Hey media outlets - I get it. You’re super stoked that you don’t have to run cover for an addled President Biden. You’re all hyped up about Kamala Harris because she can read from the teleprompter and walk up stairs. You’re absolutely ecstatic about being able to spend all day bashing Donald Trump and feeling virtuous for doing it. Looking back, these last few weeks will likely be the highlight of this election cycle for you guys!
But the honeymoon won’t last forever. So just in case any of you feel the need to do actual journalism, I’ve prepared a list of questions you may want to ask the sudden (presumed) nominee of the Democratic party — I know I won’t get close enough to ask, but since it’s literally your job to follow her around, you might.
(Then again, you might not - now that you’ve done the heavy lifting for the campaign.)
Questions for Kamala:
What did you know about Joe Biden’s condition and when did you know it?
Why did you repeatedly tell the American people Biden was fine until it became obvious to the nation that he wasn’t?
Did you threaten him with the 25th amendment to get him to drop out?
Why did you lie and say you were at the Capitol on 1/6/21 when you were at DNC HQ? (And why were you there to begin with?)
Please explain the story of the January 6th pipe bombs - including this footage of your Secret Service detail nonchalantly handling the situation:
Do you equate ‘earning’ the endorsement of donors and party elites to be the same as earning the nomination from voters?
The DNC has repeatedly claimed Trump and MAGA republicans will end democracy. If that’s true, why did the DNC boost MAGA candidates in the 2022 election?
You backtracked on criticism of Joe Biden with the excuse “It was a debate”, now you’re walking back many of your 2020 positions, including banning fracking and a federal jobs guarantee. Did you only hold those positions because “it’s a primary”?
In that vein, do you still hold the position that illegal immigrants should receive free healthcare?
Please explain your immigration-related duties, what you learned while you tackled the problem, and what solutions you implemented.
What would you do with the millions of people who are here illegally?
In 2021 you praised Joe Biden’s covid vaccine mandate. If faced with a similar situation in your presidency, would you enact similar mandates?
You’d think that if OUR VERY DEMOCRACY is at stake, reporters might be bothered to inform the voters about their choices before the November election.
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Kamala wants to take away your car, take away your gas stove, take meat off your table, take away your health insurance, raid your bank account, send illegal aliens to your city, free violent criminals so they can raid your neighborhood, take away the police who protect you and take away your guns so you can’t protect yourself. Of course she doesn’t want you to know that so the MSM are trying to obscure these positions.
It wasn’t Biden’s age that bothered me. It was his policies, his race baiting, his corruption and his weak intellect caused by dementia that made him completely unfit for office. Harris bothers me because of her policies, her race baiting, her corruption and her naturally weak intellect that makes her completely unfit for office.
Look man, stop being burdened by what has been! This campaign is about VIBES, enough of this discussion of actual issues.