Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Catherine Austin Fits said, in a recent interview, that they know Joe is done and they're trying to decide who they'll run. They know whoever runs will loose, so it's hard to find someone willing to be the losing candidate.

Steve Bannon is a Patriot. He knows our history and applies it to our future daily. His show is very worthy of your time. It's the news and insight you thought you were getting on msm. His guests have a firm grasp on the economy, real polling, and the true patriots in Congress on what's happening.

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If they decide on Kamala Harris, I will consider that the white flag.

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My first thought was, "Are they THAT stupid?"

My second thought was, "Shit! Yes they are."

My third thought was, "Wonder how Elon's doing with that Mars taxi?"

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If you follow Martin Armstrong, he says they'll might try to pull Hillary out of the bottom drawer. She looks like she's been upgraded recently.

Seriously, when Martin Armstrong speaks it well worth listening. He's on with Gregg Hunter recently. He explains January 6. We all know it was a setup, but he has a few nuggets of additional information.

His website is https://www.armstrongeconomics.com

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It's a brilliant idea for Missouri Representative Eric Burlison to suggest rescinding subpoenas issued by the 1/6 committee thereby providing legal recourse to nullify the 'fruit of the poison apple' contempt of court convictions arising from them.

The House should follow through on this without delay.

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SC - "One on hand, it’s not surprising for the most out-of-touch administration ever to be seeking money from the most out-of-touch people in America."

In LA-LA land the objective is to invert, subvert and pervert Mr Mulder

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The writing is on the wall. There is no other explanation that "far-right" parties dominated the recent EU parliament election all of a sudden. IMHO, this November will be epic.

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Steve Bannon is a warrior. So he, along with the other warriors are to be silenced. So he will go to jail for doing his patriotic duty. Along with Dr Peter Navarro and the others. In few weeks Navarro will be out. I look forward to his story when he does.

Happy Father’s Day Sim Com!

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The only time DC politicians give a shit about California is when they come out to get money from the wealthy techies and movie people. California pays $1.45 in taxes to DC for every dollar it gets back. The state map of California should have an udder and teats on it.

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Good one

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suannee: The last numbers I saw were that California sent $13.5 billion more to DC than it got back in Federal funding.

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udder and teats. I just looked it up. For every $1, New Mexico gets $3.26 back from the feds. I guess, thanks California.

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suannee: Yeah, New Mexico is the biggest teat sucker, but it was Virginia for a long time. All those Federal employees in the Virginia suburbs of DC. Alaska is always in the top three teat suckers of tax money.

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That may be why NM is always last at good stuff and first at bad stuff. Last in education, first in drug overdose death.

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suannee: I've seen videos of the poor areas of NM. It isn't pretty. They filmed the movie "Hell or High Water" (good movie) in New Mexico.

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The Hollywood glitterati clapping their hands like trained seals for a brain-dead President. There will be a day when they won't be able to walk down the street. They just don't know it yet. The Democrat party knows that they have to continue to pretend that Joe Biden is capable of running for a second term. They are good at pretending. It's just that no one believes them now. They have a plan to disrupt the election if need be - a cyber-attack perhaps? Blame is on Russia or China? We shall see. The narrative just keeps getting better and better for the American people.

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Bannon is an unstoppable force. Putting him in jail is like pissing off the Incredible Hulk.

Perhaps we could submit a plea directed toward any extraterrestrials that read substack, asking them to please go ahead and kidnap anyone in the greater DC vicinity with a psychopathic personality. We'd have to stipulate that the kidnappees must never be returned nor can their genes be propagated in the human population. What happens to them is none of our business. Put them in a zoo or on the menu, use them as a sex toy, we don't care.

In return, the ETs can mutilate cattle and perhaps grab a random human wandering in the wilderness on occasion as long as they are returned unharmed, and no children.

I think this is a fair trade.

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Are the "To Serve Mankind" aliens still available?

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No cattle mutilating, please!

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Steve Bannon is a brilliant fire breather. They’ve tried multiple times to take him out. No one ever mentions the fact that he offered to talk to the J6 committee if it would be televised live.

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Almost no one. From a week ago:

"Not many people remember that Bannon ultimately did offer to speak with the committee, but in a live, public hearing. This, of course, would not do. Bannon hosts the popular podcast “War Room”, and is DANGEROUSLY good at talking."

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Not only is he good at talking, he's not afraid to say anything or taking on anyone.

I'm sure his mother probably told him growing up, "Some day, Steven, that mouth of yours is going to get you intro trouble!"

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Mea culpa, Commander!

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Just like to take a victory lap now and again ;)

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bannon 🎯💯

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Literally have never paid any attention to Steve Bannon my entire life until they wanted to throw him in jail. Streisand effect!

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

And the more you listen, the more you understand why all of Washington D.C. wants him jailed and silenced.

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

I see so many comments to the effect that Biden and his handlers are worried about the election.

I'm not so sure.

What's concerned me for some time is that Democrats act like they don't have to worry about elections anymore.

They must have reasons to feel that way. If only our propaganda mills, I mean, news organizations would investigate that.

If only they would investigate a lot of things.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

They know what they're doing. Nobody remembers they had an iron grip on both houses for 50 years before Gingrich.

Our only hope is they've gone too far.

But there's no doubt they have something up their sleeves.

All we can do is make sure that whatever they have up their sleeves isn't anticipated on our actions.

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

They're registering illegal aliens to vote.

I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI's terror threat (which I am sure is accidentally true given their history) becomes reality in oh, October or so. Perpetrated by right-wing extremists of course.

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They don't even need the voters just the ballots.

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And the stuffers. But they learn. If you watched "3000 Mules", they learned (because we showed all our cards like idiots) that lots of Georgia ballots were known to be fraudulent because of the same fingerprints. So next time they wore gloves.

My boyfriend has undoubtedly been voting regularly since his death in 2019. He was a democrat (if you can believe that!) but it didn't matter to us.

I have his death certificate and should probably send a certified letter to the county (it was one of "those").

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Douglas Murray (whom I admire greatly) has some positive energy on the youth vote.


I'm with you that the donkeys are likely already working on schemes to steal another election, and they may very well pull it off again, but it won't be anywhere near as easy as it was in 2020.

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Agree 100%

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I say this quite a bit. It's like they know something the rest of us only suspect.

But the 'silver lining' is that if they cheat again, things will very obviously continue the downward spiral, because all their 'ideas' are terrible. There's no world in which they save the day and restore faith to top-down organizations. They will ramp up the lying, the gaslighting, and the censorship......which builds the opposition faster than anything we could do.

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

They will steal the election, then claim they have a mandate.

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

I also suspect that, if they cheat again, it will be obvious to EVERYONE.

The big question then becomes “What happens next?”

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Fucking Royals! Sorry watching game...

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Was a very tough stretch....it gets much easier now.

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Yup. I was just gonna say that

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

I can imagine some pretty dark things, but even I can not imagine what this country would look like after another four years of what we've been through, be it under the same brain-addled Muppet or a replacement like Newsom.

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Just take a stroll through the videos of downtown SF/LA/Portland/etc.

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Even the NYT is saying the quiet part out loud:


What Have Progressives Done to the West Coast?

Infected with ideological purity, the West Coast is focused more on intentions than on oversight and outcomes.

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A quote from the referenced link, an op-ed written by a self-described progressive:

"We are more likely to believe that “housing is a human right” than conservatives in Florida or Texas, but less likely to actually get people housed. We accept a yawning gulf between our values and our outcomes."

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You gotta have a deft had on the "stop loading" button.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

The reliably-odious Times has a story about various individuals preparing to take action in case Trump wins.

A question arises, in light of the serial frauds these people perpetrated on Trump the moment he took the oath: at what point do their actions become seditious?

I feel like a Northerner watching the caning on the floor of the House of an anti-slavery office holder and then the bombardment of Fort Sumter and I conclude that the Trump haters are deliberately trying to provoke a violent reaction so they can finally impose the police state whose outlines are already apparent.

They treat us like a conquered people who have to learn that their only choice it to obey.

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

"Suspect." Really? 🤔😑

You REALLY don't think they're gonna pull the same $h!t again? Really? 🤨

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Oh, I think it -- I just don't know it for certain. There's too much at stake for them not to cheat -- but that doesn't mean they will succeed at stealing the election.

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>10,000,000 illegals voting for pay. We would have to get 100% of people even thinking about voting for Trump voting at the polls. Not even 50% of the eligible voters vote.

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They don't even need the illegals, just the ballots.

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Sorry, whenever I see or hear anyone from Hollywood pontificating on political issues, I simply tune it out...

I live by the mantra of "stay in your lane".

You may or may not be a great "actor", so stick to your chosen career.

No one needs to hear your opinion.

I'm supposed to believe Clooney, Roberts, or cuck Kimmel?


"Hard No" from Canada...

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"I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Party left me." Ronald Reagan former "actor", Dem, and Union leader for the actors guild (I think). People can leave their lane but you have to back it up with ideas that people can relate to. "Common Sense"

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They proved they'd say anything for money during the covid years.

I honestly laughed out loud about how Democrats talked up how "tough" Robert DeNiro is....like....he wins his fights because it's in the script that he wins the fight.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

I've been thinking that he's a good actor because he's good at reading a script. He had a sucky writer on his latest rage-fest.

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A bit of a side note that I thought was funny:

(I live in the Washington DC suburbs, Montgomery County, Maryland to be precise….. and it’s a very liberal area with many federal government employees. I have several Trump hats that I frequently wear to stir things up and remind people that the 1st amendment still exists)

The day that DeNiro made his appearance outside the courthouse in NYC, I stopped to get gas. I walked into the store and found an older woman who was just staring at me and my hat. She was obviously getting mad and wanted to say something but she finally went outside. As I exited the building, I saw her having an animated discussion with her husband…. she was bitching at him and pointing at me. It was clear that she was trying to push him into an argument with me, but he didn’t want any part of it.

I mostly ignored them, pumped my gas and left.

But here is the part that I found most funny, both the husband and the wife actually looked (and sounded) like Robert DeNiro.

I wish that I could have taken a picture……

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My sister sent me a T-shirt with huge letters that says "ULTRA MAGA". 🤣

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I’m not sure that these people would have understood the MAGA part, but TRUMP on a hat was enough to stir them up.

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

...if he doesn't fall over in his platform shoes first.

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

After all..Bobby is an actor..

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

I know.

Really good in "Taxi Driver" and the somewhat fictitious "Deerhunter".

But then he decided to go political, and I stopped watching his movies...

Then I saw his recent stunt outside the courthouse...

What a cuck!

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From "Taxi Driver" to "Meet The Fokkers". Now there's a career path to be proud of.

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Exactly. To tie this into another comment I just made, I'd maybe be interested in hearing the opinions of actors about things pertaining to acting. And I'm sure there's a few people in Hollywood who have well thought-out political views.....but you don't get to yammer about politics just because you can cry on demand.

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Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Musical artists as well.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

YES!!! I was so mad that Pearl Jam decided the entire state of NC should be boycotted because the previous Governor insisted on separate bathrooms for men and women. They finally showed up once we got a lib Governor.

Which I confess I went to and it was absolutely amazing and there was no political talk. Yes, they really do play for 3 hours.

Edit: I have to say I'm tired of predictive text misspelling my words because I type really fast and my first real job was as a PROOFREADER and EDITOR!!!!! I HATE MAKING TYPOS!!!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

Basically anybody who was in this playbook:


Include We Can Do This and vaccine messaging in pointof-purchase and in-store promotions

Piace We Can Do This and vaccine messages on products

lnclude vaccination information in your direct customer outreach programs

Donate paid advertising to vaccine awareness

lnclude vaccine messages in your paid advertisements

Request that your paid influencers to dedicate channels to vaccine content for a 1-week, focused window

Work vaccine messaging into your sponsored events

Promote vaccine messages through your loyalty programs

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Is there a pattern? Do you suppose there was a paid agenda? Nooooo

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Unfortunately, they are influencers whether the rest of us like it or not.

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

I absolutely agree with you, the question becomes: Why do people hold them up as "influencers"?

A good friend's son introduced me to his new girlfriend, and when I asked what she does, she responded that she was a : "social influencer"...

Conversation ended...

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I hate that term so much.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Apparently there is a LOT of money to be made if you attract enough followers. Especially teenaged girls, the singularly easiest demographic to influence with just a bunch of bling.

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Me too. But they exist.

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And I don't even mind on a certain level. If a baseball player talks about a specific exercise or batting glove -- that might influence me to try it out.

But what we've actually got are a bunch of people who aren't actually skilled or qualified just parroting whatever script they're paid to read -- and government knows this, so they pay them to read scripts.

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Their sole qualification is ignorance.

You know, like graduates of "elite" universities.

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"That's not the way it's supposed to work."

"Yes, but that's the way it works in real life."

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It looked as if only one person was screaming at the incoming donors & dems.

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I liked the Bannon argument, except for one thing. Using his definition, most people don't know how to argue, at least on Twitter. Most of what I see on Twitter from both sides...or all sides...or any side, is ad hominem. And most people will accuse the other "You don't even know what ad hominem is, you idiot." I am careful in how I respond on X, but I imagine sometimes I too "go ad hominem" inadvertently.

And most people can't withstand it. The temptation, and it's so easy and prevalent, is to return in kind.

The argument against not going ad hominem is that "if you don't resort to their tactics, you're never going to win."

Except we are. If we fight, if we continue on with the rule of law, then we will win. I think the reason we the people we are losing is that for too long we have relied on political elites, who see themselves as elites, rather than those who have been called to serve us. And in doing so, we have sadly also been "made stupid" by this same faith in our institutions and officials.

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

I haven't listened to the Bannon clip, but nearly all the talk on Twitter that has anything to do with culture or politics is a split: "Do you support this, or do you oppose it?"

There aren't many qualified opinions or plain presentations of facts.

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Yeah the incentives on Twitter are to start fights and get eyeballs -- not exactly the same here on Substack.

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It's easy to have faith in our institutions when everything is going well.

But when it's not....suddenly you notice the referees.


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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

What is the prediction from the Screaming family, as to LGB-FJB’s pending fate? No way in hell he’ll be able to debate Trump in less than 2 weeks & the DemoncRATs can’t afford that visual.

O, I’m sure he’ll beg off that he refuses to debate a “convicted felon” or the stress of Hunter’s trial or pending sentence.

Does he step aside by or before the DemoncRAT convention? Who steps in? Clusterfuck Nation predicts that Hag Hilly will spread her crepe-y, upper arm flab (er…wings) to “save our democracy” but I still think Big Mike

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I can't imagine them actually letting him debate....but maybe they do and that's the excuse for replacing him. It's a tough predicament because they've been denying his decline for years -- going so far as to saying he's the sharpest he's ever been.

With Newsom completely bombing under the spotlight, I'd imagine the pitch will be "Vote for me, my husband was president" -- leaving just a couple contenders.

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I suspect Biden's handlers, desperate to find an excuse to prevent his participation in the debate yet refusing to formally replace him as candidate, will stop at nothing. They may go so far as to fake an assassination attempt for two reasons: to engender sympathy for him and to prevent public and press access to him for the duration of campaign season. That way he can avoid all but well-practiced, pre-recorded, teleprompter-read mini-speeches leading up to the election.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

I think Normandy sealed the deal that even the DemoncRATs can no longer keep the scam going. His condition is so utterly obvious, even to them.

I would add that getting rid of him (& Kamala) will perfectly solve their problems of the past 4 disastrous years.

Blame LGB-FJB for all of it so that whoever the replacement is can say, “it wasnt me” & “we’ve replaced him & NOW we’ll ‘fix’ everything”.

People in this country are stupid enough (SEE WuFlu) to buy into this

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By March 2020 most people with a pulse knew there was something very wrong with the C19 narrative.

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Coulda fooled me, Bill, for 3+ f’ing years….

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Weren’t you reading Substack during that period? Or reading WSJ?

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Are you kidding - “Most people”???? It was a minority who “knew something was very wrong”

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🤨 They don't have an emoji for the disbelieving look on my face about that statement.

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Sorta, but only worse.

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Yeah they can juice him up for an hour or two for a state of the union speech, but can't possibly keep that up for an entire election season -- and even the Emperor's most ardent supporters are starting to notice his wardrobe.....

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Or lack thereof 😂

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Jun 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Great video clips!

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Here's one with Biden continuing his dangerous attack on the Supreme Court, one of our most sacred democratic institutions........


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