May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - Another great missive. "The dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency" There are 2.7Q (QUADRILLION) reasons why you can thank those who do not know math or how the system works, for my ROLFMAO of the week.

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This libertarian is a believer that Libertarian is the only liberal party left in America.

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

I have to take a *bit* of issue with Libertarians who claim they were "better" on "covid" during the height of the "pandemic". I lost several "Libertarian" friends and stopped listening to several Libertarian podcasters during "covid". Many of them were way worse on masks, lockdowns and "vaccines" than I would have ever imagined. The fear was palpable. That being said, I don't put my hope in political parties anyway, but always had more respect for the libertarian point of view. Because of the way many of them acted during "covid", I just went back to my general stance: Question *everything* and never put my hope in politics. We must continue to look in the mirror to see who has the power to change this world in a positive way.

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Libertarian media was so bad on covid that I decided to just do it myself. ;)

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The vast majority of Baby Boomers are not selfish. They are good hard working people who, if they had a fault, believed their government/media to a fault.

The Constitution allows "We the People" to remove a government that is not fulfilling their oaths of office. Since that has never occurred in the past, there should be precedent set for the future.

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Yes! I was offended when I, once again, heard about how horrible baby boomers are. Seriously? Are we to believe that all of the same mind f*ckery that has been used on the population of the country (and the world) somehow wasn't used on "baby boomers" as well? I mean, seriously?? I am a baby boomer and I've been *screaming* my entire life about all of the hellishness going on in this country. If I am guilty of anything, it is that I trusted the system for quite a few years when I was younger and I really believed that if I just wrote enough letters, made enough phone calls and voted for the "right" candidate we would be able to turn things around. My parents and grandparents are/were great people as well and they were duped into believing in the system as well. They didn't vote for the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Social Security admin, (and the list goes on). They also were saying, "this stuff is going to ruin the country" but felt helpless to affect change. We have to remember that many of us Baby Boomers were also educated in the same hellish propaganda centers posing as "schools". This stuff didn't just start with the Baby Boomers. It's been going on almost since the ink dried on the Constitution. I believe people who are quick to blame "boomers" for everything that plagues this country are taking the chicken way out and refusing to admit that we ALL have had a part to play in the reason we are in the state we are in.

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Tucker talking about his time in Iraq in 2003 was the highlight of the article for me. That's real reporting.

As for Baby Boomers being selfish... WTF?

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I was inspired to look over the "Platform Committee Report—2024 Libertarian National Convention," at https://lnc2024.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024_Platform_Report_FINAL.pdf

Here's one item in the proposed platform: "Language that is perceived to be offensive to certain groups or individuals is not a cause for any legal action."

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May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

Great reportage!

Thank you.

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May 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Dave Smith!! I never heard him before. I never identified as libertarian I guess. But from the excerpts you chose, I agree pretty much completely with him. That almost never happens for me. Thank you.

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Yay! This makes me happy :)

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by SimulationCommander

And, hoo boy do I ever agree with his take at minute 50 ish on the Rogan interview.

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I haven't had a chance to watch that one yet -- I think Sunday will be my first chance. (Busy weekend!)

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May 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh man...wouldn't it just be the bees-knees IF one of the upcoming debates included just one or two of these brief vids...then asked pertinent questions? That, I'd pay to watch.

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Robinson Jeffers lamented the death of the republic 100 years ago.

Lincoln probably delivered the first blow. Wilson delivered the kill shot.

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‘Liking” your comment the hard way 🙂

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May 24Liked by SimulationCommander

I find little fault or to rail against but...


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May 24·edited May 24Liked by SimulationCommander

An excellent post.

Man, cosmic convergences. Here's an excerpt from a comment I posted a little while ago on the Naked Emperor's latest post (it is a long comment):


"I think the biggest lie perpetrated on us (except the Germans) was that the WWII vets were the Greatest Generation. They were the Most Destroyed Generation. Many of their parents fled revolution and slaughter to get to North America and Britain only to experience the Great Depression. Many of their older siblings/uncles/cousins died in or were permanently destroyed by WWI."


Edit: My comment goes into what I feel made the Boomers who they are and I think therefore Smith is a little imperceptive about that.

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I'd like...but Substack still hasn't responded.

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Try refreshing the page.

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May 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Does not work. It is a Chrome/Substack thing (either Google Chrome or Substack ((or both)) have implemented changes that lock up the j-script programming. Ok, maybe also some of the lock-down protocols I use.

Likes work on FF and Brave...and I have them locked down as well.

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Me too. I just tried contacting substack - an impossibility - to find out how to be able to like things. This is true of all substacks I subscribe to. snarl. Refreshing page does not work.

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I did find two email addresses at Substack - one to their propaganda org: press@substackinc.com and one to part of their legal beagles: tos@substackinc.com

I drafted a message outling the problem, including no direct way to contact support and no response from a human support staff to their ChatAI bot, asking said support team head be contacted.

Maybe if enough people here on Substack send a bunch of messages to these two emails, maybe, perhaps something might happen? I plan to resend the same email to these two addresses until I do get a response.

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May 27·edited May 27

Thanks. I'll do that. No I won't do that. I can't. I don't have a google account on my phone and I try not to use my phone much. I can't send an email directly to the addresses you list. I have the same problem when I want to contact certain other organizations.

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The interview was really, really good. I'm a little upset I couldn't watch the Rogan episode before the VP debate tonight. (Starting in roughly 5 minutes)

I'd never heard somebody say "WWII was the worst thing in the history of the world", but it makes sense once you think about it for like 30 seconds.

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WW2 was a continuation of WW1. Both were one huge conflict with a brief halftime show.

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I've edited my comment here to reference the Boomers who I expand on in my comment on NE.

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