term". If he didn't drop out, the only solution would've been removing him under the 25th Amendment, so they get neither the nomination, no the rest of the term.

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They REALLY don't want to use the 25th because that would admit that he can't do the job RIGHT NOW, and obviously that's a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Though you have to wonder, had it come to the 25th Amendment or having Biden stay in the race, do you think they would have pulled the trigger and then tried to explain it away later?

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I think they have a lot of tools in their bag before they would have to play it, like the Hur tape.

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Good point.

Due Dissonance said they were even threatening to take away his presidential library if he didn't go along with this. That party is a den of vipers.

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“Due dissonance,” I love it 😻!

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If all the men that have tapped Kamala Harris form a voting bloc, she has a good chance of winning the election.

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Oooh, crude, but true.

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I just asked the I CHING whether Trump will be elected. The hexagram changed from "Hardship" (#39) to "Proceeding Humbly (#59) . The changing line #6 gave a pretty clear answer (and I quote from Taoist Master Alfred Huang's translation): "Coming back: a great achievement. Good Fortune. Favorable to see a great person."

Unless the Secret Service is successful in killing President Trump, he will be president again.

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I don’t want him to get cocky, but, no, I don’t think this changes anything. In fact, it could make it worse for the Democrats. I like the “proceeding humbly” part. Let’s hope they do.

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I find it hard to imagine Donald Trump proceeding humbly; but that's what the book said.

I just know the next four months (unless Kimberly Cheatle makes another attempt on Trump's life) will be hilarious.

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That they will. Wild, but hilarious.

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Kamala's people blew up at the snub.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Still don't believe it. But is this demented rascal staying for the final 6 month so he can finish the destruction he started? If he is determined unfit now, why is he still in command? Well, almost command. Why did he use a silly twitter account? Why not a public appearance in the rose garden or from the oval-tine office?

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Yep. He's dropping out to focus on the work of being president.


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When you say "he" who are you referring to? Does Biden actually login to his twitter account?

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Has Biden EVER logged into "his" twitter account?

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DNC civil war is what...🍿

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LoL. Circular firing squads.

Wonder if the Party, and its membership, have enough intellectual honesty to manage a thorough house-cleaning, a reassessment of policies and principles. Firing "Rachel" Levine and withdrawing Title IX changes might be a good start.

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You are kidding right?

I do have to give credit to the GOP for making real progress in pushing aside the war mongering neo-cons and banksters.

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?? I don't know much about "war-mongering neo-cons" -- and "running dogs of capitalism".

But I was quite pleased to hear Trump the other day at the RNC say something about the day after he was elected there would be an end to men playing in women's sports -- which was apparently met with "thunderous" applause. Not to say there aren't more than a few "warts" on both the man and the GOP.

The "lesser of two weevils" springs to mind ...

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

An “open” convention that has preselected HRC seems imminent

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*jumps off cliff*

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

I think it will be the cackling fool plus ?? The Dems absolutely can't ditch a woman of color for a white woman, let alone a white man. Plus, while Harris is a fool, she's no fool. She knows a lot of secrets and she wants to run.

Harris/Obama (meaning Obama's fourth term)?


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I can't see HRC being VP, and I can't see Harris doing it again, either.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

LBJ admitted that he took the VP slot because “1 in 4 of the presidents had died in office, and he was a gambling man”. Just sayin’.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

I meant Harris, Prez and Obama as VP.

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You've got to lay off that cheap booze, OG.

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Just ales for me and it ain't even five o'clock here yet.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Harris/HRC - Neither one of those women would (appear to) work for the other. Neither would at this point agree to be in 2nd place and they wouldn't be able to hide their skirmishes from the public for long.

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Girl fight!!!!😂😂😂

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I wonder if the deep state will try to appoint Barry as vice president since it’s not an “elected position “. I say the American people won’t take it, but I may be underestimating the fools and their Obama worship.

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VP must be eligible to be president, and he can't be.

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

I agree but my very intelligent significant other says they can do it. We’ve been debating that lately.

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Well they can't do it by the plain language of the Constitution, but then again the Constitution also says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and they find ways.

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A lot can happen before Jan 20th!

I have nightmares about martial law, the constitution (formally) suspended, and elections postponed.

Manipulating the law of the land to allow BO to resume his figurehead role is well within the realm of possibility.

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Not the way I understand it.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once." - from 22nd Amendment Section 1

How? Obama would not be "elected" for a third time if he assumed the office (by death/resignation/25th amendment sec 4).

EDIT: Should have been responding to SC here. I read the comments too fast!

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I’m scared to like for fear of jinxing making it so 😂 God help us. Trump HAS to win. All the democratic alternatives are horrendous

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

Yikes!!!! That would be this nightmare we're in on steroids!

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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jul 21Liked by SimulationCommander

“Fresh blood”. Of two worn out establishment sycophants. Can they be repackaged enough to sell a corrupted election. They will officially become the party of deep civil strife. If this is realized they will be the rulers over “the pile of ashes”

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I can't find the vomit emoji. Seems like that would be near the top these days.

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Democrats have fully embraced the notion of politics and democracy as a spectator sport. Content to root for their team to crush the enemy.

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