Democracy, meaning rule of the people, does not exist and never has this side of the year 1500.
Democracy, meaning a method of giving legitimacy for the administrative class in a capitalist corporate state, is the rule in all western nations.
Now then, assuming 'we' want actual democracy, there are as I see it two main avenues of approach:
Sell the idea to the current elites that they actually have something to gain from letting ethno-nationalist states have real democracy, or remve from life all those who oppose real democracy.
Both are extreme, both are unrealistic and both are frankly quite depressing to consider when one starts to think of the actions and logistics and costs involved.
It might actually be, that the current state of affairs is the best we - meaning western cultures and societies - can achieve.
If there are mid term elections. They may come up with some crisis to prevent it if they can't figure out a way to cheat enough to 'win'. There is a lot riding on it. If they lose they risk widespread exposure of their crimes and possibly imprisonment for some. They will be desparate like cornered rats.
Whenever there's a population that is lazy, unconcerned, uninformed, apathetic, and outright in favor of what's clearly unconstitutional, immoral, unethical, and illegal, you will have what we have today.
Cheerleading by the bullies, ideologues, and architects who want our complete destruction and subjugation to their agendas will absolutely happen unless those lazy, unconcerned, uninformed and apathetic majorities of our populations wake up. Which seems like that's almost certain never to happen.
People who dislike Trump are stupid. He wasn't elected to be your buddy, just to administer the country. He did that exceptionally well. The anti Trump idiots and their seditious masters breathed sighs of relief when he was illegally deposed, now they suffer the insane tyranny of Joe along with the rest of us. Karma's a bitch -- we get what we deserve. We don't deserve peace and prosperity.
Thank you. I say this to people all the time. When you vote for president, you are not voting for a bff. Nor the Prom King & Queen. You're never going to dine with the man. Nor watch Netflix and "chill" with him. You don't have to like him. It's not a popularity contest; it's a set of policies that shape the nation. Period.
No… elections have turned into beauty pageants. It’s all about style not substance: Obama had that licked. We live in times of ‘feelings’ not pragmatism… not my Pwezident, boo, hoo.
I am not American, but I have friends in the US. They are most of them, normally reasonable and intelligent, severe, incurable cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
At the top of their Litany of Woes & OrangeManBad was that he was making the USA the laughing-stock of the World, and they wanted someone ‘Presidential’ to restore the dignity of the. US. So they voted for Brandon and Kackling Kamala. I am feeling heroically virtuous because I have refrained from drawing their attention to this and the replacement laughing-stock in Pennsylvania Ave (the strain may yet kill me), or that Trump, laughing-stock or no, was/is at least competent and coherent.
The idea that Trump's grandstanding and lying is unique among politicians has always baffled me. Who the heck looks up to politicians in the first place?
Sometimes even a failed human being like Trump is right on the money about some things.
Ten-15 yrs ago, TV/film was swarming with plotlines about the massive corruption in Ukraine--the most vicious gangs in the world trafficking everything portable. I swear, every news shot coming out of there now makes me think of that scene in "Wag the Dog."
Trump's most egregiously-foolish mistake at the end was to alienate Bill Barr, who I was truly, truly surprised to discover a hard-headed non-fool who ought to have been AG from the start.
Guess it's time to watch Oliver Stone's "JFK" again. Even if 99% of it might be over-the-top hooey, that 1% is more than enough to keep the sirens on permanent blast.
Which leads to the question that has bothered me since the inception of the Trump Administration: who really made the personnel decisions? The head-scratcher for me was designating John Bolton National Security Director. Bolton was and remains a warmongering neocon.
Trump's problem from the beginning was a failure of nerve. He selected Pence as his running mate. When you surrender at the beginning of the war you're unlikely, generally speaking, to win...
And yes, I know the arguments. But a canny marketer like Trump should have known how few people, relatively speaking, are evangelical Christians. And then his moronic response to the question about abortion. Regardless of one's stance on that, NO ONE was suggesting the woman herself should face charges.
As it was plenty of independents and Democrats voted for him in 2016. I voted affirmatively for "none of the above" because I don't believe in "lesser" evils.
Trump's closest advisors were his moron children. (But nevertheless I will give full credit to Jared for the Abraham Accords though I understand the completely cynical reasons they succeeded. A success is still a success.)
Every head-of-agency Trump picked was a disaster. Again, for me, his only smart pick was Barr though it took me til the end to see it, and if Trump had kept the merest rein on his worst self, Barr would have fought for him to the end.
Not only will they not let him buy it, it is an implicit declaration of war on the Deep State, and for that, they will destroy him. I don't know if you are religious or not, but I have a notion that the fact this is happening over Holy Week is symbolic. The Oligarchs always destroy their enemies, from the Pharisees on down...
Democracy, meaning rule of the people, does not exist and never has this side of the year 1500.
Democracy, meaning a method of giving legitimacy for the administrative class in a capitalist corporate state, is the rule in all western nations.
Now then, assuming 'we' want actual democracy, there are as I see it two main avenues of approach:
Sell the idea to the current elites that they actually have something to gain from letting ethno-nationalist states have real democracy, or remve from life all those who oppose real democracy.
Both are extreme, both are unrealistic and both are frankly quite depressing to consider when one starts to think of the actions and logistics and costs involved.
It might actually be, that the current state of affairs is the best we - meaning western cultures and societies - can achieve.
What a truly horrible notion that is.
This really is all they have left. My only question is will it work? Are people really that blind?
The founders gave us the solution to this kind of criminality.
If there are mid term elections. They may come up with some crisis to prevent it if they can't figure out a way to cheat enough to 'win'. There is a lot riding on it. If they lose they risk widespread exposure of their crimes and possibly imprisonment for some. They will be desparate like cornered rats.
This appears to me like announcing that Vikings built boats - an already-known piece of established history.
It's ALL good when it's their side doing it. Racism, policies that hurt women, election fraud, indoctrinating children, the Deep State.
And knowing that, what will they do to keep government under their control? Remember, they are stopping LITERALLY HITLER from retaking power!
Whenever there's a population that is lazy, unconcerned, uninformed, apathetic, and outright in favor of what's clearly unconstitutional, immoral, unethical, and illegal, you will have what we have today.
Cheerleading by the bullies, ideologues, and architects who want our complete destruction and subjugation to their agendas will absolutely happen unless those lazy, unconcerned, uninformed and apathetic majorities of our populations wake up. Which seems like that's almost certain never to happen.
People who dislike Trump are stupid. He wasn't elected to be your buddy, just to administer the country. He did that exceptionally well. The anti Trump idiots and their seditious masters breathed sighs of relief when he was illegally deposed, now they suffer the insane tyranny of Joe along with the rest of us. Karma's a bitch -- we get what we deserve. We don't deserve peace and prosperity.
Thank you. I say this to people all the time. When you vote for president, you are not voting for a bff. Nor the Prom King & Queen. You're never going to dine with the man. Nor watch Netflix and "chill" with him. You don't have to like him. It's not a popularity contest; it's a set of policies that shape the nation. Period.
No… elections have turned into beauty pageants. It’s all about style not substance: Obama had that licked. We live in times of ‘feelings’ not pragmatism… not my Pwezident, boo, hoo.
I am not American, but I have friends in the US. They are most of them, normally reasonable and intelligent, severe, incurable cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
At the top of their Litany of Woes & OrangeManBad was that he was making the USA the laughing-stock of the World, and they wanted someone ‘Presidential’ to restore the dignity of the. US. So they voted for Brandon and Kackling Kamala. I am feeling heroically virtuous because I have refrained from drawing their attention to this and the replacement laughing-stock in Pennsylvania Ave (the strain may yet kill me), or that Trump, laughing-stock or no, was/is at least competent and coherent.
As an American, relief your stress and point out these facts to them. No need to stain yourself to prevent their stress.
The idea that Trump's grandstanding and lying is unique among politicians has always baffled me. Who the heck looks up to politicians in the first place?
I've renamed the FBI to FBE - the Federal Bureau of Entrapment.
Sometimes even a failed human being like Trump is right on the money about some things.
Ten-15 yrs ago, TV/film was swarming with plotlines about the massive corruption in Ukraine--the most vicious gangs in the world trafficking everything portable. I swear, every news shot coming out of there now makes me think of that scene in "Wag the Dog."
Trump's most egregiously-foolish mistake at the end was to alienate Bill Barr, who I was truly, truly surprised to discover a hard-headed non-fool who ought to have been AG from the start.
Guess it's time to watch Oliver Stone's "JFK" again. Even if 99% of it might be over-the-top hooey, that 1% is more than enough to keep the sirens on permanent blast.
Which leads to the question that has bothered me since the inception of the Trump Administration: who really made the personnel decisions? The head-scratcher for me was designating John Bolton National Security Director. Bolton was and remains a warmongering neocon.
Trump's problem from the beginning was a failure of nerve. He selected Pence as his running mate. When you surrender at the beginning of the war you're unlikely, generally speaking, to win...
And yes, I know the arguments. But a canny marketer like Trump should have known how few people, relatively speaking, are evangelical Christians. And then his moronic response to the question about abortion. Regardless of one's stance on that, NO ONE was suggesting the woman herself should face charges.
As it was plenty of independents and Democrats voted for him in 2016. I voted affirmatively for "none of the above" because I don't believe in "lesser" evils.
Trump's closest advisors were his moron children. (But nevertheless I will give full credit to Jared for the Abraham Accords though I understand the completely cynical reasons they succeeded. A success is still a success.)
Every head-of-agency Trump picked was a disaster. Again, for me, his only smart pick was Barr though it took me til the end to see it, and if Trump had kept the merest rein on his worst self, Barr would have fought for him to the end.
Well, they’ve already told us how they stole the 2020 election out in the open. So why not spin it to tell us now good it all is for the republic?
Exactly, they just have to wait until after the midterms to provide maximum memory hole time before the next election.
Twitter is controlled by the Deep State.
This is why they won't let Elon buy it. He would be able to expose just how entrenched those tentacles are.
Not only will they not let him buy it, it is an implicit declaration of war on the Deep State, and for that, they will destroy him. I don't know if you are religious or not, but I have a notion that the fact this is happening over Holy Week is symbolic. The Oligarchs always destroy their enemies, from the Pharisees on down...
Yeah, but this time it is literally oligarch vs oligarch. It should be quite the show.