Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander


Get the word out ASAP. I have fired off several emails and text to colleagues, friends and family.

Most didn't even know...but have a sense of how important this is.

It's so important that you have ZERO rights without 1A. They'll use the dilution of 1A to come after our other rights.


It's that simple.

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Once the first is gone, you can't defend any of the others.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

It's good to keep in mind that every judge is a government employee.

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Arne, For Life!

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Great post Sir!

And, sadly, totally believable.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

I know you wanted a quick chuckle, but you completely showed that you don't work for the government. You left out at least 2 more layers of Secretary/Assistant Secretary/Deputy Assistant Secretary/ Assistant to the DASM/Deputy ADASM...

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I knew something was amiss after the first draft, so I added one extra layer. Clearly I am not cut out for government work.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

For which we Screamers are eternally grateful.

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I once remarked in a meeting that we are an oversight org overseeing several oversight orgs that oversee several oversight orgs that oversee several oversight orgs that oversee work that contractors do. And we report to two oversight organizations. This is not a joke.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Well, Sim Com, you know what they say, "It's close enough for government work." (And they're not lying either.)

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Such disrespectful White House underlings – I’m just glad Joe Biden didn’t live to see it

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It's okay, he wouldn't remember it even if he did see it.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

If "Joe Biden" is re-elected, by the end of 2028, his handlers will have pulled off 416 "Weekends at Bernie's."

They do deserve a little R & R.

The first one who writes a true "tell-all" book is going to get fantastically rich.

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Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander


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If he gets re-elected, our country will not be around in 2028, and no one will be rich.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Hadn't seen the thing from Tracy Beanz...then again, I'm not on Twitter/X (or FB or TikTok).

Supreme Roberts we knew already is wishy-washy, at best. Barrett? Either weak legalistically, especially Constitutionally, or just like Roberts.

Either way, we just officially became a true banana republic with 1984 on the horizon.

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Oh, I don't know, I think that banana thing is right around the corner, not the horizon.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Off-topic but ... People who say the woke military is unsuited to fighting Russians, Chinese, whatever miss the point.

The young men and women being forced to endure struggle sessions about "systemic racism" are meant to be deployed against us.

The Assange guilty plea and the supreme court's censorship decision are part of the tidal wave of dreadful news that almost seems designed to make people withdraw into private cocoons.

That's an understandable reaction but there's no denying that the barbed wire is going up all over the world.

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I'll be screaming in the FEMA camps.

Until that final pop, that is.

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Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Do you really think they'll let us live that long?

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Oh for sure, you can't just jump to murder right away. The camps are an important part of normalization.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Off topic ... yeah. A pessimist might conclude that the arranging to import millions of undocumented military age young men into the country might somehow be connected with the difficulty in persuading OUR sons and daughters to shoot to kill US.

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A few days ago I jokingly commented "OK, they can vote, but they can't be police officers!" -- yet in Seattle they will literally be police officers.


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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Given so many of the recent questionable decisions by the courts, the move to employ, and arm, non-citizens shouldn't surprise us.

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Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Chicago, too.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

I do indeed wonder when I study the large quantity of video and still images of "newcomers," ie, illegals, streaming freely across the border that no longer exists.

I wonder at the fact that these people look remarkably, even suspiciously, fit, that their clothes appear clean, that they carry cell phones and, most remarkably, that so many, perhaps most, are young men.

If not deployed against us, they will be shipped overseas to fight Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans and God knows who else.

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No, it's us they're here to kill.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

How can a state not have standing when suing another state or the federal government? SCOTUS is literally the only place where 'having standing' is possible. WTF?

I'm no 'constitutional scholar' like Barrack Obama/sarc ....

Just like the states suing over the 2020 election. Where TF do states have standing if not in SCOTUS?

We need to replace the hard disks and install a new operating system in DC. Nothing short of complete deletion will make any difference at this point.

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"Just like the states suing over the 2020 election. Where TF do states have standing if not in SCOTUS?"


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At least Julian Assange is safely back in Australia. I was afraid we'd hear about a plane crash.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Well, in light of the disappointing ruling by SCOTUS, at least you provided some brevity to lighten our mood!

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You sly thing. You roped me in...

And yes in other news--the Dred Scott decision was awfully disheartening too. Let's hope we collectively got enough of the right stuff to rectify this one sooner than that one was fixed.

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As you mentioned in another thread, the SCotUS is full of terrible rulings from the past. Others include Wickard v. Filburn and Kelo v. City of New London.

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Fortunately we live in a time when we can research and share information and strategies faster than ever dreamed of. And we certainly can figure out how to circumvent bureaucrats.

After these past four years, where every one of us, either directly or among those we know, has experienced real irremediable catastrophies, we need to be toughening up to actually restore our nation to its foundational values. Those are durable though generations are often discovered to be faulty.

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The State of Texas protects its citizens from social media platformer censorship. As some may know, Alex Jones is being fined excessively for $1 BN in transparent efforts to shut down his media presentations. It is obvious the government is attacking Jones' Infowars media business because they want to decide what is true for the public using Spook powers to control US media outlets. In Julian's case and in this case, wrapped around each 3-Letters self appointed global medical censorship power, Spooks are not law enforcement. We are not to fear the use of illicit Intel powers on US speech. There are credible libel laws that were applied in the case of lies to sway the public.

The SCOTUS neither defended or intervened on the Missouri v. Murthy filers. The plaintiffs should resume fighting for civil penalty, re-file another civil lawsuit given court instructions. We don't let global medical authorities lie to the public and let themselves off the hook with complete immunity while dragging legal dissenting parties in the United States for conscientious objection to a medical mandate issued by the US government and China.

Sue China and the WHO too. That's all I would add to the next round of lawsuits for the SCOTUS to recognize. None of the State powers involved have the legal right to prohibit medical dissent among American citizens. Period.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

So disappointed in the SCOTUS ruling. I wonder how Alex Berenson will do?

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The 'good' thing is that the case wasn't really decided on the merits and will end up back in front of the SCotUS soon enough.....but knowing that is going to happen, why not just actually deal with the issue now? This is a green light for every censorship program to start running at full speed.

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Jun 26Liked by SimulationCommander

A really cynical person might suggest that the fortuitous timing of an all out, full speed ahead, foot on the neck, censorship program might have something to do with an event (still) scheduled for early November.

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And the one scheduled for tomorrow night.

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Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Exactly. Plus, time for censorship (hate speech, etc.) laws to be put in place.

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Plus the obvious - censorship during election season.

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Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

I don't have CNN so I will miss the fake rebates. I plan to do something much more interesting...sort my sock drawer. Besides, I'm voting for Putin.

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Don't worry, I'll be watching and doing a live sarcastic write up :)

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Jun 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Also today, Philip Krause, the guy who resigned from the main FDA vaccine review body, testified today that yes, there was political (Biden) pressure to give full approval for Pfizer's vaccine, and for the first boosters in mid-2021. Testimony's here: https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/Krause%20Testimony.pdf

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"As always, this post bears only a passing resemblance to reality"

I'd say it's pretty damn close.

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I should have said Official Reality.

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