Finally read, very belatedly!

So refreshing to read an honest, well-researched report in this political climate.

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Jul 7Liked by SimulationCommander

Good grief. He’s still trotting out the “inject bleach” and “suckers and losers” lies along with saying Beau died in Iraq. There is a Twitter/X thread about the young black lady behind the podium who Biden ignored after his speech. I hope someone invites her to a Trump rally. https://x.com/johnmcurtis/status/1809350189481881807

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I saw it. She was standing next to her master. Just another slave who choses to be a slave.

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That video was heartbreaking.

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I saw another video where he did hug her before his speech. But his aides also moved her to the front row before his speech (I'm sure for optics) and in another video you can see the woman to her right being a B-word and telling her to put her sign down. She also can be seen asking Biden if he can take a photo with her and he continues to ignore her. The people around her were rude and pushy - they should have made the effort to make sure she got a photo, since most of them did.

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I had a brief moment of hope when the guy pulled out his camera again, but it was just to get another picture for himself.

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Vivek is the man!!!!!

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Simulation Commander is right, but we're not going to be draining much Swamp with the "conservative movement" we've got, even the Trumpist part of it: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/mark-hemmingway-says-its-wrong-for

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I like your swamp roaches theory and concur. But the ultimate answer to who is running the country is no one. Congress long ago went AWOL on its legislative mandate and was happy throwing random shit to the executive branch alphabet agencies and the career bureaucrats who run them long enough to get cushy jobs with the industry they are supposed to be regulating. The end result is a massive, bloated bureaucracy too unwieldy to manage. Trump threatened that gravy train. That is why he was/is so hated. The recent Supreme Court decision defanging the Chevron deference could go a long way to remedying the bureaucratic boondoggle though. But that means that while of course it is imperative to have a fully cognizant president it is also important to have a functioning, well-informed Congress. So do your research folks.

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The Chevron overruling is a more important decision than even Roe. It puts the judiciary branch back on even footing with the executive branch. Checks and balances keeps power in check.

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It puts an impetus on Congress to pass readily understood laws too.

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They said he didn't have a virus, he just had a really bad cold... But, but, they taught us in school that colds are caused by viruses‽

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Jul 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Nancy definitely was in the bag , and the permanently frozen in place eye brows surrounded by a stiffened face from Botox injections and several lifts did not give her the appearance of sobriety as she slurred and fumbled her sentences and waved her tentacles around to make her point.it’s interesting to see these wicked creatures still going back to their old tactics of projection and blatant lies to hold on to their crumbling power structure. Even after Biden’s debate fiasco exposed them all as the wicked evil disgusting greedy power whores that they are.

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Where is Mitch McConnell?

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Have not been watching the groomer tube … But if RINO Mitch is no where to be found in the public domain…Mitch might be frozen again or cutting exit deals with the CCP behind closed doors

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Hmmmm, maybe he isn’t….

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I wonder if he is still with us.

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SC - "In defense of Biden, Democrats wheeled out Nancy Pelosi, who sure seems drunk before 10 am on a Sunday"

That's from at least four shots - C19 that is.

"Gangster does not approve of being compared to Donald Trump. (Orange Cat Good!)"

Any discerning feline and their staff would not approve.

"Oakland’s mayor was just raided for allegedly using California Waste Solutions to launder campaign donations — something that might be straight out of The Sopranos."

Happens everyday. Elected officials grant NPO's with tax payer money to support pet "special classes" causes - just fill in the alphabet soup blank.

NPO was formed and staffed by political buddies who donated to the elected officials campaigns. Money funneled to NPO lines buddies administrative pockets, the rest is kicked back to the politicians as campaign contributions, while the "cause du jour" or worse yet, those in REAL NEED - rarely see a dime.

These reprobates need to be strung up or taken for an extended drag on public TV. There is no voting our way out of this. This has been happening longer than I've been around, and I'm older than dirt Mr Mulder.


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Jul 6Liked by SimulationCommander

You can't hate the media enough.

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Jul 6Liked by SimulationCommander

The one positive that I see is that this is exposing what is behind the curtain. They've been floating this idea that the President isn't one man, but a "team." The trouble is, the rest of the people on the "team" are unelected bureaucrats. The situation with Biden is making it hard for them to pretend that "Our Democracy" is actually a democracy. Now they have a choice between running a dementia patient, or openly having DNC insiders and corporate lobbyists choose Biden's replacement. It'll be hard to convince people that either option is indicative of representative government.

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Yeah, nobody voted for the guy with his hand up Biden's ass, and he sure isn't on the ticket in 2024. This is the exact opposite of "Democracy".

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Jul 6Liked by SimulationCommander

The only ship that needs steering is your own, if you can. You have no power to steer any other ship since none of them are going anywhere anyway. The government is lost in space and always will be.

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Very good advice.

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Jul 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Four … more …. weeks???

I’ll take the under.

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Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again!!!!!!

And, gee, that old LeSalle ran great. Those were the days!

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“When you get knocked down, you get back up!”

Who knocked you down, Joe?

JB slurring: Thumb guy named..... corn pop.

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Swamps get a bad rep, so "hasch-tag not all swamps" or something.

Here's an idea: make it illegal for journalists to lie. I'll leave the exact wording to others, but an option could be, if you get paid to publish something you may not lie, under pain of a fine 10x what you were paid.

That's the thing with corporate capitalist media: make it too expensive to lie, and they'll stop. Doesn't work with state media, sadly, since they would use your money to pay their fines. For state media journalists et al, I'd suggest 1 week on a potato-kolchos per lie, back-dated to 1975.

Over here, one of our "geniuses" suggested making being poor hard on people, because then they'd stop being poor. Did I just wake up in 1824?

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Jul 6Liked by SimulationCommander

The media has an attention span of a goldfish. If Biden's mental capacity is diminished, who cares about his interpretation of the Supreme Court decision?

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